Estate 2 - the Sequel

(Runeforce) #81

SURPRISE :slight_smile:

most awesome

(Ashog) #82

meaning we can remove it from campaign?

I posted a screenie of this at least a year ago. Here is it again. Note that the older versions of maps were removed and also megatexture list is clean.

(Ashog) #83

The gaydar that was functional actually :slight_smile:

(Violator) #84

lol @ radar :slight_smile: There’s no deploymask generated for the map yet so deployables can go anywhere in owned territory.

I do remember about the snow tex probs you had now, looks like its only showing the detail textures for some reason.

(Donnovan) #85

I believe you HAVE a deploy mask, and it is all white! I will try deployables on next Estate 2 match!

Ashog, this is a BIOS problem!

(Scrupus) #86

I see the same “dirty” megatexture as Ashog actually. Strange if only some of us got it?

What do you mean with BIOS Don? Graphic card setting?

(Violator) #87

Yes Don its the full-white can stick it anywhere default mask :slight_smile:

What version of viomine is on the server scrupus? The latest should be b3a. I’ll remake the MT as it looks like its only 6MB inside the b3a version.

(Donnovan) #88


Just kiding about BIOS :smiley:

Its a generic telehelp jargom, like the “Turn it off and on!”.

(Violator) #89

Holy just found my old profile details batman

(Violator) #90

But I’ll stick to using this one :wink:

(.Chris.) #91

You can get banned for dual accounts! Ask badman to remove one for you.

(Violator) #92

Oops :frowning: the old one will have to go then :slight_smile:

(Violator) #93

Roofsnipe - OP? [Y/N]

(Ashog) #94

ehm… what?

(Violator) #95

Being able to parachute down onto the house roofs for OP snipin’ / noobtubin’ duties (with the extra problem of getting stuck behind the houses).

(Donnovan) #96

You need more doritus, Ablob.

Strogg sniping on the houses roof (not sure wich houses) should be allowed?

I got it?

Edit: Whooops! I was later. So yes he is talking about spawn directly to the roofa.

(Violator) #97

Yes Don, thats it :). Strogg can beacon up there as well, I think its ok as long as you can’t go out of the playing area (get stuck in gardens you’re not supposed to be in). Also what about adding a forward spawn at the docs for GDF? They are getting hammered at the strogg base shield choke at the moment for the docs run. I think the hack obj is ok.

(Ashog) #98

I think its ok as is now. Not many just know that there is a shortcut for GDF with docs through the building and a hole downunder.
The choking point is not too bad imho, is fun to shoot a bit. What you could do is add a constructible staircase to the roof of a building which is in the middle of the docs street leading to the middle of transmit street, but which is not too far away from strogg spawn.

Chuting to roofs is fine imho, some kind of variety in gameplay from most of maps and brings funny surprises, forcing to track roofs too. Noone is safe on E2! :slight_smile:
The ones who got stuck in yards - either kill them by map or make a road out of those yards. Anyways, they are themselves to blame if they got stuck there :slight_smile:

Pls, correct the red ugly doors on some buildings. Also the general limbo map is too zoomed out.

(Violator) #99

Staircase is a good idea, I had the idea before for a blowable gate around there but stairs would make more sense as GDF were blocked by the hack shield, as long as strogg could stop them building it.

Adding ladders, crates to get out of the ‘illegal gardens’ is probably the way to go, or fill them with lava :wink:

The command map is big because there are plans for a possible 3rd obj. The as yet unnamed docs will become a data disc which needs to be reprogrammed at the 2nd obj then transmitted at the 3rd in the style of the Q2 mission in the palace I think it was.

(Violator) #100