Gaming idea

(rookie1) #1

Before developing a new game whos come with the first idea
Im always waiting that someone will bring me the game I want to see, nobody done it yet.
Does gaming ideas consultant exist ?

(Slade05) #2

Read what Warren Spector, Ken Levine, damn, virtually everyone says.

Nobody gives a flying ***** about your ideas as every developer has a lot of his own.
What matters is your ability to execute your ideas.

(tokamak) #3

“Ideas are cheap” Paul Wedgwood.

Then again, look at the mainstream assortment, apparently ideas are not that cheap.

I would love to see a shooter that takes the asymmetrical aspect very far. Giants: Citizen Kabuto was a shooter that achieved that but lacked the refinement and polish current games have. Oh how I would love to see such feat be done again with today’s technology.

Just look at it, although it’s graphics really pushed the boundaries in the same way Crysis did, it’s the core mechanics that beg for today’s technology.

(SockDog) #4

On the one hand I understand this developer attitude as there is only some many games they can make. Yet while we certainly get good games, excellent games we also have some very terrible or safe ones. Idea’s may be cheap but the thing is good, excellent and genius ideas may come once in a lifetime and not necessarily from someone who designs games for a living.

Let’s not forget Einstein didn’t exactly herald from the community in which he ultimately excelled. Developers should be a little more open minded and make use of the sheer enthusiasm of gamers to explore ideas. Actually that said I think Valve is one such developer, but we could do with more!!!

(SphereCow) #5

So you guys mean I can’t be an idea guy?


(signofzeta) #6

with sequels and the same games coming out, I think ideas are expensive.

(digibob) #7

Having lots of games coming out using the same premise doesn’t come down to lack of ideas, generally. It comes from avoidance of risk.

(tokamak) #8

[QUOTE=Luddens Desir;240573]So you guys mean I can’t be an idea guy?


Rahdo is already their idea guy. And I must admit, it looks like a friggin dream job.

(Slade05) #9

And here I was thinking he was CONSOLIZE EVERYTHING bastard.
You never know!

(Nail) #10

publishers buy ideas, developers make them

(Exedore) #11

There are design consultants, but they’re normally people with a lot of experience who give practical means to execute ideas effectively.

(rookie1) #12

Well if you need more ideas inspiration …try me :slight_smile:

(tokamak) #13

Your idea stands a better chance of being picked up if you can make a rough version of it function as a mod.

(rookie1) #14

Well I just have ideas I dont do coding …I would have ppl for that if i had my own business :smiley:

(.Chris.) #15

Can you do anything else? Mapping, modeling, texture creation etc etc, you can always try find coder to help you while you work on other parts of your idea, no one will help you if you can’t contribute yourself generally speaking.

(xTriXxy) #16

[QUOTE=rookie1;240421]Before developing a new game whos come with the first idea
Im always waiting that someone will bring me the game I want to see, nobody done it yet.
Does gaming ideas consultant exist ?[/QUOTE]

maybe you can create your very own FPS game:)
FPS creator x10

some vid here

(light_sh4v0r) #17

that looks absolutely horrible :S

(LyndonL) #18

Take it for what it is, and for what it is it looks pretty cool actually.

(hideinlight) #19

Had to spend a few years learning UScript just get one of my ideas to materialise in some form…But here it

The sad truth is no one is gonna take any of your ideas serious if you can’t contribute to them in a huge way. That means you, yourself need to develop skills (or have lots of money).

That’s why I’m learning to mod, because that’s the only way my ideas will come to live(at least to some degree).

(brbrbr) #20

[;241625]maybe you can create your very own FPS game:)
FPS creator x10

some vid here[/QUOTE]

try Blender GE then :wink:
or UE free edition[but SDK with it crippled somewhat too].

yeah, usually, “dreamer guy” or “most visionary guy in team” is usual for someone, who already occupied other, more formal position in team.
its usual not only for gaming sw development, but dev’t “in general”(seens som many companies inside, so dream about it, sometimes. sometimes that was really worst nighmares, sometimes its was reminder to best pieces of my life and some of my friends).

so, “dedicated Visionary” is over-expensive for most teams, sadly.
we all knew two [very famous] exceptions from this rule, but im more than disappointed with their performance[than rest of crititcs, pubplushers and consumers, are], compared against “Visionary from team within”
[you think]you team need faar-seeing guy ? grow it INSIDE !! its works !