Do you want female models in the game?

(escapedturkey) #1

Will there be female models in the game or has a decent 30 growing to 50% of the gaming community been forsaken? :?

(iwound) #2

Apparently all the Strogg are female, though its hard to tell.

(SCDS_reyalP) #3

By that logic, ET:QW will only be a success if 50% of the playerbase are flesh eating cyborg aliens.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that :smiley:

(Danyboy) #4

from the in-game screenshots, it looks like womankind has been forsook

(escapedturkey) #5

Why would anyone not want female models? All male is … :weird:

(Danyboy) #6

well when it’s released you can create your own skins and models to rectify this inbalance in the universe

(Lilie) #7

The Female Players Alliance has e-mailed both idsoftware and Splash Damage asking for a female model. The answer from idsoftware was that there is not enough memory in the game to support a choice of female and male models.

We ask for A female model. Just make one of the classes a female, it is not so much to ask, and considering this is a topic I have pursued since January, I would hope that it would not be ignored.

Splash Damage has yet to return the 2 month old emails. Perhaps with community shown interest this issue can be brought to light.

(escapedturkey) #8

Should be in the main game. Why alienate a growing gamer population?

It’s not too late for them to put in female models.

Vote yes! :smiley:

(carnage) #9

who knowas whats under the cov ops helmet?

(Oompa) #10

They’re just models in a game. If people honestly won’t buy it because of that then they aren’t a true gamer, male or female.

(Lilie) #11

Actually many may still buy it, but why not appeal to the female gamer population that wants to play a female model? Many may not like playing it because of that reason alone. Many of us still will, but to blatantly leave out the model for no reason is not acceptable. I know a few developers daughters that brought this up as well and were just as appalled.

Just because it can still be played the same, does not make it right.

(Danyboy) #12

do you really want guys making female models, in their image of what a 21st C marine should look like? You can’t feel proud at some of the creations of lonely texture artists - guys suited in full armour while girls are wearing barely a thong and thin band

it appeals to the demographic (as I can testify) but its probably best not to encourage them


(escapedturkey) #13

They can make the female models look like respectable soldiers. Do you really want to play with just all guys – seeing all male butts in game? :shock:

(Lilie) #14

Most of these guys are not lonely texture artists. They are married and with children. So no excuses here.

(Danyboy) #15

er, I already do. Have done for quite some years. Although now im playing WoW, but I think RPGs need sexes for the immersism

(carnage) #16

you can just wait for the ETQW online dating mod

(M8DNanite) #17

F1 to female player model :slight_smile: Although you should have started your campaign January 2006, its quite late now im afraid.

Although the majority female player model players will be male :evil:
or depends what class they choose for it.
We need nurses and spanking fembots :evil: RtCW had those in single player + helga.

AND ET was going to have female class. Look at the classic pre-prelease squadpic:

(escapedturkey) #18

If memory is an issue, it would be nice if they used the Quake 3 head-model system. The bodies can stay similar, but the face and hair can be different.

(TNR360) #19

maybe we wont have gay teabag screenshots

(thewonderfulcar) #20

Can’t they just pretend some of the guys are really butch women?