Enemy Territory: QUAKE Warsâ„¢ Announced!

(Loffy) #281

Hm, I buy that. It seems like a too time-consuming task to train the dogs.
But, how about the romans, that set fire to pigs to scare the attackers’ elephants, was there any truth to that story? (This is in the old roman empire.)
I must check wikipedia.
EDIT: There is some text about pigs and war elephants:

(zeh) #282

So, will elephants on fire with mines on their back be a class or a vehicle on ET:QW?

(Bongoboy) #283

They’ll be like grenades, and each player will get at least nine of them. We think that in general, people have too much bandwidth, you know?

(Vix) #284

that rusian story inspired me to think.

Mabe is true, mabe isn`t.

But this si true.
History is written by winners

(Thehound) #285

mabe it isn`t maybe it might be ?
Hello bye the way.

(SniperSteve) #286

This is AWESOME!!!

Ive played just about every good FPS out there, and this one looks like its going to be in my top 3 fav!

The Futuristic is awesome, I know some of you guys like the WW2. But if i see another WW2 game in the next year, im going to puke… That theme is way overdone. BF2 was a nice break from the WW2 trend. ET:QW will be a HUGE hit for all the sci-fi lovers, and post-modern combat lovers. Im sure allot of you WW2 Junkies will grow to love it also.

Everything looks good!

Just run a few TV adds, and advertise this right and you will have millions of people Begging to play it. (Currently this game is underrated and not well known.)

So great job Devs and keep up the fantastic work!

(Loffy) #287

Maybe a new thread in this forum: OK, given that you have almost unlimited cash to spend on it, what would the ultimate commercial (or the entire promotional campaign) for ETQW look like?

(eRRoLfLyNN) #288

A TV ad campaign with Schwarzenegger as the EDF leader goin head to head with a heavily modified Chuck Norris Strogg fiend. You won’t be able to get it on the shelves fast enough.

(Ragnar_40k) #289

I want to see Chackie Chan.

(eRRoLfLyNN) #290

Lol, the EDF melee attacks must be uber kung fu! :moo:

(Loffy) #291

And how about combining serious ads, with “unserious” ones. How about contacting Christofer Walken and Jim Carry to do a scene where they discuss/play ETQW. Dynamite! The product will have to be remade, remade and remade and still not meet the demand of the insanely shopping masses.

Chris (absent minded, yet cool): “Grenades. (paus). There are grenades. (paus) So… (paus) woa, a-mazing. This game, is (paus) and head shot.”
Jim (mocking, and making fun of the game and the people behind it and the people who play it): “oooooooooooooh, fire in DA hole. In da hole! So, intelligent!”

(Ragnar_40k) #292

When you get melee attack level 30 you learn special Chackie Chan moves.

(eRRoLfLyNN) #293

This game is soundin’ better every day! -clap- !

(Northerner) #294

i sure hope they change the name to something else!
maybe just quake wars… enemy territory is already taken
and associated with a whole different game!

(Floris) #295

Well there is a big difference between
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, but… people call both Enemy Territory now, because Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory players know that wolfenstein is a game too, so if they would call it just wolfenstein they would be misunderstood… But due to the theme of ETQW not many players know about Wolfenstein Enemy Territory so they call ETQW Enemy Territory in stead of Quake Wars :[

(Joe999) #296

it’s a different universe, but not a different game :wink:

like there’s Battlefield 1942, Battlefield Vietnam, Battlefield 2, there’s Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, and hopefully another ET within a smaller timeframe than the previous one :smiley:

maybe it’s true, that the Battlefield series doesn’t differ that much and are only graphical updates, but thankfully SD goes a step further and seem to bring - next to graphics improvements - a lot of innovation into their Enemy Territory series.

for me Enemy Territory stands for: Splash Damage, id Software, Objective Based Multiplayer Online Gameing, FUN, … so imo the nameing is perfect.

(Northerner) #297

we can argue all day long, but ET is already taken and associated with Wolf
ETQW isnt even close to being the same game (different universe)

i might be able to come to terms with it if ETQW was set in WWII and instead
of aliens it had a portal for paranormal zombies and stuff like in RTCW.
but its an outerspace type war and really has nothing to do with the name
thats already associated with Wolfenstein!

Quake is already established as an outerspace type game and instead of Quake V
they should have named it Quake: Universe Wars or something??

(kamikazee) #298

Look at it from the other side:
It could have been ET:W, as it’s ET in an RTCW look.
ET:QW shows it’s enemy territory with Quake flavour.

If you’d say Quake:Universe Wars I’d expect a Quake sequel from the title, not an ET class based game.
So ET here stands for all the stuff that makes W:ET different from RTCW: the classes, the objectives(, the fun)…

On the other side, you could allso name it Q:ET in respect to the old title. Then you would point on blending Quake with ET.

Point is: it stays ET combined with some other game. The title is less relevant, as long it sounds good.

(Joe999) #299

in my current point of view only the Wolfenstein in Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory is associated with Wolf.

personally i do hope that you are right and ET:QW isn’t even close the same game as W:ET. imagine they would have made a sequel to W:ET. what would be in it? imo it’s hard to make a sequel to something that’s already perfect, so what would be better? the graphics? who cares about graphics nowadays, what’s important is gameplay. and by using the Quake Universe, SD did an awesome step, you have a lot of possibilities in a futuristic universe. and making a universe in present time would only let people compare it to BF.

although i must admit, the naming looks to be more of a marketing thing: W:ET … wolfenstein first because people associate it with an awesome game, the terms “ET” were rather unknown. ET:QW … ET first because people now associate it with an awesome multiplayer game, QW is the more precise universe of the enemy’s territory. but who cares about the universe, we all know what ET stands for: a lot of fun :slight_smile:

(U.K.Visuals) #300

fot me it looks also like a little bit of PR stuff with the naming of the game! Anyway, the idea of the game sounds good to me! I like the idea very much! i d like to get more infos abaout the game asap.