I Want to Return

(edxot) #21

[QUOTE=Chance.;264583]LOOOOOL Thats pathetic.
Why do u have one acc fo XP? U must be stupid, on the one hand, u complain about xp bitches and on the other hand u have one account for XP. And u have 2 accounts for the game. I would say, ur a xp bitch, the sense of the game is defending/attacking objectives and therefor killing is needed. But u divide the stuff, so 2 accounts to play the game and 1 account for ur e-peen …[/QUOTE]

  • its not “pathetic” because this way other people know what they can expect of me.
  • i am “stupid” indeed. otherwise i would not waste time answering this.
  • i did not complain about “xp bitches”, much easier i would complain about people playing just for kills.
  • “I would say, ur a xp bitch”, omfg, do i speak chinese ? if i said one of the accounts is for xp, what is that supose to mean ?

(Rex) #22

Does it mean, that you like to collect xp on pub?

(edxot) #23

i do it, but in fact i dont like it too much.

except when people start crying about it, then i love it. or when i can show the rank page to someone, thats nice too.

(Dthy) #24

imo, the higher you ranking, the less of a life you have. And the fact that you show off your ranking shows you have even less of a life…

(Rex) #25

Actually wrong. The higher your rank, the higher your skill.

(Kl3ppy) #26

ah cmon, an infraction for my comment?
I bet many ppl think the same …

oh and before i forget: high rank = uberskill, low rank = nub

(Dthy) #27

also, i’ve heard the longer your clantag is and the more colors you use, the more awesome and better you are

(Kl3ppy) #28

Lets summarize: high rank + a lot xp + long clantag + a lot colors = uber1337 skilled player, am i right?

(edxot) #29

yes sir. i already knew that :wink:

(brbrbr) #30

guys with short ego will tend to enlarge it by big clantags, huge cars and big guns.
colors ? depend HOW sequenced. 80% colors was about country colors. box sheme is about underline nickname. rainbow is about gays. transparent color was about guy have something to hide[cheater?]&etc &etc.

(Ashog) #31

nice, the biggest moron of the year, cannibal, is on top.

quite expected tho. as only morons will try to get to top.

(Breo) #32

The SL rating system is only based on XP/min. that says enough how much worth it is…

Here’s a thread about a idea howto improve this ranking system:

(Kl3ppy) #33

I fixed something :smiley:

(2fast4youbro) #34

So I can just download the demo and put in my username and password from 2 years ago?

(Rex) #35

Why would you download the demo when you can play the full version?? :confused:

(rUBBEN) #36

[QUOTE=brbrbr;264681]guys with short ego will tend to enlarge it by big clantags, huge cars and big guns.
colors ? depend HOW sequenced. 80% colors was about country colors. box sheme is about underline nickname. rainbow is about gays. transparent color was about guy have something to hide[cheater?]&etc &etc.[/QUOTE]

Useless cliché post.

(Crytiqal) #37


[QUOTE=brbrbr;264681]guys with short ego will tend to enlarge it by big clantags, huge cars and big guns.
colors ? depend HOW sequenced. 80% colors was about country colors. box sheme is about underline nickname. rainbow is about gays. transparent color was about guy have something to hide[cheater?]&etc &etc.[/QUOTE]
Useless cliché post.[/QUOTE]

Well, we see you put much thought in YOUR first post