(Stroggafier) #121

There is a game that is very similar to BFBC2, but its only available on PS3 - its MAGG. @_milla, I’m guessing you are playing the PC version of BFBC2 on your new i7 computer. So a pure console version may not interest you.

Also, when I say similar, I mean that the similarities outweigh the differences between these games. Like most things in life, a comparison of similar FPS games is not black or white, but rather comes in shades of style, features and play.

(brbrbr) #122

answer is:No

i vote for ETQW.
more team-tgted gameplay, harder, faster.
and beside, require think MORE, regardless [bigger]speed.
thats GREAT and enjoyable.

[different]players motivating is hard, i guess, so these two games, can’t be compared, directly, IMO.
for same reasons, you can’t compare both with Arma2, for example.

(brbrbr) #123

i vote for ETQW.
more team-tgted gameplay, harder, faster.
and beside, require think MORE, regardless [bigger]speed.
thats GREAT and enjoyable.

[different]players motivating is hard, i guess, so these two games, can’t be compared, directly, IMO.
for same reasons, you can’t compare both with Arma2, for example.

(PSG_Mud) #124

[QUOTE=Apocalypse_Pony;210130]I figured I’d give it a shot, so I DL’d and tried about a dozen or so. No luck as of yet. They’re valid, but in use. For whatever reason, the key input is klunky and slow to respond, so I tired quickly of trying.

Anyone else get lucky?[/QUOTE]

Ok, deleted my post just incase future people wasted their time.

[QUOTE=_milla;209998]mose wheel for knife? lol thx!
psg_mud, how you unlocked all those weapons? because i can select primary (from 1 weapon), secondary (from 1 pistol) and gadged (1) ?

should i xp whore to unlock somethig?[/QUOTE]

If you select assault with a shotgun you can access C4. You probably already know this now, as everyone seems to be doing it. I was doing it the second day of Beta played about 100 or so games with people complaining non stop. Now, it looks like everyone does it which is a good thing. Not to say I take credit for it, but it needs to be addressed because it breaks the game.

Now, I stopped doing that and just tank it up. Sit at a distance and pixel shot the object to bring it down in 15-20 shots. Pretty much impossible to die unless they have the Apache up.

(PSG_Mud) #125

Also, looks like I was right about shots not registering with auto fire. I was comparing the difference from the console and PC versions from watching youtube videos. It seems like every other bullet isn’t registering for automatic weapons, or it could be that the servers are not synced with the players. Reason why is you will notice players die at the same perfect time if they were killed within a few seconds apart. If you watch console versions, you can clearly see the second shots showing up from the flash indicator.

PC Beta

Console Beta - in this random video you can clear see the hit flash happen way more often than in the PC version if you were to fire on someone point blank not moving.

In this video you can see players getting dieing at the same exact moment but not killed at the same moment.

Either way this game has some really bad issues atm for PC anyway.

(_milla) #126

[QUOTE=Stroggafier;210389]There is a game that is very similar to BFBC2, but its only available on PS3 - its MAGG. @_milla, I’m guessing you are playing the PC version of BFBC2 on your new i7 computer. So a pure console version may not interest you.

Also, when I say similar, I mean that the similarities outweigh the differences between these games. Like most things in life, a comparison of similar FPS games is not black or white, but rather comes in shades of style, features and play.[/QUOTE]

lol how do you know that?:rolleyes:

(ED209) #127

Dunno, might just wait for Brink…

(_milla) #128

there is no debate about waiting. this game is realy perfect. game style is much different then from etqw, but its easy to learn it. and i think ist more enjoyable.

for what do you want to wait for ? lol this game is players dream!

(nukits) #129

Seems like BFBC2 have a cool engine but i think i like ETQW more :). Mby see in future…

(_milla) #130

nothing against cartoon engines…but Frost engine is miles away from it.
-total destruction
-perfect graphics
-super gravity
-stunning effects

who is playing beta can confirm how map is looking after 20- 30 mins when 32 players connected. there is no single tree standing or no building you can hide!

when drinving tank or anansi (or what is it) you feel like in real. all that massive explosions, ruins , you can see enemy soldiers tring to hide lol but there is nowhere to hide where you are in latest US army tank. is somebody in building? destroy it whole! wall by wall, floor by floor!!:smiley:

sniping is also perfect. sniping from close range is even faster than in etqw. 1 shoot = death. you dont need to aim on stupid head to kill someone.

shooting with normal weapons is also perfect. 2-3 bullets and enemy is down. you dont need to spent whole magazine like others said (it was caused by lag ony),crouch and shoot in small rounds. if you see somebody miles away from you, you can kill him.

greanades, mines, stationary weapons (same as APT and AVT in etqw but controlled by player only)

there is also chopper like in etqw (that big one i forgot its name cuz im looong time off etqw)

team cooperation is a must in bfbc2. there is no chance for rambo medics like in etqw.

i can continue there is tons of +++ against ETQW. and thats a fact.

