John Carmack Twit about Doom 3 Source

(Donnovan) #1

This was posted on the Brink section:!/ID_AA_Carmack/status/131043043469041665

Doom 3 Source is packed for release.

(Runeforce) #2


(Boktor) #3

When I read the thread title I thought “hmm someone really doesn’t like carmack”

(badman) #4

Hate to be a Destroyer of Hopes and Dreams, but this will most likely not include the ETQW stuff. :frowning:

(king_troll) #5

quakewars is all new, and all new renderer with atmospheres and megatextures and tools, doom 3 engine has nothing but pre rendered bump on textures and allows for high poly models

(timestart) #6

Lawyers are still skittish about the patent issue around “Carmack’s reverse”, so I am going to write some new code for the doom3 release.

sigh patents…

(Runeforce) #7


(timestart) #8

And it’s up!

(Donnovan) #9

This is the original Carmack source release or a copy? The thing is just some hours old!

I dont get this:

Back End Rendering of Stencil Shadows:

The Doom 3 GPL source code release does not include functionality enabling rendering
of stencil shadows via the “depth fail” method, a functionality commonly known as 
"Carmack's Reverse".

“Depth fail” shadows was removed from the source, or was never there?

(Runeforce) #10

TTimo is an ID employee. “Depth fail” was removed, because patented by Creative. Has it been replaced by a different algorithm?

(leifhv) #11

Afaik, Doom 3 have a working megatexture implementation. It just wasn’t used in Doom 3. It’s a bit less advanced than the ETQW implementation, but it should be possible to get it up to the ETQW standard with some effort.

(king_troll) #12

its easier to port the ai classes from doom 3 and quake 4 and use them in QW mod, then put up with the rubbish of the doom 3 engine and uncompressed megatextures along with all the bugs and glitches in SP and MP games

(leifhv) #13

That was possible before the D3 source was released.

The whole point of this thread is that the D3 engine source has been released. This means that it’s possible to create stand-alone idTech4 based games…including games that make use of a megatexture.

(Runeforce) #14

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean: the satisfied feeling of dumping a turd. But not relevant at all. Like your next post…

(king_troll) #15

you cannot use megatextures with doom 3 engine, the code is not complete, there are no tools, megatextures that can be used are uncompressed, your map would be 1gb download

before any mods and games are made, or get a player base, all the bugs and glitches need to be fixed that killed doom 3 and quake 4, most of the code is not fully synced in MP and all ammo clip sizes and 1000s of other small things, everyones know the code is rubbish, any mod made will need to fix all of them before anyones even begins to care

i have already fixed them all, added water and 100s of other things and made MP netcode alot better, and people are to gurlie and cry about all the recoding that needs to be done to fix and added all new features and so on

(FFSturm) #16

Not to sound rude, but megatextures CAN be done with Doom 3. And Compressed.
Ofc, it’s quite limited. (2048x2048 i think)

Also, If you know how to make proper sculpting HD terrains you don’t need megatextures, so these are not the only option:

There is also the vertex blending way too with tileable textures.

(FFSturm) #17

pre rendered bump? high poly models?

First of all, normal maps and bump maps are a standard in games. (parallax occlussion mapping anyone?) Etqw uses normal maps. Battlefield uses normal maps. Call of duty uses normal maps. Every game out there since a looooooong time ago uses normal maps.

No game uses high poly models ingame. It’s mostly used low poly or med poly models with the details from the high poly model baked into the normal map of the low poly model. (or the cheap trick of using bik videos for cinematics, to make it look so good)

Ofc, mostly of people critic neg game engines rather than the artist direction, which is the one that makes the game look like it is.

Also, what I like about Doom 3 engine games is the lighting interaction. You can mod it by just change a few arb files. (and sometimes use the sdk – Sikkmod anyone?)
But I think that, that’s story thanks to the Doom 3 source release.

I can bet than even a Source Engine project can still look better than any Mw3 map. Just hire an artist from somewhere xD

(leifhv) #18

Which one is it?

MT can be used in the D3 engine. The size is more restricted than in ETQW and afaik compression is not supported(?), but since we now have access to the code, both of these can be fixed and made even better than in ETQW if anyone would be willing to put effort into that.

Doom 3 was a huge success, Quake 4 was not but it was not due to ‘bugs and glitches’.

Oh, I think it’s quite clear what is rubbish here… =)

(FFSturm) #19

Forgot to say a huge list of stuff that makes mostly lower the performance in Doom 3 engine based games, but that’s another story. A long story, And It’s not really SDK CODE oriented as I guess you thought first.

(king_troll) #20

normal bump maps were not in any engine in 2003, it was carmacks dream, he was the first to do it and showed it could be done, and was 2 years of hype about the engine and covered nothing else with carmack speaking at all nvidia and ati conventions

you can make a basic megatexture run in a map in doom 3 engine, you cannot use and distribute them, nor can you make a decent size megatexture for any decent sized map