I just read this over at quakewarscenter.com:
Q: Will the game servers have to be monitored similar to the ranked servers of Battlefield 2142?
A: Kevin: “Yes, servers will basically have to be under a validation process for ranked servers because the issue is that you do not want people going in and hacking your stats, and then having roll back issues for the stat tracking data base guys. It would just be a mess. So yes, there is a comparative system to Battlefield.”
Paul: “Anyone who wants to can run a server, it just would not be an officially ranked stat collecting server, but anyone can run a server on your LAN or ISP for anyone you like. It does not have to be ranked. So you can have thousands and thousands of servers out there just like Wolfenstein and Enemy Territory now, but if you want to play on a ranked server then it needs to be on one [that has] an agreement with id and Activision to make sure it is kept secure.”Q: Regarding the ranked server system, is that only going to be available for the [official] maps that you have developed, or are user created maps going to be able to see the benefits of the ranking system as well?
A: Kevin: “Right now as far as when the release goes out it would just be our maps, but it is something we are talking about doing but there has not been a decision on it yet. Obviously we want to do what we can do to support the mod community. We just need to figure out exactly how to handle those stats and what impact having a map that has not been added to the database would cause. So right now when the game is released [stats will only be collected on] the officially released maps.”
I really do hope that they find a way to solve this problem with custom content and the stats. Because for me custom content is vital to keep my interest going in a game. Especially custom maps, since when I’ve been active in clans you tend to practice on the same maps over and over again till death so it’s great being able to play some custom ones.
So just play on a non stat tracking server then you might say. Well the problem with that is that people in general loves stats and refuse to play on anything but ranked/stats servers meaning that non stats servers will be more or less empty compared to stats servers.
This might not be a big deal in the end but I just wanted to make a comment about it since a game without a thriving mod community is a boring game community imo.