(Apples) #131

[QUOTE=_milla;210499]nothing against cartoon engines…but Frost engine is miles away from it.
-total destruction
-perfect graphics
-super gravity
-stunning effects

And a totally chaotic and random game where the better camper win

Wrong, if you dont aim well you will miss the kill, even close range

With the crazy spread of the weapon you have actually to use more bullets than in etqw… but wait… ahh true in QW you actually need a good aim to kill someone in firefight…

Grenades sux and mounted weapon are extraordinarily overpowered camping spot

Its teh blackhawk and will be played like in any previous BF games, whoever have the better flyer in his team will win, 2 friends of mine were extraordinary ace pilot in BF2, they just dominate the whole maps… (it was planes tho, not copter so it might be more balanced)

I agree on the rambo medic part, but not in communication, you can sneak alone, plant obj + C4 = you destroy almost all objectives, or like psg_mud pointed out, just sit with a tank and shoot at the objective.

Its not FACTS, its some statements that we can attribute to a 14 years old virgin in front of her idol (say zak efron or the twilight guy…)


(_milla) #132

[QUOTE=Apples;210506]And a totally chaotic and random game where the better camper win

Wrong, if you dont aim well you will miss the kill, even close range

With the crazy spread of the weapon you have actually to use more bullets than in etqw… but wait… ahh true in QW you actually need a good aim to kill someone in firefight…

Grenades sux and mounted weapon are extraordinarily overpowered camping spot

Its teh blackhawk and will be played like in any previous BF games, whoever have the better flyer in his team will win, 2 friends of mine were extraordinary ace pilot in BF2, they just dominate the whole maps… (it was planes tho, not copter so it might be more balanced)

I agree on the rambo medic part, but not in communication, you can sneak alone, plant obj + C4 = you destroy almost all objectives, or like psg_mud pointed out, just sit with a tank and shoot at the objective.

Its not FACTS, its some statements that we can attribute to a 14 years old virgin in front of her idol (say zak efron or the twilight guy…)


this is not a chaotic random game. for me it was from the beginning because i never played other MP games only ETQW. but after 3 or 4 hours im comfortable with this game. now i understand xp system and unlock system. maps are perfectly designed.
about the campers: there is no prone, so i dont think its that bad.
you simply cannot run directy to the objective. good sniper in your team is a must.
i had 7 sniper kills in a row for example and it was very funny!

why grenades sux? i dont think so. grenade is always only grenade. deadly.

about camping in tank/… well… you can destroy tank with repair tool for example if you know how to do that. or with mounted AVT. or with bazooka, or with another tank or as sniper with c4s. there are many ways how to destroy vehicles.

last i will not comment. people may vary as games.

iohh 1 question: do you have beta? i dont think you played it.

some screens

(Donnovan) #133

It’s ok to move to other games, but why make shit on past games you played?

Even if i move to other games, i will remember Quake Wars like a Ubernatural experience.

Seens you had put so much time on a game you is not supposed to play, milla. Sorry if you lost your time, but you can’t get it back this way.

(_milla) #134

[QUOTE=Donnovan;210519]It’s ok to move to other games, but why make shit on past games you played?

Even if i move to other games, i will remember Quake Wars like a Ubernatural experience.

Seens you had put so much time on a game you is not supposed to play, milla. Sorry if you lost your time, but you can’t get it back this way.[/QUOTE]

sure, for me ETQW was 1st multiplayer game i ever played. and i enjoyed it soo much!
but we cannot sit here and nonstop whine about other games and about etqw is still top game cuz we know its not.
its time to move forward. only i want to say is, there is new, great MP game on the market and its name is BFBC2. thats all. but for somebody its still not enought. what else somebody want to hear? bfbc2 have all features that gamer can want, its combination of best games ever made, player base you can count in hundred of thousands only in beta.

i think ordering bfbc2 is not a waste of money. absolutely not.

(_milla) #135

here are some more pictures, i uploaed them on rapidshare because now they are not compressed

(_milla) #136

(Tanzverbot) #137

Could you please enlarge those? I’m old and my eyes are not what they used to be.

(_milla) #138

they are in full resolutuion taken by fraps.

(Kl3ppy) #139

Make them bigger [/irony=off]

(_milla) #140

to my screen they fits well.:smiley: