John Carmack Twit about Doom 3 Source

(leifhv) #21

People have already both used and released maps with MT for D3 so your first claim is not valid at all.

As for your second claim, nobody is denying that MT in D3 have less detail than in ETQW, but as already mentioned it’s possible to improve on this now. Increasing the MT size is probably not that hard, putting in a decent compression algorithm is a bit more work.

(king_troll) #22

no1 has released a map using megatextures, there is a pathetic small demo map, you cannot use megatextures in a actual gameplay map, the engine is bollox and only id job wannabes will use it for a mod that will never have a player base, the engine being bollox as a whole is why only prey got a licence and no other game outside of id used it

(Runeforce) #23

You forgot to praise the UDK again…

(king_troll) #24

why would i praise UDK, UT2k3 is a showcase and capable of running alot of players with vehicles and all small gameplay features and why it has many commercial games using it, making maps etc take 1000x longer then using idtech map editor and tools

doom 3 engine is 90% idtech3, even though they started idtech4 from nothing, doom 3 engine is more basic then quake 3 idtech3, doom 3 just has high poly models and bump on all textures, and not many gameplay features or anything decent to make a game that is seperated from doom 3 with ease

quakewars is a showcase for idtech 4, the engine would probaly get a few licences, if id packaged some AI classes

(Runeforce) #25

Full blown gibberish!

You are saying making a commercial map takes one thousand times less time when using the Doom3 engine tools, but you can not make anything with these tools with ease. And at the same time you are saying a game running from the UDK has full blown features, even “small gameplay features” (what-ever that’s supposed to mean.)

Another turd laid by the King_troll!

(FFSturm) #26

What I don’t understand is why am I reading so much crap in a same thread?
-Megatextures are not the only option. You still have tileable textures on a vertex blended terrain or sculpting terrain details by yourself.
-Id tech 4 is not 90% id tech 3, that’s ridiculous. Even the mapping rules are different. The whole framework is different, on a different programming language. (id tech 4–> c++) (id tech 3–> c)
-Megatextures have not been using at all in Doom 3 because It’s just a waste of time and resources. You can do better work with the other options.
-Id tech 4 rendering wise it’s hundreds better than id tech 3. (all dynamic and per pixel lighting). If only one could implement id tech 3 NETCODE on id tech 4, and other upgrades, we will have if not the best, a masterpiece engine.

my 2 cents.

(FFSturm) #27

Bah, screw it. Wonder why none complaint about the physics? you know, PHYSICS?

(Runeforce) #28

[QUOTE=FFSturm;386270]What I don’t understand is why am I reading so much crap in a same thread?

You are reading it because King_troll’s mission is misinformation, FUD and laying turds.

(king_troll) #29

[QUOTE=lakersforce;386265]Full blown gibberish!

You are saying making a commercial map takes one thousand times less time when using the Doom3 engine tools, but you can not make anything with these tools with ease. And at the same time you are saying a game running from the UDK has full blown features, even “small gameplay features” (what-ever that’s supposed to mean.)

Another turd laid by the King_troll![/QUOTE]

UT2k3 = capable engine of doing alot of things in gameplay in SP and MP, features, engine isnt just a renderer, its an engine.

doom 3 engine is bollox and doom 3 game with high poly models and bump on all textures, crap netcode, no water, no nothing, it was the limit of the engine, idtech5 doesnt do much but you still get carmack talking about the limits of the engine, when the actual gameplay is still basic, you kill things, you find things, you goto the next level,. all the game play little features are in games that use unreal engine and UDK, and most features that are in quakewars… UDK handles them all with ease

engine = can simulate a whole world, and have 1000s of small gameplay features

(Ashog) #30

I am just wondering (and so far havent got any real answers) about if Brink’s netcode is in anyway better than ETQW’s? Did they fix the netcode there? Was unable to check it for myself because the spread was so ridiculous that it was random hit anyway. IS BRINK’S NETCODE BETTER THAN ETQW’S?

(king_troll) #31

my mission is, couldnt really care about id and all the sux0 who love them, they banned Q43A from being listed on q4master, they are a bunch of ****s who would fail and be bankrupt if carmack retired being rage was started

when carmack does retire, most of id will probaly get fired and zenimax will have a big cleanup

(Runeforce) #32

A difference I noticed: in etqw you get stuck in place while lagging out. In Brink your movements gets registred, when done lagging out you are in the exact place you should be. It feels much more fluid! But it’s just a hunch, nothing concrete.

(Runeforce) #33

Alright, I guess I can relate to your anger. But you hardly make any friends by being an ass about everything to everyone. You should embrace this source release as it opens up the opportunities for your mod.

(FFSturm) #34

I don’t have the code on my hands, nor it’s release or will be. And even if i have it on my hands I won’t notice it. You can mostly notice it ingame.

Anyway, from a subjetive view I think that Brink netcode is better than Etqw.

Now Quake 3 one is another story… You can notice it when playing.

(Donnovan) #35

On Quake 3 you suffers more the lag. I believe it has less tricks to mascarade lag. For a low ping play its awesome. But with high ping i found it somewhat hard to play.

(king_troll) #36

i dont have no anger, you can still run dedicated servers and listen servers, i dont care for Q43A, or quake in general, the game is boring, even if q4 source was released, i am not doing anything else on Q43A or releasing the source

but in general, doom 3 engine is rubbish

(king_troll) #37

you can download the source and find out its rubbish

(leifhv) #38

So basically, you’re here doing pointless raging about the D3 engine because id didn’t support your mod on their master server?

(FFSturm) #39

yeah, but a lot of coders added antilag/lag compensations that fixed it for high pingers. You can see it in both Etwolf/Rtcw. It was really smooth.

Quite neat indeed.

[B]edit: king_troll
Temporarily Banned

I expected it.[/B]

(Rex) #40


[B]edit: king_troll
Temporarily Banned

I expected it.[/B][/QUOTE]

:smiley: Finally someone did us a favour :smiley: