Dont be CLANLESS!!

(xTriXxy) #1


join clan, where players like to play together!
join clan, that can offer promod, custom and ranked server
join clan, where players like to learn how to be better!
join clan, where everyone is active player!

join Aardvark

No sacrifice, no victory!

im in Aardvark too!

(Dthy) #2

I see Aardvark are joining the promod leagues, nice to see new people :slight_smile: And can’t join if i can’t go on your clan server xD

(xTriXxy) #3

hm, im only member, not clan admin, so i cant help you:(

(Dthy) #4

Ahh don’t worry about it, i just want a reason why, and i’ll let it rest

(xTriXxy) #5

im sure there must be an explanation.

(Dthy) #6

Last thing i remember doing on there was being a h4xz0r sniper, headshotting everyone, i guess thats why

(millerq3) #7

oi oi

The temp ban as been uplifted.Will explain next time we meet :slight_smile:


(Dthy) #8

Ook :slight_smile: wasn’t the ban what annoyed me, i’ve had it happen before xD just that i got no explanation

(uTer) #9

why is my GUID banned on Aadvark server?

(r3fleX) #10

+1 but for me aswell uTer :smiley: don’t know if it has been lifted or not but i havent attempted to join it for a long time

Also nice to see public clans branching into pro mod :slight_smile:

(Xkey) #11

Pll do get kick/banned from our sever for numerous things. if any1 wishes to follow up a ban and find out why they just need to come to the forum and ask. We dont give reasons over a full server because generally things get heated and its in the best intrests of the game/clan at the time.

Again if yr genuine about getting a ban uplifted come in and we will listen

Thanks Xkey

(millerq3) #12


May i shed light upon the Aardvark servers.
We are passionate about ET:QW.We feel that it as been unfairly dismissed by Activision in their quest in searching for the perfect (profitable) game.
We feel this is the game.Well managed servers are the key.Within the running of the server rules are engaged that try to shield not only the beginners,who without them we have no future,but also for the experienced, so they have a server to play upon.We try to appeal to all
The server prompts the rules that are deemed fair so as all can enjoy
Were a little unknown clan whose intentions are honourable.
The simple thing is we try to make sure all have fun.

There can be many a reason why you may not be able to access the servers.This being so feel free to register on our site so as to appeal or email

Kind regard


(Aristotle) #13

Don’t know if its just me but you’re website is all sorts of messed up. I can’t see anything plus the scroll bars are like 3 miles long in both directions.

Uploaded with

(xTriXxy) #14

[QUOTE=Aristotle;239543]Don’t know if its just me but you’re website is all sorts of messed up. I can’t see anything plus the scroll bars are like 3 miles long in both directions.

Uploaded with[/QUOTE]

awsum clan dont need hilarios website.:wink: , i think clan site is OK.

(Dthy) #15

I have same problem as Aristotle, wondering if it’s just a firefox thing though…hmm…

(Breo) #16

Yep Miller your site doesn’t fit on my 24" screen…
I’ve got horizontal and vertical scrollbars :confused:

(murka) #17

Hmm, also noticed the site broken, but only in firefox. Chrome displays it just fine.

(Aristotle) #18

Have to love it when sites are coded with the current standards. Normally it’s sites that work only in IE instead of firefox but I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that only works in Chrome.

All the same though, I’ll just not visit the site. I dislike chrome and have no plans to switch from firefox.

(millerq3) #19

oi oi

Sorry for its configured only for Chrome & IE.

Will look into whether there’s a script available that adjusts for firefox

Thanks for the heads up


(xTriXxy) #20

about website. Its perfect. There are forums, and thats enought.
works perfect in chrome, ie, via mobile devices too. It fits to 24" screen, as well as to 30" screen. dont forget its free hosting.

valuable is content, not visual.