[QUOTE=Boktor;437076]Funny thing, Hozz got the same error and made a post about it in the old tutorial thread. It sucks though, I can’t see if anyone answered him since the page 2 on the thread isn’t archived.
Step by step tutorial to making command map, heightmaps , deploymasks ect[/QUOTE]
I did never manage to get everything working, no secret solutions on the 2nd page
The red/green squares + preview wireframe would not show before having placed the deployable, and the wireframe was hovering above the terrain after a deployable was placed. But I think they worked after arriving.
What made me give up was that I could never get the deployzone/territory switching to work, so there was no way to prevent people from placing deployables in enemy territory.
So I can’t help you. I don’t remember any mapping technicalities, that thread you linked only makes me go now.
Good luck anyway