Delayed Again!!

(murka) #41

every gimme,gimme kills a kitten…

(senator) #42

OMG, you just killed a kitten! You bastard! :lol:

btw… I’m a bird-fan, owning Budgerigars since I was 12… so why shoudl I care about the kittens?


(murka) #43

aww you guys killed my 2 sweet kittens, ah, no sry they are grown cats, so they should be living.

(Gringo) #44

Ur all foolish and laugh heartily at u all :lol:

(SCi-Fi) #45

I laugh heartily at gringo for posting :lol:

(Steve1) #46


(Gringo) #47

The groove between ur ass cheeks, bend over and take a look!

(murka) #48

actually i meant the information about ranked servers

(Steve1) #49

It would be nice if there were a global maturity check for people using the web. Well that seems as feasible as companies having integrity. Along with respect it is a thing of the past.

(ayatollah) #50

I found a maturity check!

Turns out my maturity is Stilton

Gringo has a maturity of My Socks

(BondyBoy007) #51

I found a maturity check!

Turns out my maturity is Stilton

Gringo has a maturity of My Socks

I concur, Gringo always has been very mature (yes, even as a child)

(SCDS_reyalP) #52


Beta, Demo & Game Release…
We have no announcements at this time regarding any of these items, so there’s no need to make new threads asking about them.

I would also like to make it clear that release dates from retail outlets are speculation - they are not official, nor do they come from id Software or Splash Damage. Until you hear it from us, it’s best to ignore them altogether.

As soon as we have any dates to announce, you can be sure that they’ll be plastered all over this site and the forums. You guys are first in the Announcement Line.

(Nail) #53

Stilton, the King of cheese, so hard to find real Stilton over here

(Gringo) #54

I prefer Venezuelan Beaver Cheese tbh!

Regards that sock, its got more maturity than the royal family!

(zeh) #55

How dare you taint an absolutely regular forum thread with logic! This affront will not be tolerated.