ET:QW Wishlist

(senator) #301

Here are some of my thoughts, if you like them, I’m payed in Beta-Test-access currency :smiley:


hard to say much without knowing how the game will acually feel/play, so just some general ideas:

  • Illumination: As far as I know the game will have shadows and dark areas, so players need a methode to illuminate those, give them starshells to illuminate outdoor areas (or fire through a tunnel :wink: ), give them (maybe as an XP-based upgrade) weapon-attachable flashlights and some chemical lights, to mark a path or reveal a possible ambush spot.

  • Effects on players: how about concussion grenades/flash bangs? or shell-shock effects when you’re standing too close to exploding stuff? Maybe beeing temporarily blinded if looking into a strong searchlight during a night level or into the sun during a day level.

  • Artillery: include the option to call in smoke screens, aside from the usual Hi-Explosives.

  • Character modifications: maybe allow players to upload a small clan-logo to the SD-Server which will be shown as a little badge ingame. It could also be displayed during the end-of-round statistic screen beside the player name.

Not gameplay related

  • Allow players to organize some rudimentary server-sided clan management, you should be able to create a clan online, generate a ‘clan-password’ which will be passed on to your clanmates and allows them to register as members of your clan, allows the creation of a small graphical ID (see the badge idea above), stores the clan homepage addres and a short general ,‘this is us’ text note.
    This would allow correct in-game identifications of whether a player is really from clan xy, and would prevent attemps to badmouth a clan by adding the clantag to your name, pretending to be from that clan, and than wreck havok among your own team (TKs, bleeding etc).
    You should be able to access these informations during the end-of-round screen, ‘bookmark’ clans etc, and later acces the same informations from a SD-Server site.

  • more server infos in the in-game server browser. I want to be able to tell which maps will be payed on that server, how long the campaign is (xx maps), at what round they are, who’s playing and how many XP they have, what mod is run on the server, which additional files need to be downloaded to play there etc… without having to actually connect first.
    Add more server filter criteria, like: must have at least xx custom maps, should have at least xx free player slots open, must have at least xx from my buddy list playing.

  • buddy list: apart from beeing able to add a server to a favorite list, you should also be able to add players or clans to a favorite/buddy list (see the clan management idea above).

Role Playing elements:

many people seem to like persistant stats, here is an idea how to implement such things without disrupting game balance or having people trying to ‘farm’ stats instead of concentrating on the game objectives.

Add persistant, non-game modifying, player-choosen awards (medals) for ‘outstanding performance’, say each player gets one ‘token’ per day which he can freely award to any other (not in his clan) player, maybe because somebody showed some real great skill, or was an exceptionally good teamplayer.
You can only award the same player with 3 tokens a month max (5 max. to the same clan) to prevent abuse. These tokens are than converted into small medals a player will wear during combat (one for 100 tokens, next for 250, next for xxx), without giving any other adwantages than a visible medal/badge you wear during combat.
The token should be awarded annonymous, to prevent ‘you rewarded me, I reward you’ behaviour.

(zivs) #302

Heh… Will ETQW fully support G-15 keyboards? Would like to see all of ammo/health/blabla status on the keybard screen :slight_smile:

(Salteh) #303

Why look down to your keyboard and take your eyes away from the monitor? :stuck_out_tongue:

(zivs) #304

It gives a feeling that you are 1337 that you can look onto keyboard’s screen and see something maybe even useful :stuck_out_tongue:

(chino) #305

This probably wont be added, but power armor as seen in Unreal 2 XMP is ftw!

(B0rsuk) #306

This is precisely why I’m not looking forward to ut2007. I think ET:QW graphics looks very good and realistic when compared to ut2007.

