Construction Community Map Dev Thread

(Donnovan) #161

Seba, i just changed and… and even removing it from the map it still crash. If any of you can try to compile… i will be thankfull :slight_smile:

(SebaSOFT) #162

I’ll do that tonight, also I may use the sidewalk references to put the details, so I don’t have to compile everything each time I change somethign in the LOD/details groups

(Donnovan) #163

I was able to compile it, not sure what was the problem.

(SebaSOFT) #164

Don, Vio, can we put together a sequence diagram of vehicle spawns as it is today? So we can make tweaks.

Unfortunately I’m dumbass when it comes to scripting (paradoxically I’m a programmer) and I think the one thinking/fixing spawns should know their script.

(SebaSOFT) #165


  • Levelshots updated, I hope you like them
  • Wiki Screenshots page updated
  • Better Steam effect for the Vent pipe at the Tunnel entrance
  • Clipped Sidewalk where the new Subway entrance will be
  • Added lots of models (street lights, barrels, wooden boxes, broken beds, wooden chairs, garbage containers, etc.)

City is taking shape now, and the forgotten (right) block serves well as a “Slum Block”

(Donnovan) #166

Nice Seba, you commited it?

About flyers, will make then avaliable from the begining of the match, ok? Also, will make the vehicle diagran.

(SebaSOFT) #167

Yes it’s commited… still needs LOD and maybe vehicle/ass clipping…

Vehicles: There is awiki page for the vehicle diagram. You can update that…

(SebaSOFT) #168


  • Added a couple of graffiti
  • LOD’ed The Street Lights and the Containers

(Donnovan) #169

Seba, you compiled the map recently?

(SebaSOFT) #170

No, I’ll do that now

(SebaSOFT) #171

done, Compile completed in 27:23

(SebaSOFT) #172

Moar pics :stroggtapir:

(Donnovan) #173

Compile really take long on your computer! :eek: Good it compiled ok.

And the shots are nice! They have some kind of glow!


(SebaSOFT) #174

Remember my comp is just an Athlon64 3500+ is not even dual core or something like that. That is why I made another test map only for the subway part, that part compiles in under 20 seconds.

Glad you liked the pics. When I run the SDK I put the quality to the max, in the pictures you can see the street lights, containers and graffities.

(Donnovan) #175

I will add lod for many objects in the city. It still have no LOD.

(.Chris.) #176

LOD’s aren’t always needed and when used incorrectly do more harm than good (see meltdown), read up on batches on the SD wiki site, each LOD group puts it’s contents into new batch or such, as do map references so be carefull how you LOD the map and organise it when using map references.

(SebaSOFT) #177

Thanks for the tip Chris

(Violator) #178

The problem with Meltdown is that there are no ‘minvis’ versions of the LOD groups so things completely dissapear at distance rather than having a cheap blocky version viewable from far away. LOD groups are essential for large maps like consite. What Chris says is correct though about batches - use a few as possible as each reference will use its own batch even though its a copy. In Estate for instance rather than each house being its own reference I made references of groups of 3 (all of which use the same material) so one batch for 3 whole houses. Having said that though I think Donnovan did some performance testing on batches and it didn’t seem to make a hell of a lot of difference.

The minvis version needs to sit inside the higher spec version (by 4 pixels or so) so that theres no z-fighting at the distance when they fade into each other. As an example see the central building on consite which just renders as a few cubes from the other side of the map. r_showtris 1 and r_showtris 3 are essential in seeing the performance gains of this kind of thing. In viomine b2 you will see that the GDF initial base dissapears from view from the strogg hub because it had no minvis group (fixed in b3).

For interiors I think its better to use Detail groups as they’re going to be blocked by portals anyway.

(SebaSOFT) #179

what happens if a detail group spans several portals (I’m not saying OUTSIDE portals but VIS/AMBIENT)??

Does it block the entire Detail group?
Just the brushes/models out of view?

(.Chris.) #180

That wasn’t the problem I was referring to but you are correct on that matter, having a mixture of too many LOD groups, references and not using textures sheets is why meltdown has poor performance.