Clash of the online multiplayer titans

(nUllSkillZ) #1


yesterday I read in an article of a german game magazine some news about UT2007.
There will be a campaign game mode, too.
The maps of the campaigns will be played in a mixture of onslaught and assault game mode.
Unfortunately not sure if UT2007 will have classes or a skill system.
So there are three games that will play in the future and will have an assault / objective game mode / which will be very similar:

[li]Battlefield 2142
[/li][li]Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
[/li][li]Unreal Tournament: 2007
Comparison of features:

If some features are missing please let me know.


Commander feature added.

(EB) #2

I will “in-map” tutorial UT2007 and ETQW…not 2142.

…and still peruse forums while being a “pain in the butt”. :tapir: :nag: :chef:

(B0rsuk) #3

Why not check the recent poll results from Battlefield2 EA UK forums ?

(EB) #4

I am confused…so EA doesn’t have mind-control over their patrons ? :stuck_out_tongue:

(kamikazee) #5

They lack the tapirs for that.

And BF2142 campaigns looks more like onslaught with no energy nodes. Haven’t read about UT…

(Gringo) #6

All i know is i’ll only be playin QW!

(jimb0) #7

nUllSkillZ is right. Even though I know which one I’ll be playing the most, you have to take into account that other people will have different tastes or succumb to other hype machines. In the end I think having three games like that will just split more the probable community of a game, and that’s a bit sad not only because of the obligatory childish flaming that will follow but also because no game will reach their full ‘numbers’ potential unless it’s accepted by the vast majority.

2142 game modes do sound a lot like assault/et based types. I won’t be playing it (BF2 has burned me enough), but when I saw EA’s announcement of that game I couldn’t help but feel sad for the slice it’ll inevitably be taking from ETQW. I hope it’s released pretty later than ETQW.

UT2k7 probably won’t have a skill/class system (they never had it), but one thing they did mention on a recent interview is this: (in onslaught) they don’t have a class selection screen, but since the players don’t spawn will all weapons, your choice of which weapons rack to go for is basically your choice of a ‘class’ since each weapons rack has some different weapons grouped… and some areas don’t have certain weapons at all. So sometimes you’ll have to spawn at a different place or move in a different direction after respawn to grab a certain number of weapons. In context, this is an interesting idea which also elliminates the need for delayed spawn ‘waves’ since the player needs a few seconds to gear up anyway (I’m not saying if that’s better or worse, just pointing how their gameplay choices work).

Personally, I’ve always liked ONS a lot and I have a lot of respect for Epic, so I believe it’ll be good too. But as usual, the division between “quakers” and “ut’ers” is so abismal I can’t see major acceptance for the game outside of the scope of their already converted audience. Maybe because some people hate ut’s dodge so much (I know I do).

(nUllSkillZ) #8

I’ve tried to add a HTML table with a comparison of the three games.
But it didn’t work.
If you know how to get a HTML table to work in a post please PM me.

(senator) #9

make a screenshot and post the picture :wink:

AFAIK you cant post HTML, because a badly formated table might screw up the site design, or worse, malicious JavaScript code could be added.

(Joe999) #10

you can’t. but you can use the “code” button to create text with equal charactar spacing and simulate a table that way

i’ve just cast my vote at EA forums, couldn’t resist :smiley:

(madness) #11

BF2142 is crap, QW is great, UT…i dont know…never liked UTs. Could be cool

(nUllSkillZ) #12

[ code ] is also not working correct.
So I’ve taken a screenshot and added it to the first post.
If something is missing please let me know.

(EB) #13

The last category in the image is the MOST important !!!

" :tapir: "

(Fab) #14

Hmmm… and you know this how?

(Gringo) #15

Hmmm… and you know this how?[/quote]

Dont be stupid fab, of course its true!

(ToonarmY) #16

BF2 is past it, its boring and a luckfest.
Unreal 2007 i have never liked the others why would this be different. The gamplay is just crap bouncing off walls jumping 500ft bodies xploding into tuna chunks no thnx
Quake wars looks like the way forward 2 me

(EB) #17

More gamemaker’s need to acknowledge that gamers can and do “think” and that they are “smart” as well.

IMO, SD is pioneering the way for “utilizing gamer intelligence” in the FPS genre and I do not think that allowing that single notion will ever fail.
I mean…who doesn’t like a respectful challenge of the hand-eye-brain-coordination type?

I can’t get enough of those types of challenges TBH. :notworthy:

(jimb0) #18

More gamemaker’s need to acknowledge that gamers can and do “think” and that they are “smart” as well.

Well, making games is like making movies nowadays… you go for the lowest common denominator because you know a lot of people will “get” it… just sit, point and click.

(Gringo) #19

A further dumbing down process :frowning:

(iwound) #20

Deployables, mines, parachutes, physics, pies, OMGFG terrain.