(chino) #307

Heavy armor like that combined with a semi-realistic movement/firing style would be an interesting concept. I think heavy armor is a somewhat realistic prediction of combat in the future. Weapons become more powerful, so thicker armor is created to counteract them. Imagine fighting in a futuristic urban setting with a squad of power-armored soldiers, with a semi realistic concept of weapon recoil/cover as seen in games like Battlefield 2 or Counter-strike. It combines the realism of modern day shooters with the art style of sci-fi shooter games. I think that’s pretty badass.

(nUllSkillZ) #308

Sorry, I haven’t followed the whole thread.

I like this suggestion very much:

So one would be able to see if one’s favourite skin-/sound-/texture-pack is running.

(Zyklon) #309

Heavy armor like that combined with a semi-realistic movement/firing style would be an interesting concept. I think heavy armor is a somewhat realistic prediction of combat in the future. Weapons become more powerful, so thicker armor is created to counteract them. Imagine fighting in a futuristic urban setting with a squad of power-armored soldiers, with a semi realistic concept of weapon recoil/cover as seen in games like Battlefield 2 or Counter-strike. It combines the realism of modern day shooters with the art style of sci-fi shooter games. I think that’s pretty badass.[/quote]

Ew. EEWWW! The lucker-system of Bf2 and CS is one of the worst inventions.

Besides, big armors look so much manga-sci-fi to me :confused:

(ashwa) #310

I wish they will add a strategic value of the corpses by making the players able to pull their fallen comrade behind cover out of the open, this will make it harder for rambo medics too i guess, and strogg will not get their stroyent too easy. Give the player pulling the corps a 20-30% speed penalty and voila.

i would love to see a squad calling for supressive fire while they run out and pull back 1 or 2 of their teammates while the strogg are running desperatly low on stroy and backup trying to get control of the fresh meat.

(BR1GAND) #311

Hire Maleficus and code in some offline AI!

(kamikazee) #312

Better: hire someone to code some good online AI with bot map script support, and reuse it for NPC’s.

(Jaquboss) #313

The Best: keep AAS okay, and release SDK ASAP from game release
As you already know bots in it were discussed, and hiring someone to do it will make game more expensive, released later … whatever discussions were about …
EDIT: in Fritz’s faq:

If I could work on Fritz 8-10 hours a day, everyday, and be paid, he’d be a LOT farther along and would kick ass (hint to game companies: hire me to write your A.I.)!

(kamikazee) #314

Agreed, as it’s free and leaves some fun for the coders…

(Approx01) #315

here is a list of a few things i would like to see (in no particular order)

detailed statics like you see for BF2
a nice simple player ranking system like in Halo 2
a class system like in BF2, DOD, etc.
multiple game types like onslaught, headquarters, capture the flag, search and destroy, team king of the hill, etc.
variety of map sizes and terrains
make sure you can hit what you actually shoot at without having some sort of random bullet cone like in BF2
there better be IRONSIGHTS. BF2 did an ok job, but I would rather see soemthing like Cod, Cod2
try to think about the competitive side of the game as many teams are looking farward in playing this in CAL
i think for match play either 6v6 or 8v8 would be choice
keep the game flexable and keep in consideration what cvars can be turned on or off to make match play easier and to keep cheating at a minimum
it would be nice to have some sort of patching system like steam. i know steam sucked balls when it first came out but now it’s really nice to have
keep in consideration the weight each player is carrying. ie if you’re carrying a large payload of weapons, armor, and ammunition, you shouldn’t run faster by just pulling out your pistol. (i know this would be hard to do but please try)
make it so you can swim across the lakes or rivers or w/e BUT set a maximum weight limit to keep yourself boyant (make it possible to drop armor, ammo, seconday weapon, etc.)
set a maximum payload a person can carry so it comes down balancing your weapons with how much armor you have and how much ammo you can carry. (but you can change each variable independently as long as you do not excede your maximum carry limit. this would increase player customization and would allow for more and different strats)
a slight upgrade system would be nice. not earning money for kills, but more of a “battle ranks” system where you get more ammo or armor based on your performance on the battlefield.
like others have said, a commander would be nice. BF2 and Savage are ok, but i think the setup in Natural Selection would be best. :slight_smile:
i think atleast 10 maps at launch would be good
release a new map every month/2 months so you don’t have to play the same maps FOR SEVEN YEARS
lastly, and i know this is a hard one, but make the game look good without making the game a system killer, allow users to control every aspect of their graphics options, and making sure that lowering your settings or changing the rendering mode doesn’t lead to any unfair advantages like bush/tree clipping

edit: i saw a lot of people wanting a friends list… just get xfire.

