Construction Community Map Dev Thread

(AnthonyDa) #121

Ho noes, still the silly fence to blow up :frowning:

(Violator) #122

You know you love it :slight_smile: Its to stop hogs getting in too easy, not so much infantry.

(.Chris.) #123

Saw any special tactics we need to know for nirvana match? :wink:

On topic, with new changes to ramp the fence becomes less of an issue, aslong as infantry can get down ok from there and from that tower it should work out fine, almost be like Sewer but upscaled by about 5 :slight_smile:

(SebaSOFT) #124

Yes Chr1s. Infantry can get easier to the site now. And GDF APTs will be less burden there…

(f34n0r) #125

I pasted the correct demo now.

(AnthonyDa) #126

Going to be mass spam on the tiny corridor that the “goldrush ladder” is offering now…

(SebaSOFT) #127

Lucky is only one of the 4+ way to get in . . .

(Donnovan) #128

Anyone is having a extreme FPS drop when the thunder sounds plays? My FPS goes from 200/300 to 45.

Also those thunders have rain sound mixed, so we have rain only when the thunder sounds plays. This is not a bit… strange? We are already at Beta releases, guys! Do it or do never!

(Violator) #129

Either put a distant ambient rain sound in or remove the thunder then. Also the map is still in alpha IMHO as the layout is not finalised.

(-iWi-) #130

… rrraaaiinbboooooowww, pls :stroggbanana:

thank You :wink:

(SebaSOFT) #131

The thunder sound is not necessary…

We still need to move the University and implement shirosae’s latest changes to the university courtyard.

And I need to move one of the subway exits towards the new University location…

(Donnovan) #132

Violator, make this test:

1 - go into a indoor area
2 - wait for the thunder

The fps will have a extreme drop. But you need to be in a indoor area.

Indoor, waiting for the thunder:

Indoor, with thunder sound playing:

The only indoor place were this not happens is the university. Seba’s Subway also suffer from that.

Seba, will work on the new Uni location on the end of the week.

(SebaSOFT) #133

maybe we should look ate the audio bitrate of the file… downsampling it could need less CPU when reproducing it.

(.Chris.) #134

Just remove it and come back to it after next release, no point holding map up over minor details like that.

(Violator) #135

I’d say remove - its cosmetic anyway. The distance range from the speaker is a bit high though and it shouldn’t play indoors. Its 22k ogg atm which shouldn’t exactly kill the server but looks like it is.

(SebaSOFT) #136

Agreed, let’s take it out. I’m concerned about an ambient sound I wanted to add for the subway tunnel, then again, indoor sound shouldn’t be much of a hassle for the map.

(Donnovan) #137

Violator, you used a speaker with a outstanding radius?

May be a “ominipresent” speaker can do that better, but it can’t play into the subway… also, i have very nice and free thunder sounds here. I will take care of this one.

Add to my to-do! :smiley:

(SebaSOFT) #138

Don, Keep your eyes open for when I change the Subway entrance to somewhere near the new University position.

(Violator) #139

It has a radius because its supposed to be off in the distance (beyond the GDF base hill). Omni sound will play everywhere which wouldn’t be so good (I tried this already btw). Don - I will just remove them.

Some screenies of new hut route with 2nd pass of details + moved consite sign to allow easier sniping from hotel to scaffolding etc. (you can still get under it to the central building from the red house).

(SebaSOFT) #140

I love the changes VIO!!!