Guardian nerf or buff

(Guziol) #61

The drone is supposed to be reactionary tool, not a setup and forget base that sits there forever. I really like the low duration/low cooldown it has going on for it. One thing i would change is make the drone become active way faster to further go into the reactive playstyle of it.

(Xenithos) #62

@neverplayseriou said:
Idk why people even want to buff her, Phoenix is just as bad at healing his team as guardian is, the only diff is a few second cooldown on her revives which I would definitely trade off for a drone that blocks explosives…

You’re playing Phoenix wrong if he’s “bad at healing his team” especially if you compare his healing to that of Guardian (which, reminding you, is none.)

I think the cooldown on her revive is actually okay. I mean, if you hear a greande pin drop, or something else, you can actually start charging it, and keep it held until the friendly goes down and BOOM, instant revive.

(Sorotia) #63

@neverplayseriou said:
Idk why people even want to buff her, Phoenix is just as bad at healing his team as guardian is, the only diff is a few second cooldown on her revives which I would definitely trade off for a drone that blocks explosives…

Comparing the game to a Moba and now saying Guardian and Phoenix are just as bad at healing…comparing someone who can’t even heal to someone who can. I don’t even…

I’m starting to wonder if we’re even playing the same game…

(henki000) #64

I would concentrate all my buff energy to the ball. Ball needs to be stronger, maybe even follow guardian.

EDIT: Batons should be better too. How about use mouse 1 + 2 for blocking?

(RectalTerror) #65

@OwynTyler said:
I totally think her drone could heal, like 1\2 or 1\3 of what aura station does, and have no duration limit - that’s the merc we expected, not the trash we got…

Yeah, if the drone wasn’t time-limited and was healing a little, I’d use her.

To be fair, I do think Aura is OP because the healing station is a massive advantage. But I can’t imagine Aura changing anymore, thus it’s other mercs that should be adapted to match Aura, if Aura is considered fair.

(RectalTerror) #66

@Xerny said:
2. You have an ability that if you use quickly enough you can basically counter it.

lol I’d like to see you counter javelin’s rocket like that.
But even airstrikes, I’m sure some will managed to react to them as they improve, but right now I haven’t witnessed that even just once. And I’ve killed people using rockets through the shield, so even what’s there isn’t working.

(RectalTerror) #67

@watsyurdeal said:
People seem to not get her role, she is a 2nd medic. She’s not meant to self sustain, not meant to do the job of Sawbonez, she’s meant to be the one who comes in and Revives everyone if the Medic goes down or if a nade takes out a few people. The utility she offers is why you pick her up, she’s definitely niche tier, but she does AMAZING within that niche.

Except that this game was “supposedly” designed as 5 vs 5, there’s no room for a waste of a merc like this. If this game was 15 vs 15, yeah she might fit.

(RectalTerror) #68

@neverplayseriou said:
Idk why people even want to buff her, Phoenix is just as bad at healing his team as guardian is,

phoenix has healing…

Btw, the revive & sky shield could have been the SAME thing. Imagine the revive dome being the skyshield. An airstrike or rocket arrives, you can protect everyone under your revive dome, if you time it perfectly. Here it would make sense for it to be (very) time-limited, so that you couldn’t spam it.
So, a multi-purpose revive/healing/protection dome, I’d use that. You spot an airstrike, time your dome right and you save everyone under it. Then give it some cooldown time to be fair.

(GatoCommodore) #69

@376E1AE459B1 said:

@Xerny said:
2. You have an ability that if you use quickly enough you can basically counter it.

lol I’d like to see you counter javelin’s rocket like that.
But even airstrikes, I’m sure some will managed to react to them as they improve, but right now I haven’t witnessed that even just once. And I’ve killed people using rockets through the shield, so even what’s there isn’t working.

the drone can only shoot down projectile in line of sight. so if the drone is hidden even tho the bubble appears, it wont stop the rocket.

it does works as intended.

(watsyurdeal) #70

@376E1AE459B1 said:

@watsyurdeal said:
People seem to not get her role, she is a 2nd medic. She’s not meant to self sustain, not meant to do the job of Sawbonez, she’s meant to be the one who comes in and Revives everyone if the Medic goes down or if a nade takes out a few people. The utility she offers is why you pick her up, she’s definitely niche tier, but she does AMAZING within that niche.

Except that this game was “supposedly” designed as 5 vs 5, there’s no room for a waste of a merc like this. If this game was 15 vs 15, yeah she might fit.

Lol, there’s always 2 medics in any temp comp, you’ll never have one single medic, cause if they go down everyone is fucked. So she has a place, just because she’s new and you don’t know how to use her yet doesn’t mean she’s bad, people said the exact same thing about Sparks.

(azz_abdr) #71

What I’m okay with:

  • no healing ability
  • revive cooldown

What I think needs to rework:

  • Change the drone life span to how many projectiles it can counter, then 20s cooldown.

(Xenithos) #72

@azz_abdr said:
What I’m okay with:

  • no healing ability
  • revive cooldown

What I think needs to rework:

  • Change the drone life span to how many projectiles it can counter, then 20s cooldown.
    How is that a buff? It has a 20 second cooldown once it’s finished shooting projectiles? Can still be shot down, etc… so basically give it a 2 second longer cooldown but change it’s functionality so it’s no longer a reactionary ability and one that sits until it’s used or destroyed?

I honestly like where it’s at…

(Chilled Sanity) #73

I honestly think the ball of memes duration is too low if you count in HOW MUCH FUCKING PROJECTILE SPAM THERE IS IN A SINGLE FUCKITY FUCK OF A STOPWATCH GAME


(Mr.Cuddlesworth) #74

Maybe give the ball a close range SNITCH effect, 3-5 meters?

Maybe the revive dome can heal 50 hp when you fully charge it(not on downed teammates, just wounded). Only works when fully charged.

Maybe 10 more hp and 10 less speed?

(boerhae) #75

Buff her. I didn’t mean to say nerf lol

(Xenithos) #76

@boerhae said:
Buff her. I didn’t mean to say nerf lol
Uh huh! Sure!

(frostyvampire) #77

Guardian herself feels really weak compared to other medics. But her weapon is OP.
I think Guardian herself needs a buff but the Hurtsall needs a small nerf.
I would say let her heal with the revive but it might hurt Phoenix a bit and my suggestion for it didn’t do so well so I’ll suggest something else:

Remove the cooldown on her revive, or at least make it really short (maybe 3 seconds) but still be no cooldown if you miss. I’m currently scared to charge up my revive because if my teammate dies before I can revive them, that’s 10 seconds of no revive. And if I miss it feels even worse.
It could also have a cooldown depending on how many players were revived, 3 seconds per teammate revived sounds good to me.

Then, make her drone easier to throw and get to good places. As it is now, hitting Q (or whatever your keybind is) just throws the drone in front if you. You can’t hold it to properly position yourself, you can’t choose to drop it right under your feet or to throw it 10 meters away.

The drone change is just quality of life. The revive cooldown change will make her actually able to do her job as a medic without being afraid to charge up the revive and in ranked, you will be able to injure enemies and revive them with full health without much risk so she will even be able to be a healer (kinda)

(FalC_16) #78

just buff the revive utility…no cooldown and it’be perfect.

(BazBling) #79

Clicked nerf when i meant to click buff, sorry i was drunk and Kira was lazering me!

(BazBling) #80

@boerhae said:
Buff her. I didn’t mean to say nerf lol

LMAO… i feel ya bro