Add me to that list, I’m always looking for more friendly Brink players. Thanks homie
Community Game Nights?
Adding right now! We are trying out some matches tonight starting at 7pm EST and running until 11pm just to see how this will work. Nephaerius messaged me about starting up at 7pm, so look for him too!
Sweet, I should come around 9h-9h30, after work. Btw I have a very good connection (I live in a house with 4 other university students hehe), meaning I could be the ideal host for everyone playing in my time zone. I tried it before on competition and on a full 5vs5, everyone I spoke to didn’t have any lag whatsoever.
I’ve sent out FR’s to everyone in this thread and the other whose GT’s are listed. Again please make sure to list your GT if you want in. I’m looking at you badman and other folks at SD (btw I tried badman and that was some random dude who doesn’t play Brink).
GT: Nephaerius
Awesome. I sent you a FR. We should fill up a Big Team 8v8 and then maybe some more rooms potentially.
Post your gammer tag! I posted some Xbox gammertags to look out for or hit with friend requests with message Community Game Night. I left links for a PS3 group!
Got your message on Xbox! Added my Gamertag over on Bethes forums, but here it is again: RemovedRanger3
I’m interested in any sort of game nights. Not sure my connection is too great for hosting, nor are my skills fantastic (just got BRINK!), but I’m enthusiastic I live in the UK, so timezone could be a problem.
Will keep an eye on this thread.
we should start these on an empty PUBLIC server than invite so its possible to get randoms
I agree we should try to do it that way as much as possible.
Hey what’s your GT? So I can add you.
I didn’t mention it before, so my GamerTag is TailSwallower (same as my username here). Will add the people already on the list in a little bit.
Good games tonight to everyone. Hopefully we’ll get more and more people as we go along.
i wouldnt mind dealing with bad ping for something like this, it would have to be on a weekend though, or late friday.
Wolf you should know you can add me to you original post. GT=Jess Alon
Just message me if you have another game coming up. I had fun.
good so far
who the heck said “they just lubed me up and raped me”? hilarious