that’s about it i think for now

(Lanz) #316

Approx01, sounds like you haven’t read up about what ET:QW is. Half of the things are already implemented or on the check list, some of them are obviously already implemented and some just don’t fit the game.

For example:
a class system like in BF2, DOD, etc.
Have you ever played ET?

multiple game types like onslaught, headquarters, capture the flag, search and destroy, team king of the hill, etc.
ET is not about simple game types like that, the main game type is Objective that can do a varity of things via map scripts.


(Approx01) #317

thanks for the headsup

yeah i played ET but i didn’t get into it. i forgot it had a class system.

and i know the game isn’t supposed to have the standard gametypes and stuff, but it would be nice to have a variety of gametypes rather than doing the same thing everytime

(Crylar) #318

I just hope SD makes us of the engine in every aspect, I hope they make us of the GUI in as many ways as possible (like how they are used in the cockpits, really nice).
I hope they will make it as much Fun and Quake as possible (of course they could very well be one and the same word) and not think about if things are realistic or not (games is supposed to be fun not realistic).
I do expect too see some classic Quake guns (the rail gun must be in there) and some new. I wish they will make the teams as different as possibel (stroggs needs to be mean, filthy killing machines), and that every class will be as unique as it can in both features and appearance (right now all stroggs look to much the same).
Easy modding, easy making maps, being abel to make maps far more advanced the the BF games (cause BF maps doesn’t have shit)
A high pace gameplay, very very fast. The stealth classes being uber stealthy, beyond anything I have ever seen. Having the support classes super supporty and very much needed, so the team will allways come in first hand.
I want lots and lots of gore, and blood…

Well basecally I hope SD will understand that :
The engine is capabel of doing stuff never seen in games before, make use of it.
You have a gameplay with great potentials, take it to it’s edge.
And damn you to hell if you don’t make sure this game is Quake.

(dowbender) #319

Well, what can i add to this discussion on wish list for the new game?

My biggest and most important issue is the ability for mods and cool custom maps to be created.
I know this will not be a problem though, so what is essential?

To have maps which either team can win, ie dual objective maps. Prime example in RTCW would be Marketgarden map. Where each team must play offense and defense. This greatly alters the online multiplayer elements to the game. On most RTCW: Enemy Territory maps, the gameplay allows for one team to be on offense, and the other to be defending fixed objectives. Typically the defending team has NO opportunity to strike the other team’s base to win the game. ie, it is either Allied or Axis on the offense. What was great about RTCW was the ability to have maps where either team could win. No one has been able to program this type of map for ET. It must be the map creator program. I don’t know the reason. but it would be terrific to get a handful of maps like these out of the box for the new game. and have tools for people to be able to create maps like this easily.

Additionally, A very good anti-cheat part of the game program that is updated is essential! seems like punkbuster falls short allot these days on RTCW: ET

(carnage) #320

What was great about RTCW was the ability to have maps where either team could win. No one has been able to program this type of map for ET. It must be the map creator program

ok first these map types are knows as duel objective and they can be very easily made for ET without any programing needed. There are duel objective maps for ET such as the two tank race and other… there are proabale less than other tpyes since its a very hard objective set to balance and can often require a largare number of players since there are two attacking and two defence teams needed, larger players mean its less likely to be pobular with server admins and if no1 is gona play ur map why go to the agro of making a map were a more played map can be made easier