Glory of the Weak - Work in Progress

(Donnovan) #1

Here some shots of the Glory of the Weak terrain.

The last shot is in game.

Hope you guys like it… and soon i will ask for some help.

Erosion for Megatexture:

In-game shot:

(Apples) #2

Looks super nice man :wink: keep up the good work!

(Scrupus) #3

Yay that looks really cool! :slight_smile:

You’re using Blender for the raw terrain, and World Machine for processing?

(Donnovan) #4

I use blender! World Machine is just to create masks to use in the megatexture creation.

The ingame terrain model comes from blender.

(Scrupus) #5

That’s cool :slight_smile:

How hard was it to do it in Blender? I’m still using Earth Sculptor but it’s seems to be a dead product, and also a bit primitive :frowning:

Edit: But what about erosion, you only generate masks but don’t use the end model from World Machine? Why not, does Blender have something similar?

(light_sh4v0r) #6

Looks great mate, keep it up! :slight_smile:
Earth Sculptor worked for me, but then again I never even did much more than making a MT for it so who am I to tell you that :tongue:

(Violator) #7

Nice one Don, interesting using WM for the texturing only :slight_smile:

(Donnovan) #8

It’s simple to do it in Blender. I will write a small tutorial for it. You can do it natural with random + smooth.

My blender model is optimized, i started with a low poly count grid and just subdivided the areas i wanted to make mountains, etc… I will loose this optmization if i use the World Machine output model, but i must say that i will try to put some of the erosion on the model in any other way.

Also, i remember that the SD tutorial sayd to use greater erosion when creating the masks and lower erosion when creating the model (if you want!). Then i believe WM is more for masks.

I did Andes and Consite terrains starting the work in World Machine, but i believe it’s better to do it in Blender or any other 3D suit. Other good is that i will not need to use decimate.

(Donnovan) #9

New image:

(brbrbr) #10

Vista Pro ? WorldBuilder ? Wilbur ? Bryce ? or just MS/ZSoft Paint/Gimp !!
use whatever you prefer for MT work :slight_smile:

(Violator) #11

[QUOTE=Donnovan;276042]New image:


I hope a hog ramp comes as standard for access to that roof!

(SphereCow) #12

Nice, I love to see a good wip.

(Donnovan) #13

I’m a bit late because i am changing my work base from a desktop to a notebook. But here a shot about the strogg area.

(light_sh4v0r) #14

Nice lighting effects Donnovan! :smiley:
Are they stationairy or rotating?

(Donnovan) #15

Here a shot of the Strogg deck that leads then outside of the underground area direct to the awesomius crater:

(pazur) #16

Cool beans :slight_smile:

(Donnovan) #17

This is the deck exit. And then, a outside structure.

(brbrbr) #18

[QUOTE=light_sh4v0r;279642]Nice lighting effects Donnovan! :smiley:
Are they stationairy or rotating?[/QUOTE]

they dancing around player, along his progress toward objectives.

(Donnovan) #19


Light, they are stationary. Rotation will make it like OZ!

(Donnovan) #20

Two more shots!