Changes to Anti-Hack Policies - Zero Tolerance

(BMXer) #61

[QUOTE=shoe.;533106]Hey guys,

… are acting on to improve the current system. …[/QUOTE]

Current system as in Xignpoop? You guys are seriously going to continue using that junk?

(Mustang) #62

I think Nexon stream mentioned a new system and SD stream said new stuff IIRC, so I’m expecting something that actually works, i.e. stops cheaters and not normal players, rather than Xigncode which is the opposite way around…

(Nail) #63

I smell xignpoop with report button

(Volcano) #64

going to be pretty mad if its still xign that thing is worse than punkbuster, at least PB kicked people

(NoSoup4U) #65

I seriously hope they step away from Xigncode; It had its chance, and failed miserably.
However, I don’t have a clue what they should use instead…

Anyway, thanks for the small update, Shoe.

(Destroy666) #66

Anything. Even nothing - it will have the same low effectiveness but at least less memory from my system will be eaten.

(Volcano) #67


and another one, step it up SD

(Neo_TA) #68

thats great news but can i ask what do u mean by “permanently banned”? does the user get steam account banned? so he/she could make a new steam acc and get a key and hack again or do u mean ip/hw banned so no matter how many times they create new accounts they will never be able to play again if you cant answer this i guess its fine since game devs like to keep their anti hack on the low low :smiley:

(spookify) #69

Its so hard NOT to be a dck some times. Im like 97% not a dick but I have my bad days just like everyone does.

I hope this GM is ready for the influx of reports… :rolleyes:

I got speced by a few people yesterday as I was rolling faces so if they had the ability or maybe they already have reported me.

At the end of a round when stats are given :wink: There should be a report button just like in LOL. This should have active players currently on the server and also list players that have left or were kicked. At the end of a round people can that report that player because their name is in the grayed out non active list. This would also be cool to see all the players that have come and gone throughout the map/round.

I hope you also have some tricks in the magic hat that you arent making public to bust haxers.

Note that feeding might be seen on DB also.


[QUOTE=shoe.;528548]As Dirty Bomb approaches Open Beta, we’re kicking up our ban policies a notch to combat the issue of hackers. Any player that is detected as hacking will be permanently banned from Dirty Bomb. Whether they were caught through our anti-cheat program, via a GM’s monitoring or through an investigation triggered by a player report, the result will be the same: Do not pass go, do not collect $200, proceed directly to the incinerator.

To help your fellow players out, please vote-kick any hackers in-game and report them (find out how here). Additionally, we are instituting round the clock GM monitoring and support, to watch out for hackers and other abusive players (remember, don’t be a d*ck!).

Stay tuned! We will be updating you with our progress and further actions that’ll be taken as time goes on.[/QUOTE]

I dont like it.

“GM’s monitoring”

RIP pro players in DB. The famous ones are gonna be on a Nexon white list Im guessing. But the ones who arent famous, will easily get banned just for being too good. Does Nexon have elite pro players to watch players? If not, then its terrible.

“or through an investigation triggered by a player report”

This is good on paper, but it does not work as intended. Are you not aware 90%-99% of reports are useless from either incompetence to see what is or isnt a cheat, or from hate towards a player.

In other steam games, clean players get banned permanently just because they had too many reports, which they got because of hate from others, or from incompetence from others. Its terrible.

Please dont be terrible. Please take care of your players instead. This is not the way to do it.

The only thing you can catch with this method, is the blatant ones (beginners just installed a cheat and headshotting everyone).

All the other types of cheat for example, using wallhack sometimes, is in a greyzone.
In greyzone you absolutely need amazing talent to know what is game sense / pure skill, and what is cheat.

Also please be more detailed with the “chat abuse” rules.
What chat abuse gets your permanemtly banned, vs what “chat abuse” gets you muted for 2 days etc?
How do you know “chat abuse” isnt two friends talking smack to each other, etc?
Are you gonna watch text as text, without knowing the situation?
Also remember people do get mad sometimes, without intent to hurt. So punishment suitable for the offense would be nice.
I wouldnt wanna see people banned for regular smack talk etc.

(LiNkzr) #71

I’m happy and terrified at the same time, obvious cheaters are getting banned of course which is good, but let’s see how many false-positive / hate-reports we get that ends up banning someone.

(Mustang) #72

I’m quite worried about this, because my experience so far is GM’s can also be dicks.

Zero tolerance implies that if a GM gets it wrong then tough luck, I’ve been kicked and called a hacker by GM’s and I’m not even in the top 10% of players.

I’ve also been “banned” by your anti-cheat solution for clearly doing things that should not be considered cheating, i.e. using voice chat overlays or running processes completely unrelated and not interacting with the game at all.

Let’s just say my confidence on this isn’t very high right now due to how bad the recent track record has been.

As always my opinion is don’t make the legitimate players suffer to justify doing something about hackers, snoopers charter anyone?

I guess the replies to this thread will be ignored like all comments about how bad the anti-cheat solution is. :frowning:




Good player get banned, for being too good. What happends now, what will friends believe? A game cant be wrong right?

Does 99% of the other players in the game hear about this unjustice? No.

Does SD get in trouble for this? Not until someone with right contacts get banned, and makes a big deal about it.

Most who gets banned for being too good, will feel hurt & betrayed. Its terrible and a disgrace.

If we cannot protect good players from getting banned for being too good, the game is not worth playing.

(prophett) #74

Not too much faith in honest/legit players not ending up being banned by low skill under qualified GMs who probably don’t even play the game.

(Rémy Cabresin) #75

Minus the GM monitoring, good news. For things like ingame racism/verbal abuse/etc I guess it’s useful but without the right rules in place its very dodgy. At least require(mandatory) all GM’s to record a player(fraps/afterburner/GE/whatever) before they ban them ingame for cheating so that their banning can be reviewed if there are appeals made by players who are wrongfully banned.

Also, Nexon support in my experience(so far) is the most dreadful, slow replying support I’ve encountered in a gaming network yet so personally makes me cringe hard that they will handle most of the reports.

(Neo_TA) #76

gm monitoring could mean many things i mean like check the reports that the anti hack system gives the gm or watch them ingame but with high ping players its hard to see the bullet hits so i dunno if that would work as they expect but i hope they dont ban people who doesnt hack

(alphabeta) #77

Happy that this is happening but worried like others. As a player of only modest skills, early on I thought everyone was cheating because they beat me like a baby seal pup. As I got better, I realized that some of those players were not so special, and I could actually hold my own against them with a lot of practice. I stopped crying wolf constantly because I realized “Hey maybe they are hot-wired on Monster drinks, play 16 hours a day, and are just really really good”. Of course there are some actual cheaters, and seems like a large influx since you gave away all those keys recently; but please put a system into place that finds them. Statistically this should not be too hard with your kill camera. 99% head shots? HMMMM

(Glottis-3D) #78

who are those GM monitors?

(Szakalot) #79

since SD has echo data on each player, its unlikely that a consistently high-skilled player will get banned because some newbies filed reports.

(matsy) #80

I system like this is never going to be perfect, I have every confidence in SD that they will make this work.

I would rather there be false positives, and less cheaters.

And for if for any reason I do get banned I may camp up outside their office in protest!