·Definition : Amount of prediction (in milliseconds) added (or subtracted, when using negative numbers) to the already existing gameworld clientside prediction (e.g. other players movements predictions).
·Increasing it :
-Advantage : Less lags (If an information from the server is missing -lost or late-, the frame would have been already created by prediction : no freeze).
-Disadvantage : Frames can be wrongly predicted ; i.e. the more you set it high, the more you’ll experience ghost hitting (that’s when you plain hit a player, but it doesn’t register damage : your PC -clientside- was drawing by prediction a player but he actually wasn’t at this location on the serverside)
-Advice : Increase net_clientPrediction until you arn’t experiencing lags anymore ; then counterbalance the disadvantage of clientPrediction by lowering “net_clientmaxprediction”
ClientPrediction is like predicting weather in real life : “this cloud has gone this way all day long, we predict it’ll continue in the same direction tomorrow”. Sometimes it fails to predict right, especially if it’s a one week prediction instead of a few hour one. So the more you increase net_clientPrediction, the more you’ll possibly see on screen some weird things :
"woops… guess what, the cloud’s way that we are predicting since 5 hours, we have just received his exact position from our satelite ; Actually it isn’t where we were drawing it all this time.
·Definition : It cap the client prediction ; it is set by default to 1000ms (useless at this setting). Basically it’s a gate : any frame predicted ahead from this gate will be cancelled and recalculate later.
·Decreasing it :
-Advantage : It will cancel frames predicted too much ahead (the more ahead frames are predicted, the more erroneous they could be).
-Disadvantage : If you lower it too much you’ll experience the worst lags ever.
-Advice : Lower it until you reach the “worst lags ever”-barrier, then increase it a bit (e.g. 10ms ; it’ll depends of how high your ping is jumping).
useless, most servers have a limitation. if the client has higher values in his cfg than the server allowes, the server kind of overwrite them. So its the best to set it to 25600.