Estate 2 - the Sequel

(Donnovan) #61

There is a unsolid tree on first objective, half way from strogg spawn shield and objective model, in front of a house with “pinksh” floor.

(Violator) #62

Fixed now :slight_smile:

(Violator) #63

Some hi-res shots + STUFF

(Violator) #64

Got a couple of problems though in that the stuff doesn’t seem to take shadows into account - is there a fix for it? In the first shot, the lighting matches in the bottom right but the stuff in shadow further in is too bright.

(light_sh4v0r) #65

Who sneezed on the sidewalk?

(Violator) #66

Yeah thats the problem - its a uniform soylent green colour. The grass on Valley does work for shadows (I’m using the same stuff models as valley) - see under the trees for instance. Also the stuff seems to clump in certain areas rather than being evenly distributed (I think I had this problem on estate 1 as well). I’ve trimmed my distribution masks so there’s no grass on the pavement now :).

(Violator) #67

Votes please… :slight_smile:

Currently the chokepoint at the strogg ‘pagoda’ is pretty chaotic, but is it toooo chaotic? How about this to give GDF a bit of an alternative:

  1. Make the gate in the centre a destroyable 2ndary objective for GDF.
  2. Extend the sewer tunnel to the green circle (only available once gate hacked).
  3. Do both things.
  4. Leave it as it is.

(Runeforce) #68

#3, please (10 chars)

(Donnovan) #69

I like 3)

But need to be a way to the stroog to jump the wall and disarm the GDF charge. So they can go to the GDF side by the tunnel and by jumping the wall using some crates or anything else.

What do you think to make strogg able to jump the wall, Violator?

(Donnovan) #70

Like that, Violator:

(Violator) #71

It would need to be using a strogg base shield somehow, through the garage perhaps, or the destruct kills the shield (more gate controls) and that is the barrier. If I add both new routes then the barrier would have to be worth while doing over using the new tunnel.

I guess crates strogg-side would be ok as its a speed convenience for GDF, and strogg can always come through the tunnel (and even hold GDF off in that area which has good scope for adding some cover).

(Ashog) #72

I havent had enuff gameplay on it as strogg to understand the chokepoints if there are any. I would now do 4) and give it more time. I remember that last Nirvana this was the most crazy funny game on Estate 2.

Fix viomine and estate in the meanwhile :wink:

Viomine still has the weird snow bug for me (whole 2 last years). Can you edit the texture/perhaps rename it? I could test then such version privately if the fix works. I wonder how viomine would look like in summer or autumn… Also the pit area around the fallen lasor is a bit too tight and one cant jump out easily. Also plz fix the respawn on the 1st obj - it is too high and the sound disappears at such high altitude.

And Estate 1 is still somehow not optimal - not reaching the fun level of best maps.

(Violator) #73

I’ve done my time on Estate 1 now I think :). It was the first map I did, was way too big and too hard to make the required changes to now.

Viomine does need a new version, whats up with the snow (screenie)? High spawn - check. Cramped pit - check :slight_smile:

I won’t release a new Estate 2 for a few weeks, to give the current version more time to bed in, it does need the tunnel shield fixing though.

(Scrupus) #74

I’ve only played the last version once, would like at least one alternative path like 1 or 2, but let’s see how it plays after a few more weeks :slight_smile:

About the brightness problem you mentioned, you mean those on the building right? I’ve seen something similar but not quite sure what’s causing it. But would guess it’s something with the references. Check that you don’t have some parts of the houses in the wrong LOD or detail group.

(timestart) #75

Scrupus, can you patch the entities file to correct the shield not disappearing for now?


diff -ur estate2/maps/vioestate2.entities estate2_shieldfix//maps/vioestate2.entities
--- estate2/maps/vioestate2.entities	2011-11-10 02:02:10.000000000 +0000
+++ estate2_shieldfix//maps/vioestate2.entities	2011-11-22 19:34:18.164869382 +0000
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 	"script_dz_strogg_base"	"territory4"
 	"_blocksize"	"10240 10240 10240"
 	"script_gate_hurt"	"gate_hurt"
-	"script_gate_sheet"	"<maps/references/vio/sewersystem>/gate_sheet"
+	"script_gate_sheet"	"gate_sheet"
 	"script_vio_io_1"	"vio_io_1"
 	"script_vio_io_2"	"vio_io_2"
 	"script_hack_1"	"hack_1"

(Violator) #76

The brightness issue is with the STUFF models not taking shadows into account, however on looking further at valley, its just as guilty for non-baked shadows. I think the trees are a ‘cheat’ as they are using baked shadows in the MT and perhaps a different stuff layer with darker colourmap though its hard to prove with the source .sg file :frowning: But should be able to do a similar effect with a bit of baking.

Baked tree shadows and colourmapped grass:

Realtime shadows and no colourmapping:

(Scrupus) #77

Ah, STUFF - thought you meant “something” stuff :slight_smile:

But what about those small gaps of bright lightning on the building walls on the left? They doesn’t quite fit the “gray day” sky you have there, but maybe it looks more natural ingame?

(Violator) #78

I see where you mean now, yes those bright bits shouldn’t be there on the walls :). However I’ve gone for a bright valley sky for the next version.

(Donnovan) #79

Stuff dont change it brightness when on shadow. This is as it is, to make stuff render fast.

(Violator) #80

Cool that explains that then :slight_smile: Here’s a vid I made showing the objectives:
