ET:QW - SP & Bots ???

(Sebultura) #1

Hi there !

Here are the questions:

  1. Will there be a singleplayer part in the game ?
  2. If so, any chance to see mission-based maps ?
  3. Will there be bots for multiplayer ?
  4. If planned, will there be bots for singleplayer too ?

I’m waiting for this game to come & it seems that I’m not alone :wink:

So please, let’s get official answers here (if possible) & everyone’ll be happy :clap:


(Joe999) #2

this link should pretty much answer all your questions:

(Sebultura) #3

Hum… thanks for the link, but I don’t see any reference to what I’m asking for ???

(kamikazee) #4

Well, I believe ET:QW was MP only.

(Joe999) #5

dude, just read what’s behind the interviews. here’s a quickie:

  1. no SP
  2. maps are mission based. depending on who wins, the missions in the campaign change somehow.
  3. no bots, nobody wants them, nobody needs them <= just speaking for myself. there are always enough players on the web to play with

i recommend to read the interviews, the information about the gameplay of etqw is awesome. this game will rock your world.

(Kendle) #6

If there’s no SP will there be a guarantee of servers to play on? Cos I’m not paying money for a piece of software that’s reliant on voluntarily donated 3rd party resources before it can be used.

(kamikazee) #7

Probably the major game server renters will bring one up, as it seems good advertising to me.

(Joe999) #8

honestly, have you read the specs of etqw and do you think there is only a slight possibility that there won’t be servers?

what do you think you’re playing ET on?

(Kendle) #9

“probably” doesn’t cut it, I’m not paying money for something without a cast-iron guarantee I can use it. Most MP only games have bots (so the makers can (rightly) claim it can be used standalone) or provide servers (subscription MMORPGs etc.). I’m not paying a penny for a piece of software that once installed on my PC doesn’t actually do anything unless a vague “someone else” provides the resources necessary for it to do what it’s designed to do.

(Kendle) #10

“possibility” isn’t the same as “guarantee to do what I paid money for”, and ET is free.

(Joe999) #11

lol, i don’t even think about that, why should one? besides i owe SD 2 years of fun playing with ET, that alone justifies a buy of ET:QW :smiley:

(Sebultura) #12

So no sp & no bots ? Then I don’ t see any reason why I’ll buy & play this game - even if it’s a great mp game - 'cause I haven’t got a big internet connection for multiplayer games, not much friends to play with on LAN, in short that’s why I’m asking for - at least - bots…

Too bad that I won’t enjoy it…

(mortis) #13

I have had my ‘evaluation copy’ of ET for two years, and I’m willing to fork out the bucks for QuakeWars. Enemy Territory is the best FPS team game ever. I’ll wager that ET:QW will be comparably good, and thus, worth paying for.

(Joe999) #14

Sebultura, dude, you should get a good connection soon. trust me, after you’ve tasted multiplayer games with teamspeak, you wouldn’t want a stupid single player game anymore. it’s just another quality of gameplay, besides it’s so much fun and pleasure to get to know other people from all over the world :wink:

(Sebultura) #15

Well, it’s not a matter of getting or not a good connection (I’ve got the luck to have the money for that…), it’s just that in my town, I’m limited to a 512 k & I can’t imagine playing such a game at this speed…

(Sauron|EFG) #16

Even if they guarantee that they will provide servers they can’t guarantee there will be players. :wink:

There was no guarantee RtCW would do what I paid money for either since I bought it exclusively for the MP, but I guess I got lucky. If I’d had the option to only buy the MP I would probably have done that (if it was cheaper), even without any guarantees about servers.

(Joe999) #17

well, on the other hand i must admit that i bought Far Cry only because of the MP. i had bad luck. and i know now why they never released a MP demo. the SP is good, but the MP gameplay simply sucks, especially as it took them months to release patches that didn’t work either.

(Floris) #18

“possibility” isn’t the same as “guarantee to do what I paid money for”, and ET is free.[/quote]
I guarantee you my clan will have a server on ETQW.

(Nail) #19

I have a feeling alot of ET servers that exist now will switch to ET:QW

(SCDS_reyalP) #20

This nonsense.

If you are really worried, all you have to do is hold off a couple weaks to make sure it isn’t a complete flop. If it isn’t, there will be servers. If it is a complete flop, then the fact that id provided servers wouldn’t mean anything, because no one would be playing on them. Or do you expect them to hire a bunch of people to keep those servers full too ?