I need some quick opinions on these keyboards!!! TY

(dommafia) #1


Do you recommend another? Let me know, I’ve been out of the keyboard world, if that’s a thing.

The teaser motivated me to get a proper gaming keyboard again :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll be practicing in ET… anyone else???

(amazinglarry) #2

I picked this one up in April, but it’s apparently out of stock :frowning: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823109191

I need to brush up on my FPS skills though, I haven’t been playing anything outside of Planetside 2… but I can’t find any good Vanilla ET servers (I bitched and moaned about this a few months ago) and I’m liable to get smokeshowed by damn Anansi pilots in QW.

Edit: I think I’d go the Logitech route… unless you don’t know where your WASD keys are :stuck_out_tongue:

(Rex) #3

Dom you are asking in the wrong forum, but I recommend the Logitech :wink:

(kamikazee) #4

I’m somewhat into the keyboard scene, and I can say the rabbit hole goes very deep…

There are loads of options, depending on how long you want your keyboard to last, whether you want macro keys, backlighting or keyboards which prevent key blocking.

Then again, most depends on your wallet - do you want to spend a bit more if your keyboard lasts longer, or do you like stuff like cheap TN screens which will also display the pretty pictures for less money?

(dommafia) #5

[QUOTE=amazinglarry;410813]I picked this one up in April, but it’s apparently out of stock :frowning: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823109191

I need to brush up on my FPS skills though, I haven’t been playing anything outside of Planetside 2… but I can’t find any good Vanilla ET servers (I bitched and moaned about this a few months ago) and I’m liable to get smokeshowed by damn Anansi pilots in QW.

Edit: I think I’d go the Logitech route… unless you don’t know where your WASD keys are :P[/QUOTE]
Me no likey m$ products ty though

logi it is!

fixed quotes freaking phone

(adhesive) #6

logitech keyboards suck read up on mechanicals.

(dommafia) #7

[QUOTE=adhesive;411006]logitech keyboards suck read up on mechanicals.

already got my logi, loving it :stuck_out_tongue:

(amazinglarry) #8

Do you live right next to Newegg’s warehouse or something? Jeez.

(dommafia) #9

Newegg is indeed a few miles away from here, but I bought it at microcenter :wink:

(Mustang) #10

Here a lot of people raving about mechanical keyboards recently (cherry mx blue/red/black/brown/etc.)

(kamikazee) #11

Mechanical keyboards are great and have far better longevity, but you do have to pay the higher price. Also, just don’t buy into marketing bull**** (Razer comes to mind) because there still are mediocre mechanical keyboards.

(tokamak) #12

Yeah get a Steelseries mechanical keyboard. Even the cheapest one is excellent.

On a mechanical keyboard you can just feel what you’re doing. It’s basically the difference between with or without a condom

(Senethro) #13


On a mechanical keyboard you can just feel what you’re doing. It’s basically the difference between with or without a condom[/QUOTE]

Interesting comparison. Is this why you type walls of text? I feel kind of gross for enabling you. :confused:

(tokamak) #14

I… I don’t think I have a reply to that.

(Virus047) #15

http://steelseries.com/us/products/keyboards/steelseries-6gv2 <-- I picked up two of these about a year ago for well below the normal retail cost. Very solid construction. You MIGHT take some getting used to the louder click of the keys and the more hefty feel of the whole keyboard buts its def worth the cost even if you pick it up at full retail.

(dommafia) #16

well i want to thank you guys for all the replies but I replied that I went with the logitech the same day. I wanted it one that day and just went with the early replies. Haven’t tried a mechanical one and I probably would have after reading all the replies but oh well. This one isnt too bad. Now to find a proper gaming computer desk :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Apples) #17

mechanical is just the hipster thing… Hey look, my kb cost much but it’s an old tech, it should work better right? damn I should be a salesman…

(tokamak) #18

It costed 70 euros or something and I still friggin love it.

It’s also robust as hell. I keep spilling my tea (I’m drinking an awful lot of tea) over my keyboards, like, entire cups. Then they keyboard stops working for a while, certain keys fall out and then the next day it’s just back up again and everything is working perfectly.

(kilL_888) #19

imho mechanical gaming keyboards are a rip off for so called “elite” gamers. yea, they have a higher longivity and are more robust but should i really buy a keyboard that’s almost 10X more expensive than the most basic logitech keyboard? imho, no. i’m super fine with my 10€ k120 logitech. it has all the keys you need to type, it has a big ass space key with round edges and if it breaks, i buy a new one for 10€, big deal.

just my 2 cents. :slight_smile:

imho the mouse is a far more important input device. i go with razer there. deathadder all the way, yea.

(tokamak) #20

Have you ever tried playing on a mechanical keyboard? I suppose it matters less for an FPS but for an RTS is a world of difference.