I would ask Amazon tbh :]
But now, I must ask the question I have been dying to ask since this thread started - I can’t keep it back any longer!
Havin now played Quake 4 & seen a few screenies of ET:QW, I wonder will there be any similarities between the weapons of Q4 (or Quake in general) and ET:QW?
I see in Quake4, a Strogg (bad Strogg - scary!) come at me fast with a big dirty irony pointy fist and he kill me stone dead! Like I am but a fairy!! And in an early (maybe first iirc <- get me and me internet savvyness :>) sight of ET:QW screeny I see the same fist/weapon.
I am thinkin the main melee weapon of the Strogg will be this. For the earthlings probably a knife/electric pulse thing of some description (my nephew, a new recruit to ET, begs you to put swords in ET:QW - he’s a manga fiend!).
But I would love to see the classic slots of Quake weapons filled in this game. Quake4 made me yearn even more for them (the Q3 weapons felt even more SOLID in Q4 - to me anyway), but maybe then I should just play Quake4. I wasn’t a Q3 diehard, or even a Q2 or Q diehard, but I played them all. But the Q4 weapons (even on my PC that is really not up to the task) really felt like weapons. I haven’t finished the game btw - I’m waiting for a new PC that can run it properly - I felt like I was frauding this game somehow when playing it. A good bit into the game, I’m going up an elevator, deep up into some Strogg tower, my scared compatriot looks through the glass and turns to me: “Woaa! Look at that!”. Unfortunately all I see is white. I know I’m missing out on something here. :[ -----------> get a new computer.
This is turning into an essay…
Q3 I only played after ET. ET I only played after a few rounds of RtCW Beach demo at work, with guys I will never forgive (My life no longer belongs to me). Before that, my gaming was console only.
So I play Wolf at work. ET is released. I think “how can these guys spend all their time playing this game? it’s a game!!”. I play ET. I play it 24/7. I don’t play it 24/7 any more, but I still play it a lot. In the meantime I’ve tried mapping for it, scripting, running servers etc. Since I started playing ET I have been at at least 17 LAN parties where ONLY ET is played! I am addicted to ET.
But, to get to my point, Quake 3 was played at one of these LANs. In Lurgan. Joker’s Wild. Find it. You will enjoy!
A snapshot:
gringo: hehehehe hihihi hoho hehehe
chin: waaaaaaaa
fattay: hehe feel my rocket
eldern: the only kill that counts is a shotgun ffs
coco: when is fueldump?
errol: eat my plasma mohahahhaha
gringo: hehehehe hihihi hoho hehehe
chin: waaaaaaaa
There were more people there, but I can’t remember now! It’s late!
Well after all that, all I’m wonderin is…
Can I totally disintegrate/mutilate people with any of the weapons in ET:QW, even if I can’t aim right?! And will it feel ‘good’ doin this!?
1-9 quakage
electric gauntlet thingy (melee), machinegun, shotgun, nadegun, rocket, plasma spreader, railgun (i love thee - thought you’d be more vicious in Q4 - sp - but i forgive ye - I don’t have even 1/4 the power for mp, so couldn’t try ye out there), Lightning type thing (another favourite of mine), BFG / Dark Matter / Wait and see Gun!!!
I’m just wonderin if any of these will be a part of the new game? If there are any liaisons between Raven & SD regards a shared game world / history etc? I know the difference between the times of Q4 and ET:QW but it was the fist screeny that set me writing. I suppose evolution works slowly, and the Strogg first invading Earth could have the same fist as the Q4 Strogg, but the rest of their weaponry would be more primitive.
I’d also be interested to know how big a part this kind of discussion plays before it is decided to make a game like ET:QW - re story / artwork / gameworld etc?
I’m just excited to see & feel what it’s like.
And that’s only one part of the game.
The thing that really got me into ET was the teamplay, and I think it can only get better as ET goes forward.
And this is from a guy who isn’t really into games. Just think how much the rest of the gamin world is wettin itself! :]
(Sorry for the length of this, just got carried away :o)