[QUOTE=Wizard;446066]Addendum to the rules:
All scheduled match times must be e-mailed to ggtournament2013@gmail.com at least 24 hours in advance of the game. This ensures that the admins have enough time to determine who will officiate the match, and for shoutcasters to be present during the game.
Please also remember that both teams must e-mail the account after the game has occurred with the results, including maps played and who won each map.
Thanks, and good luck with your games!![/QUOTE]
We played yesterday sQwaL vs ZUBR, I emailed the official adress to anounce the match, of course with the agreement of their captain, we had an official admin (rex), we played on an official server with official maps, we did everything according to your rules.
We had to do it quickly because some of our players may not be able to connect for the rest of the week, including me, and 24hours before we did not even know who we would have to face.
And today you post an addendum that even admins seemed not to expect. If it means we need to play this match again, you put us in quite a complicated situation.
The admin even said he would send the results, so everything looked fine. Please take in account that the addendum had not been posted when we played this match, and validate it.
EDIT : Shoutcasts are fun, but it must not be binding for the teams, just saying.