Community Question: Weapon of Choice

(badman) #1

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[drupal=859]Community Question: Weapon of Choice[/drupal]

Welcome to a brand-new feature here on the site where we throw questions at you, Community, so you can give us your input, thoughts, and opinions. Subjects can and will range from general gaming topics right down to specific gameplay mechanics and design decisions. Who knows, your answer may just have an impact on things here at the office!
To kick us off, we’d like to know the following:
What is your favourite weapon from any Splash Damage game and why?
Is it the MP40 from Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory? The Hyperblaster from Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars? The Mossington from Brink? Let us know in the comments - we look forward to your replies!

(F. Otzenknecht) #2

The MP40 of W:ET! Why?? It hits the targets you’re aiming at!

(Verticae) #3

ET:QW lacerator.

Controllable recoil, nice and small spread, very rewarding to burst-fire due to the ammo system, and a non-obtrusive scope. Next to that, the weapon’s design is very sleek and stylish.

(Ads913) #4

The Gdf Grenade Launcher in Quake Wars.
Just loved this gun i used to play shots of walls like snooker shots and cushions just fab.
I recall killing five Strogg with 1 Grenade in Refinery.
God i miss that gun .in fact i am loading Quakewars up right now.

Remember BT Inifinty OCB World Cup of Quake wars starts in Sept go to and forums then Quake series

(_KaszpiR_) #5

Hand (or implanted in hand) weapons:
Lacerator. It is one of the most interesting weapons created in games after all. Fed by stroyent so you can turn your life to ammo and vice versa.

Anansi - just see :wink:

Violator cause it can change the whole gameplay, and it’s ALIEN WEAPON!/
Strogg mines cause you could make them jump for fun -

(Apoc) #6

Etqw Lacerator

(light_sh4v0r) #7

Yes, the Lacerator was by far the most fun gun to use. Stroyup, no reloads but heatcontrol, good balance between spread, RoF and damage.

As for vehicles, the Anansi is just the best idea ever, I’ve never ever before had so much fun flying in a game. They should really invent those airbrakes irl :slight_smile:

For looks and sound the Hyperblaster is great, just the sound of splashing stroyent into someone from close range is very satisfying. Lightning pistol much the same story, looks ace and sounds good too. Really good sidearm because it rewards good aim incredibly much which is nicely countered by the huge damage falloff over distance.

Not to say the GDF weaponry was bad though, just not as fictionally appealing.

Sorry to say but none of the Brink guns gave me anything of what I just described :frowning:

(Raga) #8

Quake Wars Lacerator and gpmg :infiltrator:

(Paul) #9

Nothing beats an MP40 in ET!

Next question: For which game should SD create a sequal?

(DarkangelUK) #10

ET:QW: The knife/spikes… it meant I could run faster and ramp higher, combined with the speed upgrade I felt like I could go faster than the vehicles with some nifty strafe work!

W:ET: The FG42, no idea why I liked this gun, it had a small clip and an awkward scope distance, but it felt accurate and could take someone down with a couple of pops to the head.

(Smooth) #11

Mine would be the Accurized Lacerator, awesome gun.

(HuntMcfly) #12

MP40/Thompson FTW!

(Faerie) #13

W:ET rifle grenade. Specifically for that brief moment of horror and realisation as you hear the firing sound, followed by the ping of it bouncing off a wall; the sounds that can only mean that Salteh is just around that next corner, and that there is no way you’re going to survive longer than a couple of seconds more.

I spent hours trying to learn how to do that, but alas, he was always just BETTER.

(Dormamu) #14

W:ET - MP40. Because i compare every weapon to MP40.

(H0RSE) #15

MP40 and Thompson - because they pretty nailed how guns should behave in an FPS.

(.Chris.) #16

ET:QW Rocket Launcher.

To some this wont be of much surprise to hear that the RL would be my choice but I started ET:QW purely using the assault rifle and lacerator and could hold my own aim wise and stuff. Then started to play around with the rocket launcher, at first I was bit annoyed about the arcing but soon learned to love it, you could shoot at someone whilst been an top of hill without them been able to see you thanks to the curved trajectory. It was good fun rocket sniping against real snipers and oppressors in hills

Obviously the main purpose of the weapon is for combating vehicles, was always great trying to keep hogs away from your tank in matches, keeping in constant communication with the tank driver so you both stay alive, plus when the tank gets some attention from a cyclops or so, as a rocket launcher you and the tanker could flank him from both sides, or go alone and distract him long enough to allow a covops to EMP nade him.

Pulling off unlocked-on shots with this weapon on vehicles at long range has such a great feeling also. I remember having a few 1v1 against cyclopses on Area22 and sometimes winning! Fun times.

[QUOTE=Paul;374061]Next question: For which game should SD create a sequal?

It was called ET:QW.

(leifhv) #17

ET grenade launcher! Exellent for cool bouncing-trick-shots (that would often go horribly wrong)!

(tokamak) #18

The Husky.

The Mossington from Brink?

HAHAHA, I hope that was a jab at Brink’s weapon balance.

(Jimmy James) #19

Accurized Lacerator, ETQW. I like the way it feels and I can headshot people from a mile away.


(matsy) #20

You don’t know how hard this question is! I’ve spent the majority of my online gaming life playing splash damage games!

W:ET - PANZER. I loved getting five man kills.

Something I could never do in ETQW with the rocket or oblit, although it had some benefits which Chris as pointed to and something I would definitely think it would add to the game play in Brink.