ET - Quake Wars - Philosophy - Developer to Answer Please

(Isabel Lucas) #1


I’m one of many thousands of disillusioned loyal Battlefield 2 players who are awaiting this game with the possibility of defecting from EA to ID software, that includes some of the top CAL league teams, one of which I am a member.

As someone new to the Quake / Enemy Territory series I wonder if one of the developers could please give us some more information as to the philosophy behind the game play in this title.

The main reason so many players are looking to leave the Battlefield series is because of changes EA made to the Battlefield series’s gameplay away from arcade play to low skill / low accuracy children friendly play.

Specifically what many of us didn’t like in BF2 was:

  1. Nerfed weapons - highly inaccurate with large cones of fire making it more computer generated luck than skill in the killing of opponents

  2. Delays introduced by patches on certain gameplay actions such a proning and the firing of certain weapons

  3. Nerfing of jumping and shooting

  4. Nerfing of shooting and moving

  5. A general dumbing down of everything in BF2 to suit the lowest possible denominator, the whiners, who complained and demanded the removal of everything in the game that better’ed them.

What many of us in the Battlefield community are interested in hearing therefore is ID / Splash’s philosophy for gameplay in ETQW.

I understand that traditionally, ET and QW’s have allowed jumping and shooting / movement based arcade style play and hasen’t suffered from all of the nerfs thats driven many people away from BF2.

Could you please confirm this / the style of play we could expect by moving over to ETQW and also some comments on the accuracy / skill level of the gameplay. I will be passing your comments back to several top CAL teams and parts of the disillusioned Battlefield community in general.



(kamikazee) #2

Please use the search function… Lots of ex-BF2 players have posed this questions before. :wink:

(Senethro) #3

Hi Al, I’m not a developer but I’ve played a fair bit of ET. I never played BF2 but some of my friends did and I read the patchnotes because I’m interested in game design. I couldn’t believe the bullshit that EA/Dice pulled on you guys. I also apologise for my friends because they’re the kind of people who wanted the low skill play changes to happen :confused:

Have you seen the gameplay vids of the ET:QW alpha build from E3? The walkspeed is so fast that it looks really weird beside the realistic graphics because you expect things that look like people to move like people. There looks like the same amount of “cone of fire” as in W:ET, that is, barely any cone at all and only from very, very long firing. Didn’t see anyone trickjumping about but the devs have apparently said its in, meaning the players will be very mobile.

Theres also going to be no stat-unlockables meaning less people doing idiot stuff for promotions.

Whats the word on BF2142? I was wanting to get into ET:QW competitively and didn’t want EA swooping in and stealing half of the market for Sci-fi FPS.

(Nail) #4

Download, install and play ET while you wait for ET:QW, that will give you the best idea about gameplay and as a bonus you’ll have an excellent game to play that already blows away BF2

(nUllSkillZ) #5

While waiting for an answer from the developers you could try to get an impression by reading some impressions from the E3 presentation.
There are also some gameplay movies:
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars E3 2006 Media


Oops that are only the movies.
You should / could try to search the forusm for E3.

(Redh3lix) #6

Being a BF2 player and previously a long term ET player, I sympathise with your thirst for knowledge regarding this title.

I’m relying on the fact it’s a Splash Damage title m8, Imo, it will be superb and blow BF2 (and BF2142) apart. I doubt very much they’ll bow to the pressure of the players who simply can’t aim/drive/fly etc and nerf it.

(jjpron) #7

Yes, why not play ET for a while?
Have you tried playing it, if so, what did you/did not like about it?

(carnage) #8

if the game is anyhting like ET (and im 99.9999% sure it is) then there is basical no nerfing. the only limiting factor is your own skill as a player which is what makes ET such a great game. i cant w8 to get my hands on vehicles with ID engine behind them. we could see some insane trickjumping

(Rhoades) #9

In a video, Wedgewood said they are not fans of nerfing and noobifying a game. So I hope that helps somewhat.

(nUllSkillZ) #10

Silly me I totally have forgotten the unofficial FAQ by RosOne:
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars FAQ
Some info’s from some previews as far as I remember.
May be some of your questions will be answered there (shame on me I haven’t had a closer look).

(Isabel Lucas) #11

Ok thx for the replies guys.

Its nice to know there are still gamers out there who appreciate skill in a game.

1942 was a great game but unfortunately the titles really went down from there until we reached BF2 which was nerfed accuracy wise at the start, but overall not a bad game. Unfortunately, gameplay changes then turned it into something completely different to the demo and to what I personally bought into.

