Community Question: What do YOU want to ask the community?

(badman) #1

We’ve had a whole bunch of community questions in the past few weeks and months covering a variety of subjects we’re interested in. We thought it would be interesting to open the floor up to all of you to suggest questions you’ve always wanted to ask your fellow community members. So, let’s do just that!

Post your suggestions for future community questions in this thread. All we’re asking is that youk keep your suggestions related to either Splash Damage, WarChest, Fireteam, or one of the games we’ve made/are making.

Go go go!

(DarkangelUK) #2

How would you like to receive your beta invite?

[ ] Hand delivered by Locki and 2 Page 3 models
[ ] Painted on the ass cheeks of Scarlett Johansson
[ ] Written on the side of a new PC to play it on
[ ] Email

(On a serious note)

Do you prefer a more complex XP/unlock/progression/weapon system (e.g. Brink) or a more simplistic class based shooter (e.g. RtCW)?

Do you prefer larger maps with multiple objective and lengthy rounds or smaller maps with shorter rounds and only a couple of objectives?

(tokamak) #3
  1. Which team are you going to play most on our upcoming 2012 rerelease of W:ET? Axis or Alies?

Anyway, just keep questions general so the discussion can flow in the direction people want. The suggestions in the anouncement thread were already interesting.

(.Chris.) #4

Aye map size/objective count question would be good.

(tokamak) #5

Character development length (match, campaign, permanent unlocks)

(Ashog) #6

permanent unlocks (practically every game nowadays) or campaign-limited (ET, ETQW)

(Humate) #7
  1. Create a new class
  2. Whats your favourite MCP map in ETQW?
  3. If you found out we had a “unibutton” in our new game would it be a deal breaker for you?
  4. Whats the best way to re-balance a map, when a team is getting spanked?

(Ashog) #8

i smell derailment :smiley:

(light_sh4v0r) #9

Something about custom content implementation might spark some interest :slight_smile:

(Humate) #10
  1. What is your favourite objective or stage on each ETQW map? Also note whether its on attack or defence.
  2. What is the most creative play you’ve seen in ETQW from a player?
  3. What tactic has had the most impact, both from a team and individual level in ETQW?
  4. What improvements could have been made to ETQWTV to make a match more of an enjoyable spectacle?

(tokamak) #11
  1. What is it about ETQW that made it such a spectacularly amazing game?

(Boktor) #12

What should the theme of the next game be?

Far Future?
Near Future?
Bronze Age???

(rookie1) #13
  1. Are you ready for the game announcement ?

(.Chris.) #14

[QUOTE=Boktor;405778]What should the theme of the next game be?

Far Future?
Near Future?
Bronze Age???[/QUOTE]

(Humate) #15
  1. What were your favourite non-gameplay features of ETQW?
  2. What does the term TripleAAA title mean to you?
  3. Are “modern” MP titles what audiobooks are to novels?
  4. Who is your favourite SD employee?
  5. If Fireteam and Warchest had a scrim vs SD in ETQW, who would win?

(Dormamu) #16
  1. What challenges would you like to see introduced in the unannounced game?
  2. What games (indie/FTP/paytoplay/pay once) would you like to see also in WarChest?
  3. What anti-cheat system you consider good/best?
  4. What modes from W:ET would you like to see implemented on the unannounced game?
  5. How much money are you willing to pay for in game stuff (skins/clothes/maps/guns)?
  6. Would you consider a WarChest client to be installed on your PC or a web interface?
  7. For the unannounced game do you want: a) Full SP campaign ; b) Sp campaign by episodes (to allow the future modes/guns/skins to also be presented in the sp campaign); c) No Sp campaign just MP;
  8. What would you consider to be the best system requirements for the unannounced game?
  9. Who would you like to compose the soundtrack for the new game?
    10.Wat factions would you like to be present in the unannounced game: Resistance/Security; Allies/Axis; Red/Blue; Humans/Aliens; etc?

(Ashog) #17


Simply a must-have question.

(DarkangelUK) #18

Do games need an obvious, linear, single player portion or is MP + offline with bots enough?

(Humate) #19
  1. What is your favourite kill in ETQW that doesnt require a traditional weapon? eg defibs. magog, supply crate, vehicle drop, deployable drop, mining laser, mining laser drop, airstrike marker, fire, water leak, he charge etc etc
  2. Kill log - small icons or actual weapon names or a toggle for either?
  3. Are hypernoobs really noobs?
  4. Isolated objectives with cutscenes or continuous flow b/w objectives?
  5. Symmetrically balanced teams or asymmetrically balanced teams?
  6. Are you the type of player that would wait in the spawn queue all game just to play GDF?
  7. What was your favourite taunt vsay?
  8. Friends Lists and Server Browsers - what are the dos and donts?
  9. What aspects of the HUD should be in the control of the player?
  10. Ranked vs Unranked vs No Rank.
  11. Faction sounds vs Radar
  12. How many times have you clicked the Unannounced Game link in the menu?

(SockDog) #20

Some presentation/aesthetic questions

[li]Gibs or no Gibs? Should the game be blood free for a lower age rating. Do gibs turn you off, on or neither when playing a game.
[/li][li]Ragdoll or Animated deaths? Single fixed death animation, multiple fixed animations based on in game factors (direction of travel, bullet location) or ragdoll deaths with some animation keying.
[/li][li]Interactive or Static Environments? Should the world and people in the world be interactive. ie can you smash windows, chairs, objects, do helmets pop off.
[/li][li]Customisation, to what degree should players be allow to customise with their own content. ie. Install their own hitsounds, upload their own insignias, sprays etc.


[li]Killcam? Is a valuable option. Does the feature aid in learning where you went wrong and seeing techniques of others. Can it help alleviate to some degree people calling cheat.
[/li][li]Demo recording, video & publishing tools. Necessary? Should the game come with tools that make the creation and publishing of pictures/videos (including expansive demo recording).
[/li][li]With a view that a future game will be reliant on the Fireteam network for matchmaking, communication. Should there be other means in game to invite or alert others to a game when they are not logged into the website but may be online. ie. could you email, im a link to your active game or lobby.
[/li][li]Is the lack of Steam integration a good or bad thing?


[li]SDK, when should this be made available to the community?
[/li][li]Graphical/Console tweaks. Should tweaks be limited/blocked totally, limited and in menus only, expansive options through advanced menus only or left in the console for those who want them?
[/li][li]Mods and Maps. Should these be downloaded and installed outside of the game, seamlessly within the game on joining a server. Should Mods and Maps be held in a central location like Steam Workshop with a rating system and ability to vet content or left to be managed by the users?