I should have been 1 of the 55 from Oz
ET:QW still active?
Forgot to reply to your post, Apples.
One of our clan members, Vampirox, wrote an application that monitors our server and one of the things it does is produce a small report that I just copied and pasted.
It uploads different information to a central ftp server which you can see on this web page and I guess this should be included there as well. Thanks for the suggestion and the offer. He’s on holiday right now, I’ll tell him about it when he gets back. I don’t think he’s registered here.
The information you see on those pages is of limited usefulness, but it’s the best he can do atm. There’s potential for more and more useful information but that would require a database of some sorts combined with the ability to generate content for web pages on the fly.
We’re at 2236 unique players as I type this, btw. We have players from 6 different continents and a penguin with an internet connection could be the one that makes it 7 continents. The mad scientist from area 51 is a Euro if I remember it correctly and that’s based on the ping he had when I played with him on Euro servers. I guess it could be Kosovo.
Dr. Funkenstein
Yeah the point is to construct a datatbase on the fly from your server, then I can extract from db and make some charts with R, all in one webpage, you just have to select the charts you want and tadam, it work.
I never done that so I guess I’ll need help for the webpage, just including my code inside for generating the charts, it would be usefull for my phd to get that kind of thing done anyway, so if I can help it wont be a waste of time
These are some pretty cool stats
Can it also monitor map tracking?
Say, per map stat tracking and keep it stored for a week or so?
And is this also available for public use?
And does this update every 10 seconds or is it actually tied in with the console and streamingly updates?
Also, can this work with W:ET, BRINK, CoD etc?
I see it is available for public use, thats nice
I was just wondering if there will be a version coming then can run as a native service?
Just for the stats?
We’re at 2468 unique players atm, which means we get about 30 new players each day.
I realize this is essentially a dead game, but I’m surprised by the amount of new players we get. I figured it would have slowed down to a trickle by now since we’ve been recording the numbers for more then a month, but there seems to be a relatively steady supply of new players.
Dr. Funkenstein
I just gifted my nephew with his very own PC version of the game. Maybe he’s one of those new players to which you refer?
I can think of a couple of reasons:
- Catching up.
You start to record the number of players at some point and a lot of the players in those numbers are people that played on our server before we started counting them. - Lack of choice.
If you’re looking for a game of ET:QW and just want to hop on a server that has one going, you don’t have that many options left. - Apples bought 1400 copies of this game.
It’s hard to make an estimate of the number of really, really new players, but I see them almost every day. That’s the puzzling part. Did they give this game away with a video card or something like that?
Dr. Funkenstein
Been playing ET:QW here and there over the last two days. Getting completely owned mind you
Wanna try Custom maps this Sunday or you are one of those “official maps only” moaners?
[QUOTE=brutt01d;257181]Wanna try Custom maps this Sunday or you are one of those “official maps only” moaners? :)[/QUOTE]I think that is what Apples was on about when I ran into and killed him (lots of times). I’ll will try and get everything installed for next Sunday, and might join.
Killed you moar! For my defence when my team consist of mindless lemmings I just grab anansi and do ****e all over Then my connection broke and I missed nirvana till 23:00, sadpanda.
[QUOTE=Apples;257534]Killed you moar! For my defence when my team consist of mindless lemmings I just grab anansi and do ****e all over Then my connection broke and I missed nirvana till 23:00, sadpanda.[/QUOTE]In my defence, I couldn’t get to the Tormy to take you down, and I haven’t played in over a year!