Construction Site[ul]
[li]Gameplay over graphics quality
[/li][li]Strogg attacks
[/li][li]Setting is “Contruction site” + “Underground tunnels”
[/li][li]Final Objective is carry the DataBrain
[/li][li]Intended player base: 6v6 to 8v8
[/li][li]Source and Repository:
[/li][li]Source Code:
[/li][li]Mappers are:[LIST]
[/li][li]SebaSOFT (concept and brushwork)
[/li][li]Donovan (terrain, Megatexture, brushwork)
[/li][li][TFA]Violator (brushwork, Texture, Scripting)
[/li][li]Shirosae (Brushwork)
[/li][li]LighT_Sh4v0r (brushwork)
[/li][li]whiteaden (brushwork, concept art?)
[/li][li]twitch__ (put together guy)[/ul]
[/li][li]Vehicles: First ground vehicles, flyers/heavies after generator is destroyed.[/LIST]
Strogg side:
[li]Hack the Generator Controls[LIST=a]
[/li][li]Capture the forward Spawn at the Tunnel entrance
[/li][li]Blow the Fence to gain better access to the Site[/ol]
[/li][li]Destroy de Subway Barricade[LIST=a]
[/li][li]Capture the forward Spawn at the City[/LIST]
[/li][li]Capture the DataBrain
[/li][li]Trasmit the DataBrain from the console inside the University[/LIST]
[/li]GDF side:
[li]Don’t let the Strogg hack the Generator Console
[/li][li]Defend the Subway Barricade
[/li][li]Protect the DataBrain Room at the Shopping Center
[/li][li]Don’t let the Strogg transmit the DataBrain[/ul]
Feel free to post development questions here…