GG Tournament 2013

(-a-elegy) #321

Yeah, we are in the same situation as you guys.

(Graver) #322

[QUOTE=Nemesis1415;445969]If it makes you feel any better Turtle Power is in the same situation? Shifty, I PMed you about our match.

Gvardman. You can still be an offici streamer haha. You were just streaming through your own account yesterday so I didn’t stop you is all. I’ll PM you the info you need.[/QUOTE]

Gvardman was streaming? :smiley:

(Breo) #323

Lag party ftw n_n

(Nemesis1415) #324

Apparently I’m getting graver and gvardman mixed up…

Ashog. In regards to TAW servers, they force you to download every map on the server, be it in the map pool or not. We might also have slightly different versions so that could be why you’re redownloading.

TAW art assets are (I believe) our custom images in game. You know the billboards and those propaganda posters for the GDF? Well. Those are now TAW propaganda posters haha. Do you expect anything less from us? :wink: I believe that’s what the art assets are. Orrrr it’s our hacks installer. But in this case it kills your hit reg on your side. Orrrrr OR it senses when a PV player is joining the server and restricts them to 22/24 slots while everyone else can use the 24/24. Lets see how they like it! Humph.

(Kl3ppy) #325

[QUOTE=Nemesis1415;445969]If it makes you feel any better Turtle Power is in the same situation? Shifty, I PMed you about our match.

Yo, I’ve seen it but I’m not the captain, I forwarded it to Ashog but I think in general that the date+time is good

(Dthy) #326

can haz TV servers? sQwaL and ZUBR are playing and there are none atm.

(Verticae) #327

I guess I’m not casting? Eh, whatever.

(Kl3ppy) #328

ad Server might get a tv server during this week!

(you_is_me) #329

Is there a Link/List for match-times with the server name they play?

(Kl3ppy) #330

join irc, biatch@quakenet. there u will get informed very fast!

(Ashog) #331

Propagandah will be punished!

(Kl3ppy) #332

ze germans are best in propagandah!

(Nail) #333

(Ashog) #334

Official trailer of the GG Tournament:


(_Wizard_) #335

TV servers are up for the TAW NA Hamster and EU Abudnance GG Tournament servers. You won’t find them in the TV server list, what you have to do is direct connect to them using the following IP addresses and port numbers.

TAW NA Hamster GG Tournament:
Port: 27875

TAW EU Abundance GG Tournament:[tba]
Port: [tba]

At this time I only have access to the NA server, I’ll update this post with the EU server’s port number as soon as I find out. Please bear with us as we get the other servers set up with TV servers over the coming week.

(_Wizard_) #336

Addendum to the rules:

All scheduled match times must be e-mailed to at least 24 hours in advance of the game. This ensures that the admins have enough time to determine who will officiate the match, and for shoutcasters to be present during the game.

Please also remember that both teams must e-mail the account after the game has occurred with the results, including maps played and who won each map.

Thanks, and good luck with your games!!

(Gvardman) #337

What are the passwords to TAW servers?

(Graver) #338

who cares Gvardi:*? let casters know earlier, so you can watch STREAM with my funny speech :smiley:

(Kl3ppy) #339

Hahaha Ashog :smiley:

But who gave you this awesome video? This guy must be awesome too! :wink:

(Khamul) #340

I bet ashog made this video