ET:QW Wishlist

(Bongoboy) #61

*angrily rips up technology design document

(ParanoiD) #62

Uhm I have been thinking and I have some wishes as well, not in game play, but on graphic side:

Could you make the game so that my old rig can still play it on low 800x600. That would be great as I am not planning to upgrade anymore on it.

AMD Athlon MP 1800+ (clocked at 11.5x140 (1610 MHz, 1900+ speed), max at 11.5x142 (1633 MHz, nearly 2000+ speeds) if needed, higher gets instable, Athlon MP is same as Athlon XP xcept for dual proc support).
1024 MB of DDR ram (266 normal, now at 280 MHz, max 284 MHz)
ATI Radeon 9600Pro EZ 256 MB (EZ is a slower version between 9600 and 9600pro cards, 400 core/400 mem)

This machine is still good enough to run Quake4 800x600 low smooth (no special effects liek shades) and it is also able to run it on medium (no special effects) in singleplayer.

As I will need a laptop next year for my study somewhere around the summer which will be able to run new games smooth (like dualcore, 7 series geforce go). Because it is not usefull to put more money in my old rig (new mobo + ram + proc…) i’d rather wait till i buy a good laptop. So if I buy one later it will probably a 15.4" widescreen as it becomes standard. It would be cool to have widescreen resolutions in the game as well, so add 1280x800 resolution. That would be great!

(kamikazee) #63

Hmmm… That should rather be passed on to id, no? It’s their engine…

(Joe999) #64

pleaaaaaaaaaaaaze!!! consider not to make a cd/dvd copy protection, instead only a web check. we have to authenticate anyway over the web everytime we play the game. maybe a cd/dvd key-check is ok if someone gets a key using a keygen. but having the cd/dvd every time i launch the game simply sucks, as i now have to deal that way in Quake IV. i wonder why every company thinks that their stuff is the one and only used on a personal computer. i’m neither a disc jockey, nor do i have a gazillion dvd-roms, each for every single game :frowning:

consideration would be much appreciated!

(eRRoLfLyNN) #65

Bongoboy should personally have to hand-deliver each copy sold. It’s the only way forward. For all gamin companies! :moo:

(Bongoboy) #66


(Zombie13) #67

Never ph34r being a geek. I read a news paper article today reporting on how women are really digging the geek thing, ditching the jocks and guys who go around revving their engines all day with a beer in their hand, apparently being a geek gives you access to much knowledge over these intranets. And you know what they say, knowledge is power :wink:


(ParanoiD) #68

Hehe it is muhawawa. I even have to make some ppl in my class and my teacher believe that the computer isn’t as bad as it is said, instead its good for you and I even got some powerfull arguments from teh internet muhawawawa.

Ok ontopic again, about the DVD/CD protection, great idea to not have a security. As said let it check online if you start, then if you join a server as well. If it is only online multiplayer it won’t be a problem at all with a CD key. Stop wasting your time and money on securitys, it will be cracked anyways, except for the online part in legal servers. Rather make the cost prise lower so more ppl can afford it and want to pay the money for it. I will buy the game if i can run it (probably on lowest it will) because it will PWN every game and i will be able to play years with it. The 2nd reason is that you deserve it as you brought ET out for free which i am playing for 2.5 years now and is still not boring :slight_smile:

(da2ce7) #69

Well this is my first post so anyway, I just wanted to express my hopes for QW:ET

Firstly, I am against Steam, it is the biggest load of crap anyone could ever have sitting on there desktop.

One of the things that I like most about ET is the easy for me (the administrator always) that at my LAN party’s if the party was going not so well, I would just share a custom RAR installer for ET (with ET pro, and heaps of maps) and everyone would install it and have a great time. No problems about copyright. Everyone happy in 10 min + learning how to play ET.

Now I respect that you want to make a profit for ET:QW, and not release it for free :slight_smile: because in this way you get an income, and can make a better game.

There is one thing that really is good about Steam, roaming profiles. If a mate who has bought HL2 and has a steam account comes ova without his computer, he is easily able to just log into, (after I have copied over all of the steam bloat), and use HL2 or any other Steam game that he might have, on any computer that is unused. While for Doom 3 or Quake 3, I have all the issues of needing everybody who owns a copy to bring em along, even if they don’t bring there computers, then installing it on another computer to play, (watt a sick sad computer that dose not have Quake 3, anyway), and at the end of the night (or morning) making everyone uninstalling any games they installed, (real hard to force sometimes).

It is a known that ANYTHING that don’t authenticate with SERVER SIDE protection has/can been cracked (except for maybe UT2003/4 I think read somewhere that it hadn’t been cracked). For example Quake 4 has been cracked for everything but online play (I feal sorry for Ravensoft).

However, there is an opportunity to use this to you advantage, since that you are making a very online game you could just make simply single player free (eg. running you own server, adding bots if they exist and joining it);(Maybe even allowing LAN Gaming). However for joining an online server, (assuming the server are uncracked, eg. servers that have a heartbeat), one must have a registered account with a cdkey to join, and this would be UNCRAKABLE.

The bonus of doing this way is that the single player (running around in boredom or against bots) would be a very good demo, and would give the game heaps more exposure than only being sold in shops.

It would be cool if one with an account would have cool internet based statistics (just like BF2), as a bonus, (another incentive to buy the game). :smiley:

I hope that this opinion make scene and I wish my best of luck to all you good people at Splash Damage for whatever you decide to do.

(ParanoiD) #70

Good post, good post :). Great idea to make offline play multiplayer free. Would be cool to PWN my brother when i have 2 computers able to run ETQW.

(Yay) #71

Hello! :drink:

1.Dual wield ( 2 weapons at the same time )
2. Don’t overpower the vehicles like in Battlefield 2
3. hmm…perhaps some sort of weapons of mass a giant laser thingy for the strogg and a nuclear missile for the humans…
4.FREE BEER!!! :banana:

cheers :drink:

(Patt0n) #72

3 i think might spoil it, although from the trailer there already seems to be a missile involved
4 sounds good tho :drink:

my ideas:

  1. Destroyable… well… everything - eg. Buildings collapse, Terrain (blow holes in cliffs (rocks fall down and maybe crush anything in there path))
  2. Traps - Tripwires, Pits
  3. Lots of explosives

ill think of more later

(ParanoiD) #73

Ofcourse patton :). U forgot to mention one thing: The MORTAR to get those holes in the cliffs :wink:

(kamikazee) #74

Destroyable “everything” is hard to make, you know.
Look at how it currently looks in Worms 3D, in 2D you had nice smooth curves, in 3D this is allmost impossible.

(Black_Forky) #75

Even if it was possible, it would not be very good for an objective based map.
You could just blow a hole in the wall to get to the generator/gun/docs.

(kamikazee) #76

True, blasting a makeshift passage trough some walls is not verry objective-friendly.
Or suppose one “digging in” to get to a tunnel. :stuck_out_tongue:

(SniperSteve) #77

-Will ET:QW have support for dual core CPU’s?

(nUllSkillZ) #78

Has someone played DoD:Source?
I love the “soundenvironment”.
That’s great.
You can hear the sound all over the map.

(Joe999) #79

shovels for the engies!!! :smiley:

( #80

hmm… wish…

i wish new screenshots or ingame videos :banana:

and i wish a release in january - february 2006 :drink:

and i wish more news about ET:QW for my website and the other fansites :smiley: