We should re-instate Formido Friday Night Stopwatch Game, for the ETQWers that remember these days.
Unfortunately, no Linux server yet, so no dedicated for us (and I’ve not been in touch with RedFox since Brink launch)
We should re-instate Formido Friday Night Stopwatch Game, for the ETQWers that remember these days.
Unfortunately, no Linux server yet, so no dedicated for us (and I’ve not been in touch with RedFox since Brink launch)
I posted this idea on Bethesda and Xbox forums as well. Is there a PS3 forum for Brink that someone could post in?
When it comes to lunch time sessions, yeah, since people can just use their work machines. We don’t have very many retail consoles in the office.
After hours, anything goes though!
Wow awesome response. I’ll start adding people through live.com when I get to work today as I’m sure Wolf has been as well.
I started a list of tags from Xbox, Bethy, and this forum. We can compare notes! I know how that sounds…
lol works for me. It would be good to have two people because I know that real life intervenes. Like I’m on call this week at the hospital and this weekend I’ll be out of town.
I know there are MNC players lurking on these forums as well IG Thombow, Lurking Power, ARIES, etc. Good game played against LP and ARIES the other day. Please feel free to join in and add me if you’re not already on my list from MNC (HI-YO).
Tonight I should be off a bit early and will try to be on around 7PM EST. I’ll try to get as many of my RL friends as possible to be on as well.
GT: Nephaerius
[QUOTE=nephandys;335510]lol works for me. It would be good to have two people because I know that real life intervenes. Like I’m on call this week at the hospital and this weekend I’ll be out of town.
I know there are MNC players lurking on these forums as well IG Thombow, Lurking Power, ARIES, etc. Good game played against LP and ARIES the other day. Please feel free to join in and add me if you’re not already on my list from MNC (HI-YO).
Tonight I should be off a bit early and will try to be on around 7PM EST. I’ll try to get as many of my RL friends as possible to be on as well.
GT: Nephaerius[/QUOTE]
I will add these guys to the list. And get some friend requests out! I will be on Brink tonight round 9pm and will try to join up with you.
Sorry, I can’t give out the TS info. And it’s objective mode.
Brink Shackbattle
Take a shot every time you hear “Brothers!”When: TONIGHT! Wednesday. 10 pm eastern
Where: Primary Server=Dallas:
Password: shackbattleBrink fans, come frag with us. Running an oldskool config (no bots) and the rotation alternates which team attacks and defends. If an admin makes it on the server, we will try to shuffle teams if necessary to avoid persistant rapeage. Otherwise, ask your favorite medic for a lube syringe or self balance.
Count me in just send me a FR (just like my name is here) im on for a while each day ill join if I can anytime.
The PS3 Big Teams Only Lobby/Chat worked very well last night.
It was pretty dead compared to other nights but people started commin to the chat and inviting friends to chat and game and next thing you know we had a couple hours of 8v8 action with almost everyone having a mic in one big Fireteam.
Please anyone looking for Big Teams Only matches hit me up or find someone who can send you an invite to it, I am in 2 other Lobbies/Chats often as well and invite people from those also. Just add the chat and keep it in your chat list cause its up 24/7.
[QUOTE=badman;335478]When it comes to lunch time sessions, yeah, since people can just use their work machines. We don’t have very many retail consoles in the office.
After hours, anything goes though![/QUOTE]
Nice some people from SD! We’d need your GT’s to add you to the list. Plz post here or PM them if you so desire. Also if everyone posting that wants to be added could make sure to post their GT or indicate it’s the same as their username that would be great.
GT: Nephaerius
[QUOTE=badman;335478]When it comes to lunch time sessions, yeah, since people can just use their work machines. We don’t have very many retail consoles in the office.
After hours, anything goes though![/QUOTE]
There it is folks, evidence they didn’t even test the game on consoles. How many do you actually have? 1 or 2? LOL
Well it’s amazing how well it works at this point considering they never tested it on consoles then. /sarcasm
Seriously though you already have your complaint threads all over the place and we all know the game is not perfect. We’re clearly trying to do something positive as far as the game is concerned by building community in this thread. Your post appears to have the direct opposite aim and there are other threads for things like that. You could have even started a whole other thread with that quote talking about how they never tested it on consoles (I don’t agree with your opinion on that though clearly. But you are certainly entitled to it). Do you have to pee in everyone’s cheerios?
GT: Nephaerius
Note that it says “retail”. To develop a game, you generally need to use Xbox dev kits. We’ve got a lot of those.
But yeah, let’s get this back on topic, shall we?
[QUOTE=badman;335659]Note that it says “retail”. To develop a game, you generally need to use Xbox dev kits. We’ve got a lot of those.
But yeah, let’s get this back on topic, shall we? :)[/QUOTE]
As dev kits are identical to retail consoles o_0 fail.
I think that would be a good method to set up some games.[/QUOTE]
Are you on Xbox, PC, or PS3? Drop a post with your tag if you want to play!
YOu guys running VOIP on? I would like to try and get in on that. I will try and be on around 6:00PST and join that server.
YOu guys running VOIP on? I would like to try and get in on that. I will try and be on around 6:00PST and join that server.[/QUOTE]
What platform? We are trying to do modes where VOIP is automatically on. And use Party/Fireteam to chat while playing. Campaign is also an option for whoever wants to do that. We are gonna try and do some matches tonight to try some things out starting at 7pm-11pm EST.
I’m down for some community games. I play in EST -5 time mostly at night on Xbox360, I have a mic and a lvl 20 hybrid Medic/Engineer. My friends list is getting bigger with Brink players but I still need many more, this game is just awesome.
In short, add me if you’re on Xbox360. My gamertag is NewBlueWorld, same as my name.