ET:QW and ranked servers

(Lanz) #1

I just read this over at

Q: Will the game servers have to be monitored similar to the ranked servers of Battlefield 2142?
A: Kevin: “Yes, servers will basically have to be under a validation process for ranked servers because the issue is that you do not want people going in and hacking your stats, and then having roll back issues for the stat tracking data base guys. It would just be a mess. So yes, there is a comparative system to Battlefield.”
Paul: “Anyone who wants to can run a server, it just would not be an officially ranked stat collecting server, but anyone can run a server on your LAN or ISP for anyone you like. It does not have to be ranked. So you can have thousands and thousands of servers out there just like Wolfenstein and Enemy Territory now, but if you want to play on a ranked server then it needs to be on one [that has] an agreement with id and Activision to make sure it is kept secure.”

Q: Regarding the ranked server system, is that only going to be available for the [official] maps that you have developed, or are user created maps going to be able to see the benefits of the ranking system as well?
A: Kevin: “Right now as far as when the release goes out it would just be our maps, but it is something we are talking about doing but there has not been a decision on it yet. Obviously we want to do what we can do to support the mod community. We just need to figure out exactly how to handle those stats and what impact having a map that has not been added to the database would cause. So right now when the game is released [stats will only be collected on] the officially released maps.”

I really do hope that they find a way to solve this problem with custom content and the stats. Because for me custom content is vital to keep my interest going in a game. Especially custom maps, since when I’ve been active in clans you tend to practice on the same maps over and over again till death so it’s great being able to play some custom ones.

So just play on a non stat tracking server then you might say. Well the problem with that is that people in general loves stats and refuse to play on anything but ranked/stats servers meaning that non stats servers will be more or less empty compared to stats servers.

This might not be a big deal in the end but I just wanted to make a comment about it since a game without a thriving mod community is a boring game community imo.

(madness) #2

huh…I always thought anyone can host ranked server.

(darki) #3

great, no need of ranked servers for me. :slight_smile:

(Ifurita) #4

Also, will there be a cost to server admins to run a ranked server ala BF2. Currently, it looks like ranked servers are going for $3-5/slot/month

(cheesecake) #5

That doesnt seem that big considering there is also an internet bill to pay

(BrightSoul) #6

Why? I think you’ll be able to play custom maps on ranked servers. Splash Damage devs are a mod team themselves, I’m positive they will do whatever it takes to make Id/Activision acknowledge those custom maps and let them into the ranked maps group. Of course, I’m not expecting ALL of them to be approved, just the ones made with some skill.

(Lanz) #7

Why? I think you’ll be able to play custom maps on ranked servers. Splash Damage devs are a mod team themselves, I’m positive they will do whatever it takes to make Id/Activision acknowledge those custom maps and let them into the ranked maps group. Of course, I’m not expecting ALL of them to be approved, just the ones made with some skill.[/quote]
That’s just a bad idea to have someone approving maps. My guess is that ET:QW will have some big problems to get custom maps in rotation as it is when the maps will be around 300-500 meg big, having to get the maps approved just adds to that.

Of course they have thought this over in some ways, I just hope it wont be one of thouse afterthougts that no one is really happy with. Lots of people love making custom maps including me, but if they don’t get used because of the added complexity to get them on the servers it wont take off at all.

(haktrix) #8

stats is a good idea but going at it same way as Battlefied did isnt as for the cost why should we be paying more to be ranked we get less acces ro the server and restricted on the content and most isp double if not triple the price, yh i no the data base to hold the stats but it should be all ranked or not ranked it splits the community up like the clan that can not afford to pay triple the normal price just to compete/keep the players happy.
thats my thoughts anyway
happy to recieve flaming normally do

(General.Jung) #9

Hello Forum,

i hope if ranked server cost more than unranked server, that i can run it on my own root as ranked, like in Americas Army (Honor), there you can buy a license for one year for your own root server. The way in Battlefield is not really fair, you only can lease a ranked server, and not on our own root, so you don´t have the full control of the gameserver. I am very pleased about a offical statement here in this thread.

(Strogg) #10

I could care less about stats!!! That means I can put up a non non-ranked server like 2142 YEA BABY!!! I have played 2142 since it came out last October. Not once did I looks at my stats. Stats do nothing for me.
The reason I could care less about stats is for one reason only

STATS DONT WIN GAMES… Teamplayers do!!

(General.Jung) #11

Hello Strogg,

sure, but in Quake Wars your teamplay abilities will be loged, so it is the better system as in other games. You can not compare it really with the Ranked System in Battlefield. Finally Quake Wars is a game which honors the teamplayer more then other games, this sounds like a really good work.

(Nail) #12

oh good, so I can run both, how excellent

(Kendle) #13

Hardly anyone plays on BF un-ranked servers. I know people round here don’t appreciate the comparisons, but I’d expect ET:QW un-ranked servers to be a small minority and only cater for a small niche crowd of players. Like it or not most people play for their stats, unfortunately.

(SCDS_reyalP) #14

There is a significant difference. If you play on a ranked BF server, you are working toward getting your next unlocks. If you are gonna play, you may as well make progress toward getting the next new toy.

If all you get is bragging rights, it isn’t nearly as big a deal.

(BondyBoy007) #15

There is a significant difference. If you play on a ranked BF server, you are working toward getting your next unlocks. If you are gonna play, you may as well make progress toward getting the next new toy.

If all you get is bragging rights, it isn’t nearly as big a deal.[/quote]

aye, maybe with ranked and un-ranked servers we’ll get a different, more friendly class of ppl on the un-ranked ones? :slight_smile:

although this is the internet . . .

(SKaREO) #16

I agree with you yet again Strogg.

There’s only three things in the world that can’t be trusted … Men, Women and Statistics.

(Nail) #17

There is a significant difference. If you play on a ranked BF server, you are working toward getting your next unlocks. If you are gonna play, you may as well make progress toward getting the next new toy.

If all you get is bragging rights, it isn’t nearly as big a deal.[/quote]

aye, maybe with ranked and un-ranked servers we’ll get a different, more friendly class of ppl on the un-ranked ones? :slight_smile:

although this is the internet . . .[/quote]

counting on it

(Kendle) #18

You guys have more faith in human nature than I do then, people play for their stats, regardless of the “reward” they get for it. Despite ET:QW not having persistent un-locks I’d expect ranked servers to outnumber un-ranked by a significant margin.

(nUllSkillZ) #19

Not sure what to think about these ranked servers.
True no unloggs but you have the ranks.
My guess: Everyone will play for the ranks.

Custom maps are not tracked.
But what about mods?

If custom content isn’t tracked at all than I foresee a monoculture of stock ET:QW ranked servers (as has been mentioned before here in the thread).


Ranked servers could also be a “safety” action to prevent playing with an illegal copy.

(AKA Sneaky) #20

There’s rank?

They said medals, like Wolf:ET but these one are persistent and don’t provide anything extra. it’s just for fun, so anyone who takes this too seriously is quite the retard. They say ranked server has to be ID/SD approved, with classic maps and no mods. So if anyone wants to play a serious competitive game they go on ‘‘ranked’’ server. I know i’ll enjoy playing on these, i won’t even bother with the stats.