Cup ?

(rUBBEN) #61

Hey Thomas, I’m glad to see that you have paid attention to my invitation :slight_smile:

edit : btw I’ve seen Bangor few days ago, he told me he was interested to play.

(light_sh4v0r) #62

Hey thomas, that’s been a while :slight_smile:

(Thomas..) #63

yea, actually just wanted to see how active the game was when i reinstalled. Having a (hopefully) active cup coming up is a bonus :slight_smile:

(sereNADE) #64

bullet hell is signed up. just pm’d rUBBEN :slight_smile:

(rUBBEN) #65

ok very nice :slight_smile:

You guys can also sign-up by going in MyProfile => create a team => Sign-up and select the team you created :slight_smile:

edit : Ok, the matchs will be spread on the 11, 12, and 13 of August, the two servers had been setted, if a team needs to train I can set a password on one, just send me a pm :slight_smile:

(Ashog) #66

damn, i’m not there next week except of 14th :frowning:

oh well…

tbag ya next tiem

(murka) #67

That’s pretty much the only week i’m available so 8-14 suits me.

(Rex) #68

How to add members on the sign-up page?

(Dthy) #69

Whats the Join password!? i need it to join (PM it, ofc)

(murka) #70

Previous version of that page allowed adding players just by text, now they have to sign up accounts… it’s easier to just add everyone to description.

(sereNADE) #71

bh page updated. if we can get off our sorry asses and sign up then other teams certainly have no excuse :infiltrator:

(Rex) #72

What about the net settings? I would suggest default net settings.

(Dthy) #73

I’d be up for default, as it’s already be stated, so this isn’t a “best config” thing.

(Verticae) #74

Here we go:

(rUBBEN) #75

Yop, I’m back !

@sere : I apologize for my poor english skillz, I didn’t understand what you say, could you explain please ? :o

Edit : Ok, I’ve setted the same net restrictions as on TLR’s, and refinery skip MCP. I also kicked canyon, outskirts, valley etc…

(Rex) #76

No Canyon? :frowning:

Btw, how can we contact our opponents? I think IRC would be the best opportunity.

(Verticae) #77

No Valley no win.

(Apples) #78

Aaaaaand I’m back on track, but my mouse is screwed again, I can play at apples version Very.Low.Lvl, it means uber low… So I’ll only sub if really needed for this cup, I know all the maps, I’m an objective ninja and I have no aim whatsoever except when I wipt out an entire team by myself from time to time (I think once a year)

I’ll stay on IRC #biatch.etqw @ quakenet if needed.


(rUBBEN) #79

Hey guys !
Some teams told me about making a little ladder, I’ve already thought about it so I think, if this cup doesn’t fail and the teams come to play, we could create a ladder on 2 months or something, please tell me now if it’s a fail idea :smiley:

(rUBBEN) #80

Ah and yeah, Snotling and Evancrystal will shoutcast the cup’s matchs ! :slight_smile: