Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Previews and Interviews

(Xaltar) #81

Will the game be optimized and coded to work with the new physx PPU cards?
Game looks awesome, I can’t wait for release. If its half as good as the advertising makes out you will have a winner :smiley:

(Dragzonox) #82

Where do places like Gamespot get there “clean” screens from so fast?
Is there a source page for things like this, without the site logo?

(Joe999) #83

mail from ze producer/developer/publisher to a selected list of peopz or sites

unfortunately those pics hardly find their way to the homepage of the games

(Wils) #84

Activision have a websites mailing list for any sites covering the game. If you want on it let me know, and I’ll forward the request.

(crumblycake) #85

I want in on it. Here is my email address:


Thanks in advance!

(Joe999) #86

i don’t think that Wils referred to individuals in his statement (unless you have a QW website running), or did he?

by the way: is the newsletter from www.enemyterritory.com active?

(Wils) #87

I need a (working, active) website and a valid email address.

No clue about the newsletter on enemyterritory.com, I would have expected some news about E3, but it might be too early yet.

(l3dd) #88

could u add me too ?

led@enemyterritory.fr thx

(Dragzonox) #89

Hello again…

Please add:

You can find my working site:

Thanks in advance!

(Wils) #90

Done and done - please let me know if you get any confirmation back (I’ve forwarded a few requests on but I’ve never heard if they were successful or not).

(Dragzonox) #91

I’ll tell here if I get any mail… I sure hope I get “da’ special newsletter”.

(Bass-T) #92


could you please add webmaster@planetquake.de ? The website will be on www.quakewars.de, at the moment we are constructing and testing on http://planetquake.ingame.de/quakewars

Thank you.

Best regards, Bass-T

(Wils) #93

When it goes live, give me the url and email address and I’ll forward it on then.

(etqw.at) #94


thanks for adding:

email: webmaster@etqw.at
web: www.etqw.at or www.quakewars.at

(austrian community)

(jarppa) #95


Finnish site


email: et4fun@et4fun.com

(l3dd) #96

it seems that there is no confirmation back. Is it normal ?

(Wils) #97

You probably haven’t been added yet, bearing in mind work schedules, the number of people in the chain who have to approve even minor things like this (bleh), and the relative time difference.

Currently, to have a site added, I forward the details to our producer, who forwards it to a PR guy at Activision …and then I don’t know what happens to it after that, but there’s probably at least one other person involved :slight_smile:

(Gringo) #98

Oh the wonder that is bureaucracy :banghead: :smiley:

(Ciabs) #99

Hi to all, kinda new here though I play ET since it came out and have been lurking for a bit here now…

I’d like to know: is it possible for private people to subscrive to such a newsletter?

I admit I didn’t read the whole stuff, but I glanced it would be for sites and such, so, any possibilities for a normal person?

btw: even if a bit off-topic: keep it going, the more I read about QW, the more I love you and the work you’re doing here… :slight_smile:

(Wils) #100

No individuals, sorry - you could try signing up to the enemyterritory.com mailing list, but I haven’t heard of anyone getting any news from that, to date.