Guardian nerf or buff

(NinjaToast) #41

I would remove the CD on her revive and reduce the charge time so she revives players with more health. Maybe give her better health regen likes other have said.

(FishRolls) #42

Most of the guardians on our team just switch when they can’t do well, that or we lose.

(binderr) #43

One thing they could improve on is the revive bubble… it often obscure the vision in in front and in the heat of battle you can’t concentrate very well. Instead of that huge bubble, why not just have a visible round line or something. why must it a bubble??

(Sorotia) #44

I haven’t unlocked her quite yet but so far…I like others wish she had some kind of heal to earn the title medic.

If nothing else her revive being on a cooldown gimps her…she can’t heal and has a cooldown revive…just hurts her. You basically have to judge if it’s worth using your revive or not or what people seem to be doing is quick revives (for short cooldown) which just leaves you with no health and you’re down again

(Sithas) #45

Please remove the revive cooldown, i spend more time standing next to downed teammates waiting to finally be able to revive again then actually reviving teammates, she isnt worthy being called a medic.

(Xenithos) #46

It’s sad that I’m a “decent” guardian, who can top score with her, and I still feel useless. And it’s even more sad, that we have people who think reviving someone with 30 hp when you can’t even give them hp is helpful at all to anyone.

I’m looking at you dumb guardian #2 and #3 taking the usual spots of Vassili.
Holy crap, I want a Vassili as a crappy teammate for the first time in my life over a different merc…


Community has spoken; so much for all that talk about how broken and OP she’s going to be. This is why judging anything before it hits the live game is pointless.

Personally, and this opinion might change, I think I’m convinced that a passive tough effect for herself and within a certain range after a certain amount of time near her team would help remedy her lack of healing. A lot of people suggested this and I’m sold. No real opinion on whether or not her revive pulse should have no cooldown yet. I don’t have enough play time with her yet, but I don’t really see anything wrong with it being somewhere around 5 seconds or so. Her AA drone thing is her strongest ability and if anything, I’d like to see its health tripled but the cooldown much longer.

(Sorotia) #48

@Wintergreen said:
Community has spoken; so much for all that talk about how broken and OP she’s going to be. This is why judging anything before it hits the live game is pointless.

Personally, and this opinion might change, I think I’m convinced that a passive tough effect for herself and within a certain range after a certain amount of time near her team would help remedy her lack of healing. A lot of people suggested this and I’m sold. No real opinion on whether or not her revive pulse should have no cooldown yet. I don’t have enough play time with her yet, but I don’t really see anything wrong with it being somewhere around 5 seconds or so. Her AA drone thing is her strongest ability and if anything, I’d like to see its health tripled but the cooldown much longer.

Pretty much…

So many people crying about how OP she is before she even launched and this is what we got.

(Xenithos) #49

@NexDroid Her whole point is to be an assault medic, like Phoenix. More on the front lines. She needs the same hp as Sawbonez, ESPECIALLY without any sustain (which she has none)

I think there are two main things, one, her loadouts actually suck, like almost all of them.
And two, she either needs some sustain, or a default tough ability.

(Meerkats) #50

I’m not 100% sure, but it appears Guardian doesn’t get objective exp. when her shield destroys ordinance that would typically damage / go off near an objective.

Guardian is fun to play; I prefer light mercs, and I like the assault rifles, so now, there’s a merc that fills that niche. Very agile, good survivability cause 110 HP and automatic rifles. Good.

But she feels unrewarding to play. She doesn’t generate support exp. like an actual medic, and she doesn’t generate objective exp. despite being fairly objective oriented. I feel like I can get a whole bunch of kills and do good things, but when I look on the scoreboard I might have 13k exp. or whatev, when at the same time, if I were playing Sawbonez, I might be rolling 19k exp.

It’s not a huge issue cause exp. doesn’t mean anything, but increasing how rewarding she feels to play would be a nice quality of life tweak. So, that’s my recommendation: Guardian doing guardian things should generate objective exp. Would that be considered a buff? Buff Guardian I suppose.

Furthermore, it would conclusively end confusion over Recharge vs. Extra supplies ( Imo, Extra supplies should only reduce res cooldown while Recharge reduces cooldown on both the drone and res. ).

As for how good she actually is, she definitely feels a bit weak, but time will tell, so no comment. I think the main thing is cause she is quick and has an assault rifle, I naturally play her fairly aggressively when, having no abilities that improve her combat capability, she should be played more in a support role like Turtle. That and she requires actual coordination to be effective.

She’s fun to play, and while initial impressions are that she’s a bit on the weak side, she’s still very counterpicky in nature, and I’m not comfortable with that.

(TheWickedsin) #51

Biggest problem is the cooldown. Absolutely unnecessary and not in line with any of the other mercs and has caused issues in game play.
Other issues;
Exploding drone is distracting; just let it time out and give a beep or notification. It pops and I always pull towards it as it sounds similar to someone destroying it.
Drone should have more hp or last longer.
Bubble is a bit wonky and can be misleading.
Should be able to revive out of line of site. Ie second levels etc.

I love the new primary and her movement/HP but currently she is a fast assault who happens to revive and not a true medic.

(Ptiloui) #52

I have an idea that could make her more medic oriented : Why not make the drone pulse an healing aoe for each projectile disabled ? The same quick pulse that Phoenix do when not charging his own pulse.

Also, maybe i was hallucinating, but if this is not the case, it would be great if, when deployed, the drone’s timer get a recharge for each porjectile stopped.

(GatoCommodore) #53

buffing her HP to 120 could work, shes a part assault, part engineer, part medic after all


@TheWickedsin said:
Biggest problem is the cooldown. Absolutely unnecessary and not in line with any of the other mercs and has caused issues in game play.

Having the ability to revive multiple teammates at full or near-full health is not in line with any other medic either, though.

(RectalTerror) #55

I don’t think she could be buffed enough for me to play her.
It would require her shield to not be time-limited, her to have medikits and/or proper health, while I’m only expecting the usual “shield +10% time” micro-buffs.

(OwynTyler) #56

I totally think her drone could heal, like 1\2 or 1\3 of what aura station does, and have no duration limit - that’s the merc we expected, not the trash we got…

(Sorotia) #57

Well I unlocked her last night…I’d still like some kind of healing ability for her, even if it means nerfing her drone cooldown or something.

Or at least get rid of the cooldown on her revive.

(watsyurdeal) #58

People seem to not get her role, she is a 2nd medic. She’s not meant to self sustain, not meant to do the job of Sawbonez, she’s meant to be the one who comes in and Revives everyone if the Medic goes down or if a nade takes out a few people. The utility she offers is why you pick her up, she’s definitely niche tier, but she does AMAZING within that niche.

(neverplayseriou) #59

Idk why people even want to buff her, Phoenix is just as bad at healing his team as guardian is, the only diff is a few second cooldown on her revives which I would definitely trade off for a drone that blocks explosives…

(Xerny) #60

A part of me says that she’s fine as she is, meanwhile the other says she could be better.

Anyways, here’s my opinion:

I DON’T like her passive ability, what’s the point of a permanent Guardian Angel when:

  1. You can see where the airstrike/artillery is going to land.
  2. You have an ability that if you use quickly enough you can basically counter it.

Just switch her passive to an AoE HP Regen, make her stand out with the other medics.