[QUOTE=GreasedScotsman;334577]While I can’t record a video due to the 30 fps that would make this challenge impossible…
Attached is a screen of the 2 star run as my Operative level 20 just to show you that it’s quite possible to do. I’ve gotten better times but here’s just a run I did for kicks just now, just for this thread (and all the other posts claiming challenges are impossible-- Hi .FROST.!). In fact, in this one, the bots even disarmed my initial plant due to some carelessness on my part… so you should have more time to spare if you make less errors.
To be fair to the naysayers struggling with this, the PC bots are much harder than what I’ve seen on the console, but they goddamn should be… we have a mouse and keyboard, after all. Still, the challenge is still quite possible to complete.
Don’t rush unless it’s the best strategy.
Plant objective: Rush.
Repair Objective: Rush from CP to the top platform using the crates shown in the video. You should be able to make it to the first waist-high crate on the walkway (where the OP planted his turret) fairly easily.
Once there, slow the pace. Crouch… pop up, headshot, crouch. You need to do this in less than a second or you will be shot. Don’t expect to drop an enemy in a single pop-up unless he’s already weak. Rinse repeat. When clear, rush up past the repair objective. Plant a mine at the top of the stairs the bots will be using. Repair. When mine gets tripped, toss a nade on the same mine spot. Don’t cook it; just blindly throw it and keep repairing. The time it takes for the grenade to go off means the bots will back off down the stairs, and you’ll have more repair time. Alternatively, if you have a turret, place it next to you/your mine as the bots will focus on that over you, usually.
This will get you about 70% or more done. Also, for whatever reason, moving all the way to the far right when repairing like shown in the video does usually afford you more time to build. When you get spotted/shot just move all the way to the left as you build. You’ll get another 10% or so, probably.
Hack Objective: For this objective, HAVE CALTROPS! They make the hack objective much, much easier as the bots won’t crowd the area if placed well. Also, don’t just rush the hack point… wait for your teammates to push up. If they aren’t pushing up, just keep using cover to thin the herd.
Constantly keep tossing caltrops every time they expire.
Once you have an opening, rush in, toss a caltrop on the hack point, plant hack box and run away to the CP. Use radar. Your caltrops and team will slow attackers, but if one clearly comes after you on radar, just run away to the left, even back out into the center of the room IF you have teammates alive. Enemy bots will focus on their original target over you usually, but your teammates will help you so you don’t have to swap to your gun. Just run around in circles or behind the waist-high crates for a few seconds… chances are you were already at like 60% hack progress before you got rushed anyway, so a few evasive maneuvers and you’ll complete the hack. Just don’t die…
Delivery Objective: The final objective is in some ways the easiest… but don’t just rush it… and don’t die. The bots will have time to set up if you do. Assuming you’re near the CP at the end of the hack and have the spare time, switch to a medic. There WILL be bots up top.
Use the crates as shown in the video but don’t be afraid to cross over the original 1-star hack point to the other platform to get a better firing angle. Bots coming up the stairs near the 2-star repair objective point will often ignore you 'til they’re closer to the delivery point unless you fire at them first, so focus on the bots crowding the final objective. However, if you rushed from hack and CP, you’ll only encounter maybe 2 bots anyway. Blow them away and complete the Challenge.
Good luck![/QUOTE]
Great post. Thanks, I’ll try it this way, BUT I don’t have CALTROPS. And here comes another question. How can I trade only certain abilities? Since I don’t want to sell all off my stuff, just the stuff I’m not useing very frequently.