i used to think along these same lines.
but really its the best way to release a limited beta.[/quote]
I dont think so… those people usually just want to play the game, they dont want to send in bug reports or something, cuz they already payed for playing it, why should they spend their expensive time for helping the developers ?
I bet only 20-30 % of the testers at fp are really going to take this as a betatest, and all others just take it as a payed demo they can play before all others can.
best way is imho to ask mod developers, mappers and high ranked clans/players, because they really care about the game and have the experience to talk about important stuff.
the fp betatest is probably just a commercial or a final hardware test to see if there are any hardware/driver bugs, at least I hope so, because I dont think the fp testers are quallified for serious gameplay suggestions.[/quote]
yeah, we aren’t testing to find bugs. thats been done.
we’re going to test server strength and tracking systems.
oh and ‘expensive time’ is only $7 for the whole month.
thats going to work out to be like .20 per hour played.