Game crash upon launch of QWTA 0.3.4

(DukeNukeM) #61

[quote=mturconi;227358]Hi all … I have the same problem and I don’t understand what’s going on…

I check Windows events and I have seen under system a SideBySide error: the assembly for Microsoft.VC80.CRT was not installed or something like that.

  1. I remove all old Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable and ATL.
  2. I re-install them Redistributable and ATL.
  3. I do a windows update for latest SP
  4. I start the QWET and I run Tactical Assautl from mods.
  5. It works fine this time.

hold on there buddy, what is ATL? in step 3 u mention windows update to get the latest SP. SP for the visual c++ redist and ATL or the windows SP?
so that means after doing windows update u fixed the issue? do u know exactly which update fixed it?

what os and sp u using?

@sereNADE: only windows xp sp2/3 and vista sp2 users report problems. i have a feeling its that windows update thing since feanor mentioned it earlier in this thread as well, but we couldn’t narrow it down.

@drfunkenstein: yup, those are the exact 3 errors i got too, i suppose stymy also.

i think we’re getting nearer to solving this issue, right now i’m reading the windows update patches to try to figure out which could be the most likely update related to this. probably will do a windows update to try to fix this… :wink:

(Azuvector) #62

Nil progress on my end. Done a bit of work, but nothing I’d consider as being worth a release of QWTA, yet. :S

(mturconi) #63


There is only one type of redistributable Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable.

The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 ATL is an update to Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable.

Normally with windows update you will automatically update the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable to the latest version (ATL).

But to be sure of it, before uninstall the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable and Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 ATL.

Download the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable and install them.

After this do a Windows update and it will download SP for Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable and probably also the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 ATL.

Let me know if it works for you.

(DukeNukeM) #64

Alright, need to find time to go thru the windows updates to find out which ones i want to install.

Thanks mturconi, will report back when done.

(Azuvector) #65

Should hopefully have this up in a couple days, not many features I know, but enough that I don’t feel like a 'tard for releasing identical versions of stuff.
I’m still waiting on 2 things:

[ul][li] Getting the new cvars at the bottom of the changelog to display properly on the QWTA Limbo menu.[/li][li] Getting QWTA v0.3.5 compiled for Mac, which Orange is pretty quick about.[/ul][/li]Still don’t have a proper limiter on calling in multiple vehicle drops all at once(4 Jupiters running around owning the Strogg, etc.)… I might delay further to squeeze that in, as I’ve got some ideas on how to do it properly.

QWTA v0.3.5:
* Cvar g_useStraightRockets added.
  + Default 1.
  + Allows unguided Rocket Launcher rockets to fly straight and fast
    instead of in a low-velocity arc. Affects the Obliterator too.
* Cvar g_forgivingBotMatch added.
  + Default 0.
  + Makes BotMatches more forgiving for a player by turning off certain
    advantages that are given to the player in a BotMatch. A BotMatch is 
    essentially a single-player game.
    BaseETQW would lower enemy bots' health on low skill levels.
    BaseETQW would prevent vehicle explosions from damaging players.
* The way Force Escalation is calculated has been changed to discard low-XP 
  outliers and to increase overall Force Escalation when many players are on
  a server.
* Cvar family g_vehicleSpawnMinPlayers* added.
  + Default 0.
  + Number of connected clients needs to meet or exceed each cvar for the
    associated vehicle to spawn. Does not affect vehicle drops.
  + Full cvar list for this group of cvars:
  + These are more meant to be used with BaseETQW settings. I've noticed over
    time that some of the better BaseETQW servers like to informally restrict
    vehicle use based on the number of people playing. This should allow that
    without some newly connected player jumping in and slaughtering everyone
    playing by the agreed upon restrictions.

* Fixed BaseETQW bug: sdProjectile_Parabolic is no longer randomly invisible.
* Fixed Abaddon's Flamethrower using improper crosshair when using standard 
  crosshair settings.
* Fixed BaseETQW oversight: Frags made by vehicle explosions are now properly
  attributed to the player who caused the explosion.

For the record the fix for the invisible rockets doesn’t appear to apply to the invisible Magogs, so those haven’t been fixed, given I don’t know what’s going on with them yet.

Here’s to hoping this fixes your guys’ problems. Essentially just a recompile, as I found nothing actually wrong with v0.3.4, and have made no changes directly meant to fix the crash you guys are having.

(Susefreak) #66

Youŕe on fire!

One thing I noticed was the min cvars, does this also apply to the FE spawned vehicles or only standard spawned vehicles?

(Azuvector) #67

There’s generally only a distinguishment between spawned vehicles and airdropped vehicles. All the cvars that apply to spawned vehicles apply to them, and all the cvars that apply to airdropped vehicles apply to them. The new cvars listed above only apply to spawned vehicles, FE restricted or not.

