Consite B.O.B - The Unofficial Project Continuation

(Ashog) #21

:d :d :d :d

(Donnovan) #22

Hellstroyed Angel!

After the explosion, the spiritual barrier (erm, a gigantic trigger hurt) is removed from the city!

(Donnovan) #23

The city green field protection (kills the strogg):

(Ashog) #24

GDF green force field! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

(light_sh4v0r) #25

I have a feeling there won’t be much left of the orignal Consite at this rate :slight_smile:
Not that I have a problem with that.

(.Chris.) #26

For ****s sake Donn, the map only needed 3 major changes…

(Donnovan) #27

Everything under the BOB seal needs lots of changes.

(Boktor) #28

(Donnovan) #29

Ceramic man!!!

More shots from LOLSITE!

Bigger vehicle entrance on construction site:

Another entrance on the site:

(light_sh4v0r) #30

Doesn’t that cut out corner make the fence objective obsolete?

(.Chris.) #31

Which no longer exists.

(light_sh4v0r) #32

Ah .

(Donnovan) #33

Walking above the repulsive shield:

Wider vehicles entrances, less drive complication, new GDF ways:

Wider areas and passages for vehicle fight:

(muraqqi) #34

Wow, nice job mister

(SebaSOFT) #35

Don, I can only say . . . thanks for this!

are you commiting to the SVN repo?

(Donnovan) #36

Not commited. I dont want to mess with the original Consite Beta 2 state. If i commit it, we will lose Beta 2 source code.

(SebaSOFT) #37

nos necesarily, SVN keeps all versions of the code, We can make a Branch tough…

(Donnovan) #38

Yes, but its easy to download the Consite Beta 2 code if i want to revisit it?

(Donnovan) #39

Cover for strogg attackers:

Added tunnel entrance:

(Donnovan) #40

Site mine adjusts:

  • Changed textures (on brushs and models), added some patches, resized minecraft, aligned textures: