Guardian nerf or buff

(KayDubz) #21

Ive also noticed I get revived a lot less by Guardian. Those who play her are too busy trying to be rambo with her assault weapons it seems.

(GatoCommodore) #22

@Xenithos said:

@Lord_Coctus said:
Error: Guardian not found, searching for response.

Estimated response time: 2-4 weeks to get Guardian :frowning: .

I’m confused, what is this in reference to?


(Melinder) #23

Wheres the “Delete” poll option.

(Press E) #24

@KayDubz said:
Ive also noticed I get revived a lot less by Guardian. Those who play her are too busy trying to be rambo with her assault weapons it seems.

Not even that, it’s the stupid cooldown on it. Why someone thought that was a good idea is beyond me. Revive one person and you could be stuck doing nothing for 8 seconds watching your cooldown timer.

(Xenithos) #25

Just realized that a lot of her load-outs have poor perk synergy, and she has no offensive perks. I.E. - No quick-slash or chopper, (which is honestly a shame…) And she’s lacking in any movement perks that are often on lighter mercs (flying pig and springy).

Also… is it just me, or do the perks on her brand new all weapons loadout absolutely SUCK.
Like, I prefer drilled over the sprint reloading on, I don’t honestly feels she needs steady for a 9 second utility drop drone… and I think she seriously doesn’t need the freaking quick eye. I’d much rather have focus or chopper OR quickslash… Actually, strike all of those, just having bomb squad (honestly meh with her) or Get up would be fantastic…

Who on earth put these random non synergetic loadouts together. The best ones have the stiletto for crying out loud…


Think she’s fine, but I do like the idea that other’s mentioned above regarding health regeneration.

(znuund) #27

I got the merc yesterday and crafted a T53 card and I like it. Being able to revive and having an AR at the same times is awesome!
IMO, she is not intended to be first and only medic and I also like to have such a possibility.

Guardian with one aura is awesome!

I didn’t like her new weapons. Just not good enough, but didn’t test it too long. And it will be hard if I can shoot with the timik instead :smiley:

(K1X455) #28
  • Baton need 5~10 more damage on quick melee
  • Skyshield needs about 10~15 more HP besides what Steady augment can do
  • Group Revive needs no cooldown because of hold time to revive like defilbirator (works well with Get Up augment)
  • Maybe a slight speed boost (+5) from her current movement speed?

(blufflord) #29

Can I have a poll option of waiting a week to fully test her out before making judgements?

(Drac0rion) #30

Give her some time until people actually find out what role she fills in a team comp.

At least she isn’t broken on launch like Javelin, so there really isn’t a need for immediate changes.

The only thing I am certain of is that just like defibs, the Bionic Pulse doesn’t need a cooldown.
It’s already situational enough to see her revive more than one merc at a time, not to mention she can’t top them off. She is a medic after all, so at least reviving should be her strength if she can’t heal at all.

I guess she was supposed to be just a situational merc, which I’m completely fine with considering the current merc roster. The best comparison is probably Rhino.
Rhino isn’t exactly OP or UP, just situational. At some points of the map they can really shine, while on others there are simply better options.

As long as she’s not overpicked or underpicked into squads, like Javelin for example, I’d say there really isn’t a hurry to tune her into perfection.
After the patch, Javelin still isn’t fine and look at the state Phantom’s been in for god knows how long.

I’m happy with Guardian’s stats on launch and I’d rather have SD collect data on her for a while before making any changes, since there are old mercs that are in need of adjustments much more than her.

(NexDroid) #31

Well she needs quite a lot of work to be done to be usefull in my eyes.

  1. make her revive dome short ranged so it will just revive teamates infront of you
  2. decrease her HP to 100 or 90, so she will feel more like medic and less like assault
  3. give her small healthpacks or make a drone to heal a little (1 HP/s or so)
  4. remove that dome effect of drone so enemies won’t know if it is deployed or not, now you can just wait 10s till it’s over and nuke EV. Or at least make it less visible
  5. fix dome revive so if you look directly on downed teamate and use that ability it will actually revive him even when some parts of his body are behind corner.
  6. IMHO her secondary weap needs a bit of dmg boost

(Noir) #32

Give her some time. The new weapon is really good. Very accurate with great fire power. I am a SMG-9 lover and it feels right between SMG-9 and Crotzni. I really like it.
The revive ability is fine, it just take some time to get used to it and not use it as Sawbonez.
The dome shield is more a reacting ability.

The only thing that bothers me is the lack of self sustain. I kinda want to play her as assault but well… 110 HP. She is somewhere between the mercs I like to play: Assault and Sawbonez and I like to play aggressive Saw. But Saw can get to cover and self heal a bit.

I would not buff her, I would give her Tough as passive.

(Esaka) #33

The merc herself is fine but her secondary is too weak. When SD said the Holgat is the weakest, I didn’t expect them to literally mean it, as in we’re using a peashooter.

(Guziol) #34

Her pistol sucks ass though. I really don’t know what they were thinking. You can barely click fast enough with m9 while staying on target and it has 15 dmg. This abomination has 13 and has even higher rof cap.

(DBAimee) #35

@GatoCommodore said:
let her have passive health regen like javelin ammo printer but slower

She definitely needs a buff, and like what GatoCommodore said, this can be a good way to make her really useful in the frontline.

I’ve tried a few games with her and my main concerns are her lack of healing abilities and buggy Biopulse mechanism. I couldn’t even revive a teammate through the railings on Terminal, even when I jumped and tried a second time.

Personally, since she has such a long CD on her Biopulse if you choose to fully revive someone, then perhaps allowing it to work through walls isn’t such a bad idea.

Her drone has a fairly short throw range and honestly, it’s such a reactive ability that you don’t even find it useful most of the time. In a nutshell, she’s a “Medic” class with zero heal in the front line and a revive that fails as often as it succeeds.

Suggestions: Give her a passive health regen aura around her to make her FEEL like a medic and sort out the way her Biopulse works. Although her Drone ability is usually not used efficiently, I can see how it can turn the tables around by denying other abilities so no problem there.

Right now, she’s a “medic” running on the front lines who, once hurt, needs to find ANOTHER medic to heal up. Imagine the irony.

(Esaka) #36

Also, since she’s so revive focus why not let her Bionic Pulse be used as a protecting bubble to prevent down players from being double dead?

(Mc1412013) #37

Wow based on every other merc release im surprised that most people say buff was expecting a bunch of nerfs

(Chilled Sanity) #38

Buff Guardian so I can have more and more reasons to main her.

(Neotax) #39

How to win as defender Destroy the EV on a Chokepoint. Place healstation and Skyshield after 7 Sec on the respawn 100% Uptime Skyshield on Fight. So now the attcker can only shoot you but you have the healstation and your own eplosiv. EZ Win
SD do you play your own game?!

(CryonicArrow) #40

I had this idea that might solve her healing problem by adding a second ablitity to her bio pulse. If you eguip here pulse left click still revives and right click casts a healing bubble that heals all targets at medium rate inside for about 10 secs for a 20sec cool down. Targets still take damage inside the bubble and like Aura’s healing sation it be disabled by a phantoms emb field.