Here some shots of the Glory of the Weak terrain.
The last shot is in game.
Hope you guys like it… and soon i will ask for some help.
Erosion for Megatexture:
In-game shot:
Here some shots of the Glory of the Weak terrain.
The last shot is in game.
Hope you guys like it… and soon i will ask for some help.
Erosion for Megatexture:
In-game shot:
Yay that looks really cool!
You’re using Blender for the raw terrain, and World Machine for processing?
I use blender! World Machine is just to create masks to use in the megatexture creation.
The ingame terrain model comes from blender.
That’s cool
How hard was it to do it in Blender? I’m still using Earth Sculptor but it’s seems to be a dead product, and also a bit primitive
Edit: But what about erosion, you only generate masks but don’t use the end model from World Machine? Why not, does Blender have something similar?
Looks great mate, keep it up!
Earth Sculptor worked for me, but then again I never even did much more than making a MT for it so who am I to tell you that
It’s simple to do it in Blender. I will write a small tutorial for it. You can do it natural with random + smooth.
My blender model is optimized, i started with a low poly count grid and just subdivided the areas i wanted to make mountains, etc… I will loose this optmization if i use the World Machine output model, but i must say that i will try to put some of the erosion on the model in any other way.
Also, i remember that the SD tutorial sayd to use greater erosion when creating the masks and lower erosion when creating the model (if you want!). Then i believe WM is more for masks.
I did Andes and Consite terrains starting the work in World Machine, but i believe it’s better to do it in Blender or any other 3D suit. Other good is that i will not need to use decimate.
Vista Pro ? WorldBuilder ? Wilbur ? Bryce ? or just MS/ZSoft Paint/Gimp !!
use whatever you prefer for MT work
[QUOTE=Donnovan;276042]New image:
I hope a hog ramp comes as standard for access to that roof!
I’m a bit late because i am changing my work base from a desktop to a notebook. But here a shot about the strogg area.
Here a shot of the Strogg deck that leads then outside of the underground area direct to the awesomius crater:
[QUOTE=light_sh4v0r;279642]Nice lighting effects Donnovan!
Are they stationairy or rotating?[/QUOTE]
they dancing around player, along his progress toward objectives.