I Want to Return

(Xylon) #1

Two years ago I spent an entire summer playing this game non-stop on the Electric Sunshine Machine server. I badly want to start playing again… I remember my username and password but not my cd-key. Will I still be able to play?


(lausl) #2

i think so

(Aristotle) #3

Yeah, you only need your cd-key to make new accounts or to recover a lost password.

(Xylon) #4

Great news ppl thanks for the confirmation! I understand the stats/ranked server have been shut down… will be nice to try the game without stat whoring. :slight_smile:

(brbrbr) #5

say for yourself.
sweet joy of xpwhoring …

point is, w/o server browser&etc its lot less comfortable to play, even w/o stats.

ranked servers renters should get refund for each HOUR of downtime !!

(Dthy) #6

chose a bad time to come back, servers are down atm

(Xylon) #7

Server browser is down? :frowning: I had hoped not because I was playing the demo last night and it was working.

(Dthy) #8

yeh, servers are down sadly atm :frowning: Hopefully be up soon so you can start again :slight_smile:

(Xylon) #9

It worked!!! !! ! !!! !

I was able to log in with my original username and password, did not need to reenter my lost cd-key. I was prepared to repurchase the game if necessary…

As far as I’m concerned the 2000s were pretty ****ty for PC gaming compared to the 90s, and ET: Quake Wars is the best PC game I played that entire decade. (and I played a lot of WoW, Diablo II, War3, DOOM 3, freebies, Half-Life 2, PlanetSide, and others)

To my actual question though — my old rank (major) and achievements are left intact. I thought the stats servers were taken down? Can I continue to advance in rank or is it frozen in time for good?

Server browser was working too :slight_smile:

(lausl) #10

go for the supreme commander…you can rank up

(Dthy) #11

you can still rank up and stuff, just no-one else can see you 1337 stats

(Aristotle) #12

unless you take screenshots of them… not mentioning any names, but it’s still a big deal around some of the sites I see.

(Nail) #13

can you post them to YouTube ?


(Cankor) #14

[QUOTE=Nail;264269]can you post them to YouTube ?




(brbrbr) #15

found some nmbrs in stats funny. like 350% accuracy with airstrike

(edxot) #16

whores are still around because of this:

(edxot) #17

[QUOTE=Xylon;264209]It worked!!! !! ! !!! !

I was able to log in with my original username and password, did not need to reenter my lost cd-key. I was prepared to repurchase the game if necessary…

As far as I’m concerned the 2000s were pretty ****ty for PC gaming compared to the 90s, and ET: Quake Wars is the best PC game I played that entire decade. (and I played a lot of WoW, Diablo II, War3, DOOM 3, freebies, Half-Life 2, PlanetSide, and others)

To my actual question though — my old rank (major) and achievements are left intact. I thought the stats servers were taken down? Can I continue to advance in rank or is it frozen in time for good?

Server browser was working too :)[/QUOTE]

this game is too good to describe. even the possibility to have 3 acounts is perfect. i have one for xp, other to play objective and another to play for kills.

(Dthy) #18

[QUOTE=edxot;264564]whores are still around because of this:

How come i can remember you quitting games because you said “I’ll lose my ranking on splatterladder”

(Kl3ppy) #19

LOOOOOL Thats pathetic.
Why do u have one acc fo XP? U must be stupid, on the one hand, u complain about xp bitches and on the other hand u have one account for XP. And u have 2 accounts for the game. I would say, ur a xp bitch, the sense of the game is defending/attacking objectives and therefor killing is needed. But u divide the stuff, so 2 accounts to play the game and 1 account for ur e-peen …

(edxot) #20

i still do it. and many other horrible things, hahaha.

how do you think i can keep my actual 2nd place ?