(DukeNukeM) #68


Here’s to hoping this fixes your guys’ problems. Essentially just a recompile, as I found nothing actually wrong with v0.3.4, and have made no changes directly meant to fix the crash you guys are having.[/quote]

hey, thanks for the update, sorry haven’t had any progress on figuring out the problem yet. thanks for trying a re-compile though. :frowning:

here’s what drfunkenstein been trying:

(Azuvector) #69

Small update: QWTA v0.3.5 should be soon. Was about to send it off to Orange for a mac compile(last step before a release), but found some issues in testing it over a network, that need fixing before it’s playable.
I’ll be working on those tomorrow, and since I’ll have to recompile again anyway, I’ll be seeing about including a very WIP version of the tactical gametype for those who’re interested to try.
Should hopefully be sending v0.3.5 off to be compiled for mac tomorrow night, and Orange generally gets back to me within a couple days after that.
So, sorry for the huge delays in getting a recompiled version out to the three people having the issues mentioned in this thread, but let’s hope for the best.
Again: v0.3.5 contains no fixes specifically meant to help with this issue, as I still haven’t the faintest idea what might be causing it for the 3 people affected, but it’ll be a new compile, so maybe it’ll work better for you guys.

Also, pulled the straight rockets feature, since with some gameplay testing, it seemed to be bad. I’ll be thinking about infantry rockets more in future, but not for v0.3.5.
Blarg, nevermind about the new gametype, it’s not done-enough-despite-still-being-WIP to be playable, really, yet. Don’t think many people would enjoy the map reloading from scratch every round, amongst other major issues.
Arrrrrgh, more issues I need to fix before releasing. ETQW development is really annoying how things will work fine without any hint of an issue on a local server, then will **** bricks as soon as you put the game on a network server.

(DukeNukeM) #70

Hey, thank you for the great work that you’re doing for the ETQW community to keep it alive… I’ll do some testing for this again… Hopefully we got a winner this time. :slight_smile:

Let us know when v0.3.5 is available, thanks.

(Azuvector) #71

Hoping to get some time to work on it on Wednesday/Thursday/Friday this week. Kinda SOL for the rest of the week, I’m basically working 15 hour days atm, 4 days a week(Although I’m on my 7th straight day of work tonight. One more before I get a day off. Bleh.). >.>

(uvhannes) #72

@ azuvector

thats why i only test my stuff on networked servers, then make sure they work local :>

(DukeNukeM) #73

@azuvector: what’s SOL?

(Azuvector) #74

**** Out of Luck. AKA not going to happen. :stuck_out_tongue:

(Azuvector) #75

QWTA v0.3.5’s done, just waiting for Orange to compile the Mac binaries before I release it. FYI. :slight_smile:

(Azuvector) #76

Mac compile’s taking a while, so QWTA v0.3.5’s out for Windows+Linux for now, Mac still pending. Forum post:

(DukeNukeM) #77

Great work azuvector, i tried it out with the /qwta-0.3.5 folder to try 0.3.5 w/o messing with my current 0.3.3 install.

Guess what… It still crashes on launch, with the error below. :mad::mad::mad:

-------- Initializing Session --------
----------------- BSE Init ------------------
--------- BSE Created Successfully ----------
session initialized
found DLL in pak file: C:\Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars\qwta-0.3.5\game000.pk4/gamex86.dll
copy gamex86.dll to C:\Documents and Settings\**********\Local Settings\Application Data\id Software\Enemy Territory - QUAKE Wars\qwta-0.3.5\gamex86.dll
[B]FATAL ERROR: couldn't load game dynamic library[/B]
...unloading XInput DLL
...unloading XInput DLL
mouse: Failed to remove raw input device
...unloading Raw Input DLL

------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput8...
...calling LoadLibrary( 'user32.dll' ): succeeded
...initializing Raw Input
mouse: Raw Input initialized.
...calling LoadLibrary( 'imm32.dll' ): succeeded
...initializing Input Method Editor
...calling LoadLibrary( 'xinput1_3.dll' ): succeeded
...initializing XInput
...XInput controller 0 given hash = 232429
...XInput controller 1 given hash = 232566
...XInput controller 2 given hash = 232703
...XInput controller 3 given hash = 232840
...found 4 controller ports
controllers: XInput initialized.
...initializing DirectInput
...found 0 controllers
controllers: DirectInput initialized.
--------------- BSE Shutdown ----------------
Shutting down sound hardware
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...releasing DC
...destroying window
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
...unloading Windows Terminal Server API DLL
Shutting down performance queries
[B]couldn't load game dynamic library[/B]

(Azuvector) #78

[QUOTE=DukeNukeM;233963]Great work azuvector, i tried it out with the /qwta-0.3.5 folder to try 0.3.5 w/o messing with my current 0.3.3 install.

Guess what… It still crashes on launch, with the error below. :mad::mad::mad:[/QUOTE]

…damnit. I was hoping that the recompile would be all that would be needed. Now I’ve just got no clue whatsoever what’s causing the crash for you three. :confused:

(sereNADE) #79

i had drfunkenstein playing on our custom server after having reverted to 3.3 we havent tested 3.5 yet but 3.3 appears to be working still for both funkenstein and dukenukem

(DukeNukeM) #80

Yeah i am still racking my brains again over this issue all over again. I mean we’ve been using 0.3.3 for so long it was so good and smooth.

Thanks for your great work making this mod for the community, we really appreciate it. :stroggbanana::stroggbanana:

@sereNADE: yeah had fun on qwta with custom maps. we shld do it more often. 0.3.3 had been working for me, stymy and the rest of the TAW guys for quite some already… since jan/feb 2010 i think…