Last time I buy an EA title.

I’ll get a copy of ET and give it a go, more or less had enough of BF2 anyway.

Thx once again,


(SniperSteve) #12

Al, ET is free!

I feel your pain, and as an X-BF2 player I understand where you are coming from. The more I play of ‘realistic’ games the less I like them. Primarily because they are not realistic at all.

I am a skill junkie, I play games for the fun of getting #1 frags, or assiting my team in victory (by some awesome display of skill). BF2 took that all away. It had a great clan vrs clan when it first came out, but even that died quickly.
Vehicles are awesome but there is nothing like jumping off the walls owning some other players, vehicled take littile skill to use and get kills in. They are what the more hard core among us call LAME. In ET:QW there is a limited supply of vehicles, and while some are there to really kill guys and defend the main passageways, those same vehicles won’t be able to defend the smaller routes to the objective. This will make it so the most powerfull vehicles are good to have on your team, but they wont be the sole key to victory like BF2. What vehicle you take will be a tactical decision, not just take the biggest one like BF2. Many times, as stated earlier, the big vehicles are just useless.
SD also ensured us that the gameplay would be very simmilar to W:ET with the quick movement more arcade style gameplay that all the ET fans love. the weapons will be from the quake universe, and hte movement/shooting/gameplay will be from W:ET. Its a mix that can easily be a winner.

I also play another game called PlanetSide which has followed the ways of BF2 by nerfing all the skill based gameplay. We hear so much about ‘awarding skill’, but then they take out all these cool littile tricks that give you the edge, bringing you down to the same level as the newbie. Skill should be rewarded, and it doesn’t need to be through upgraded armor or weapons, or a greater array of abilities, it should be awarded with a game that has deep gameplay that you can realy spend time at and learn every trick in the game. Bunny hopping, strafing, crouch jumpping, circlestrafing, corner humping, trick jumping, where to plant dynamite so others cannot reach it, etc. should all be availible for the player to ‘unlock’ by his/her personal skill and knowledge of the game, not how many kills they get or how much time they play.

/sarcasm/ Remember folks, nerf everything to the point where you are shooting nerf guns at eachother and everyone will be having so much more fun! /end sarcasm/

I have always considdered the best games to be the ones with the very deep gameplay, also known as Un-nerfed gameplay or non-BF2 style. :wink: It looks like ET:QW is following in W:ET’s footsteps with the gameplay, and is going to add more depth to the game to make it even better.

(Gringo) #13

ET is free!! It will, as many people above have said, allow u to get the feel of what QW will be like, movement wise etc etc!

(Lanz) #14

I still remember the very first time I started the rtcw test demo, loaded up mp_beach and played my first match and said WOW!

It really started a new era for my online gaming.

Nothing to see here, move along! Just got a bit nostalgic here…

(ParanoiD) #15

I remember downloading ET when weve got ADSL. Since the 1st moment i was addicted. The great thing about Et is taht you dont need 1 v 1 skill as the 1337 ppl. I have a non tweaked cfg and play the games as it is ment to be played in my eyes. Im not good a t 1 v 1 altought i have good moments. But other skills in Engineering and teamwork help me and my team to get further. I only play public, but i can always play with all players, im like teh general on teh field telling what to do, what to not and ginving my team hope on teh victory. Then we work hard to win whele having fun as well. I don’t care about stats, the fun and victory in a game does it for me!

(Rhoades) #16


(Gringo) #17

Paranoid being one of a dying breed of people who aint a frag whores! Tbh, frag whores need fragged in real life!

(QW|Genesis) #18

I just hope that ET will survive.
I’m also getting all impatient and nerve-tingly to try QW but I don’t plan on abondoning my roots when I do.
If ET could survive WoW and BF2, despite the hype those games got, then it can pretty much overcome anything (I hope!)
Besides, it is FREE… so at least the kids who dont get much pocket money… or parents who give their kids too much pocket money… will always be interested…right?
I’m currently a member of 2 different clans; a fairly large-scale, very dedicated Dutch clan and one of the very very few all-girl teams around.
Both of which, whilst planning on at least trying QW, are not going to abandon ET any time soon.

Or at least, not as long as there is still someone to play against.

(Ciabs) #19

we should play alongside someday, you play just as I do… :slight_smile:

Fun&Teamplay >>> Fragging

(Gringo) #20

Indeed Genesis, long live ET even when QW arrives!