Clanless Players Thread

(Kl3ppy) #41

thx seanza for the link :wink:

(xTriXxy) #42

lets make this thread more popular so more ppl can listen your b**sh…t anyway niothin to do in scotland.

(Apoc) #43

There must be a mistake in your hyperlink elite, for some reason leads to the =VIP= site?

(light_sh4v0r) #44

You actually tried it? xD

(Kl3ppy) #45

hahaha nice


(Apoc) #46

:stuck_out_tongue: i cant play etqw anymore as im at uni with no pc lol, so i can click as many random links as i like with no consequences what so ever thank you very much :slight_smile:

(ary29gdf) #47

Nickname: ary29tmw
Previous clans (if any):ETQW:ASIA
When are you available? (times and days):everyday 3-6pm IST
Any additional information which you feel is useful: i can join any team any time

(Crytiqal) #48

Welcome to 3 months ago

(Splifff_7) #49

Nickname: Splifff_7
Nationality: Canadian
Previous clans (if any): Outlawed, for the 6v6 cup
When are you available? (times and days): everyday from about 12:00-3:00 EST
Any additional information which you feel is useful: I’m helping Outlawed for the asdf cup, but can play for any team if needed. I luv promod. aim is relatively exceptional.

(Shelly) #50

[QUOTE=Splifff_7;386900]Nickname: Splifff_7
Nationality: Canadian
Previous clans (if any): Outlawed, for the 6v6 cup
When are you available? (times and days): everyday from about 12:00-3:00 EST
Any additional information which you feel is useful: I’m helping Outlawed for the asdf cup, but can play for any team if needed. I luv promod. aim is exceptional, ask my gf Shelly.[/QUOTE]

HUH? Did I miss something? :eek:

(Shelly) #51

[QUOTE=Splifff_7;386900]Nickname: Splifff_7
Nationality: Canadian
Previous clans (if any): Outlawed, for the 6v6 cup
When are you available? (times and days): everyday from about 12:00-3:00 EST
Any additional information which you feel is useful: I’m helping Outlawed for the asdf cup, but can play for any team if needed. I luv promod. aim is relatively exceptional.[/QUOTE]

@ your reason: some ppl cant take a joke…: saying to me “stfu bitch” after I kindly ask you to change your post, does not fall into my category of humour, sorry.
oh and btw I blocked you everyhwere and I will try my best to get you banned on any server I´m admin on, lets see if you have a sense of humour :smiley:

(Splifff_7) #52

I was having a match on ETQW. I kindly said i would change it after the match. You forced me spec, and then you kicked me from the server. I had a reason to be pissed. All i said in my post was “my aim is exceptional, ask my gf shelly.” Is it really that bad? Obviously you’re not my gf. Didn’t know you would take it so seriously, I thought you were cool Shelly. Whatever, ban me if you want.

(Shelly) #53

Let me correct you here, dear, you were on a pub server playing. I came on and asked you to change your post now, coz just like you, I had a reason to be pissed. I do not appreciate boys running around posting bs on forums, claiming I´m their gf. Dream on. BTW I really still dont see the funny bit in that, sorry.

You decided to “lol” and be cocky and said after the map, so I helped you to hurry up with changing your post and kicked you, so you have time to change your post asap. You re welcome !

In all the years I´ve been Admin on various servers, I´ve hardly ever kicked anyone, but as you might have noticed I do not appreciate jokes like this on my behalf. You can call that humourless or uncool, I dont care.

P.S.: It wouldve all been ok if you had just changed your post when I asked you to do so, or even better if you had not posted bs like that, but to do so and then get all cheeky with “stfu bitch” is really not a smart move…

(Splifff_7) #54

A match is 20 minutes, half of it was already over. This post has been up for more than 4 hours. You really couldn’t wait 10 more minutes?

And I said “lol” on the server because I found it funny how serious you took that little comment. Whatever, I apologize for that joke, wont joke around with you again.

(Shelly) #55

[QUOTE=Splifff_7;386910]A match is 20 minutes, half of it was already over. This post has been up for more than 4 hours. You really couldn’t wait 10 more minutes?

And I said “lol” on the server because I found it funny how serious you took that little comment. Whatever, I apologize for that joke, wont joke around with you again.[/QUOTE]

Thank you for your apology.

(Apples) #56

trying … to … resist … to … troll… in… AAAArghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

(jopjop) #57

HNGGGGggggghhhhhhh!!! must… resist… the urge… fingers… typing…ararrrararagGHH!!

(Crytiqal) #58

huh weird… didn’t even know you two were more then very vague acquaints :confused:

Or is every girl you vagely meet online instantly named as your girlfriend? =D

Damn you apples and jopjop!
You know i can’t resist when you throw bones like that xD

(Dthy) #59

fingers…serenading keys…must…resist…urgh…too…ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

(Snotling) #60

I…am…not…going…to do…the…same joke once again. :smiley: