Be More Objective, VIDEO Play-through (Level 20 Character) 2-star and 3-star.

(GreasedScotsman) #41

It is not impossible to do as a Level 20 character on the PC, it’s just quite difficult.

XBox walkthrough or not, the OP does a great job of explaining some of the quirks of the Team AI and methods you can use to get them to actually get their asses into the fight to help you.

The key thing is that you have to clear a path and find ways to get your team’s presence in the right places… once you learn how to do that, this challenge becomes much, much easier. Just remember that the AI is either rambo stupid or total wusses depending on the way the wind is blowing. You can’t direct them, but you can lead them, more or less, by clearing certain areas.

The crazy point for the PC remains the hack objective, because they will unhack your ****… however, caltrops make all the difference there… as long as you drop one in front of the objective just before you begin hacking, you should be okay. A sticky nade in front of their spawn door doesn’t hurt either.

Nice walkthrough, Techniq. Ignore the whiners. Haters gonna hate.

(wolfnemesis75) #42

The Hack is tough because it is the 3rd task and so there is a feeling of “Oh no, it was hard getting this far, only to fail”. There is a tendency to press too much at this part. Running around while holding the hack box is what I did to complete the task. Kill Engies Bots if they try to remove that Hack. Cooking grenades really helps to knock those B#*$&%s on their ***!

(General Techniq) #43

For most people, it’s all about the hack objective on the 2-star, even more so at level 20. It’s really all about timing, in a way.

(.FROST.) #44

Bro, bro, bro, remember the post in wich I’ve “said”; " I stopped watching your vid, the moment you’ve planted all your engiee stuff right in front of the enemy, at the generator"? Well, as I mentioned, this would be IMPOSSIBLE to achieve on the PC. Now I took myself the time and watched the whole vid and it was even more ridiculous. There where moments, I swear by everything, you would be dead twice, in half of the time you stood out of your cover. This AI, as seen in your vid is maybe a 0,5 char level enemy AI, no joking here, thats my honest opinion.

And they would’ve tried to remove your charge the first time you were killed, and by the time you would have gotten back, you’d have to plant another one, guaranteed.

The time it takes you to get over the cases to the Intel, again, you’d be dead. Sorry, but true.

Running around and no AI at the uploading point??? Come on.

The list goes on.

I don’t know, how much your average choosen difficulty level(easy, normal, hard, or so) adds to the “rising level difficulty”. I’ve chosen hard for my character/campaign. Maybe that’s the problem. I dont know, but I know for certain, that the AI shown in your video is a far cry from the one I encounter everytime I play this challenge.



Also, you do know that you don’t have to climb the boxes every time to get to the intel right.[/QUOTE]

Omg I did that every time. Well I got it anyway.

(General Techniq) #46


Nice walkthrough, Techniq. Ignore the whiners. Haters gonna hate.[/QUOTE]
Thanks. I appreciate it.

(nephandys) #47

Congrats and nice vid + commentary. Shame about all the negativity in this thread.

(GreasedScotsman) #48

Actually, you can do this just fine (assuming you mean 2 star repair obj). Again, you have to learn how the bots work. They don’t play like humans. They play like bots. They have weaknesses. Use them.

Their accuracy is really good if you stick your neck out for too long (roughly 1 sec)… but they don’t fire instantly if you were previously behind cover. USE THIS to your advantage.

What you need to do is get to the crates like he showed in the video, pop up from a crouch, headshot, and immediately duck down to avoid the snipe. You should literally be out of cover for less than half a second. This takes practice and an understanding that the bots will not move much (until they decide to rush you… heh). Rinse repeat 'til the pack is thinned. Toss a nade, then build a turret, clear anyone still up and place the mine. At that point, the turret will become their focus so clean the respawn wave and move in for the repair. Place the mine at the top of the stairs behind the build spot. This will not only act as a warning device but also will deter them for a few seconds, extending your repair time.

Again, it is very difficult, but it is possible.

(GreasedScotsman) #49

While I can’t record a video due to the 30 fps that would make this challenge impossible…

Attached is a screen of the 2 star run as my Operative level 20 just to show you that it’s quite possible to do. I’ve gotten better times but here’s just a run I did for kicks just now, just for this thread (and all the other posts claiming challenges are impossible-- Hi .FROST.!). In fact, in this one, the bots even disarmed my initial plant due to some carelessness on my part… so you should have more time to spare if you make less errors.

To be fair to the naysayers struggling with this, the PC bots are much harder than what I’ve seen on the console, but they goddamn should be… we have a mouse and keyboard, after all. Still, the challenge is still quite possible to complete.


Don’t rush unless it’s the best strategy.

Plant objective: Rush.

Repair Objective: Rush from CP to the top platform using the crates shown in the video. You should be able to make it to the first waist-high crate on the walkway (where the OP planted his turret) fairly easily.

Once there, slow the pace. Crouch… pop up, headshot, crouch. You need to do this in less than a second or you will be shot. Don’t expect to drop an enemy in a single pop-up unless he’s already weak. Rinse repeat. When clear, rush up past the repair objective. Plant a mine at the top of the stairs the bots will be using. Repair. When mine gets tripped, toss a nade on the same mine spot. Don’t cook it; just blindly throw it and keep repairing. The time it takes for the grenade to go off means the bots will back off down the stairs, and you’ll have more repair time. Alternatively, if you have a turret, place it next to you/your mine as the bots will focus on that over you, usually.

This will get you about 70% or more done. Also, for whatever reason, moving all the way to the far right when repairing like shown in the video does usually afford you more time to build. When you get spotted/shot just move all the way to the left as you build. You’ll get another 10% or so, probably.

Hack Objective: For this objective, HAVE CALTROPS! They make the hack objective much, much easier as the bots won’t crowd the area if placed well. Also, don’t just rush the hack point… wait for your teammates to push up. If they aren’t pushing up, just keep using cover to thin the herd.

Constantly keep tossing caltrops every time they expire.

Once you have an opening, rush in, toss a caltrop on the hack point, plant hack box and run away to the CP. Use radar. Your caltrops and team will slow attackers, but if one clearly comes after you on radar, just run away to the left, even back out into the center of the room IF you have teammates alive. Enemy bots will focus on their original target over you usually, but your teammates will help you so you don’t have to swap to your gun. Just run around in circles or behind the waist-high crates for a few seconds… chances are you were already at like 60% hack progress before you got rushed anyway, so a few evasive maneuvers and you’ll complete the hack. Just don’t die… :slight_smile:

Delivery Objective: The final objective is in some ways the easiest… but don’t just rush it… and don’t die. The bots will have time to set up if you do. Assuming you’re near the CP at the end of the hack and have the spare time, switch to a medic. There WILL be bots up top.

Use the crates as shown in the video but don’t be afraid to cross over the original 1-star hack point to the other platform to get a better firing angle. Bots coming up the stairs near the 2-star repair objective point will often ignore you 'til they’re closer to the delivery point unless you fire at them first, so focus on the bots crowding the final objective. However, if you rushed from hack and CP, you’ll only encounter maybe 2 bots anyway. Blow them away and complete the Challenge.

Good luck!

(Ark_peasant) #50

[QUOTE=.FROST.;334311]Bro, bro, bro, remember the post in wich I’ve “said”; […][/QUOTE]A PC player saying a walkthrough sucks because it’s played on the console (so the AI might be different) ?

Doesn’t he forget that the player has to use a different controller on the console platform ?

Man, give that idiot a pad controller and let’s see what he can do with it :smiley:

(nb : I only play on PC since I don’t own a 360/ps3/wii, no ‘Console vs PC’ war here)

(wolfnemesis75) #51

Another great post, GreasedScotsman!

(.FROST.) #52

[QUOTE=Ark_peasant;334583]A PC player saying a walkthrough sucks because it’s played on the console (so the AI might be different) ?

Doesn’t he forget that the player has to use a different controller on the console platform ?

Man, give that idiot a pad controller and let’s see what he can do with it :smiley:

(nb : I only play on PC since I don’t own a 360/ps3/wii, no ‘Console vs PC’ war here)[/QUOTE]

Hey captain smiley face. Since you’re a devote PC player, you can’t know how much someone can get used to a controller. I can’t either. I honestly can’t tell how its like to play with a pad. I’m only saying that the console AI is VERY different from the PC one. I’m not bitching on consoles, and I actually took that pad thing into consideration, believe me. I may be stubborn in my opinions, but not stupid.

(.FROST.) #53

[QUOTE=GreasedScotsman;334577]While I can’t record a video due to the 30 fps that would make this challenge impossible…

Attached is a screen of the 2 star run as my Operative level 20 just to show you that it’s quite possible to do. I’ve gotten better times but here’s just a run I did for kicks just now, just for this thread (and all the other posts claiming challenges are impossible-- Hi .FROST.!). In fact, in this one, the bots even disarmed my initial plant due to some carelessness on my part… so you should have more time to spare if you make less errors.

To be fair to the naysayers struggling with this, the PC bots are much harder than what I’ve seen on the console, but they goddamn should be… we have a mouse and keyboard, after all. Still, the challenge is still quite possible to complete.


Don’t rush unless it’s the best strategy.

Plant objective: Rush.

Repair Objective: Rush from CP to the top platform using the crates shown in the video. You should be able to make it to the first waist-high crate on the walkway (where the OP planted his turret) fairly easily.

Once there, slow the pace. Crouch… pop up, headshot, crouch. You need to do this in less than a second or you will be shot. Don’t expect to drop an enemy in a single pop-up unless he’s already weak. Rinse repeat. When clear, rush up past the repair objective. Plant a mine at the top of the stairs the bots will be using. Repair. When mine gets tripped, toss a nade on the same mine spot. Don’t cook it; just blindly throw it and keep repairing. The time it takes for the grenade to go off means the bots will back off down the stairs, and you’ll have more repair time. Alternatively, if you have a turret, place it next to you/your mine as the bots will focus on that over you, usually.

This will get you about 70% or more done. Also, for whatever reason, moving all the way to the far right when repairing like shown in the video does usually afford you more time to build. When you get spotted/shot just move all the way to the left as you build. You’ll get another 10% or so, probably.

Hack Objective: For this objective, HAVE CALTROPS! They make the hack objective much, much easier as the bots won’t crowd the area if placed well. Also, don’t just rush the hack point… wait for your teammates to push up. If they aren’t pushing up, just keep using cover to thin the herd.

Constantly keep tossing caltrops every time they expire.

Once you have an opening, rush in, toss a caltrop on the hack point, plant hack box and run away to the CP. Use radar. Your caltrops and team will slow attackers, but if one clearly comes after you on radar, just run away to the left, even back out into the center of the room IF you have teammates alive. Enemy bots will focus on their original target over you usually, but your teammates will help you so you don’t have to swap to your gun. Just run around in circles or behind the waist-high crates for a few seconds… chances are you were already at like 60% hack progress before you got rushed anyway, so a few evasive maneuvers and you’ll complete the hack. Just don’t die… :slight_smile:

Delivery Objective: The final objective is in some ways the easiest… but don’t just rush it… and don’t die. The bots will have time to set up if you do. Assuming you’re near the CP at the end of the hack and have the spare time, switch to a medic. There WILL be bots up top.

Use the crates as shown in the video but don’t be afraid to cross over the original 1-star hack point to the other platform to get a better firing angle. Bots coming up the stairs near the 2-star repair objective point will often ignore you 'til they’re closer to the delivery point unless you fire at them first, so focus on the bots crowding the final objective. However, if you rushed from hack and CP, you’ll only encounter maybe 2 bots anyway. Blow them away and complete the Challenge.

Good luck![/QUOTE]

Great post. Thanks, I’ll try it this way, BUT I don’t have CALTROPS. And here comes another question. How can I trade only certain abilities? Since I don’t want to sell all off my stuff, just the stuff I’m not useing very frequently.

(dazman76) #54

I’m afraid you need to “sell all”, and then re-spec the stuff you actually want. It’s one of these “mild penalty for not thinking about your spec in advance” things you find in MMOs - and also drops a level, so you’ll have some more XP gaining to do :slight_smile: I’m not a huge fan, to be honest. I guess it’s main aim is to keep people dipping back from level 20, therefore kicking back in the need to regain some XP and not leaving people sat permanently at level cap.

(FireWorks) #55

I wrote here before that I did it quite easily with a medic/soldier spec. You dont need all the fancy stuff like turrets and caltrops.
Too me it’s more about evasion and letting the AI do the cover job. Let them catch the bullets while you ignore them and focus on the objective.

Im sorry to fail to provide a proper video. Never done one before and its quite a pain… How do i comment one on the fly while playing?

You can only sell all abilities at once. Then you have to gain 30or40k XP to get lv20 again. But you really dont need to. Its possible with every spec.

(GreasedScotsman) #56

Yes, it’s possible with any spec, but caltrops make it much easier. Since this was a thread filled with “it’s impossible” replies, I was going for tips that made things less difficult. Glad you were able to complete it.

In my case, I have 4 level 20s, one spec’d for each class. Going to use my remaining character slots for hybrids. :slight_smile:

(wolfnemesis75) #57

[QUOTE=GreasedScotsman;334760]Yes, it’s possible with any spec, but caltrops make it much easier. Since this was a thread filled with “it’s impossible” replies, I was going for tips that made things less difficult. Glad you were able to complete it.

In my case, I have 4 level 20s, one spec’d for each class. Going to use my remaining character slots for hybrids. :)[/QUOTE]

I am finishing up my 4th level 20 this week. I am also making Hybrids. I will also make a Universal Jack of All Trades type character. I have an idea on a build that will work.

(.FROST.) #58

Wow, you guys are pretty busy. I just stay with my jack of all trades. But on the other hand its getting boring to receive exactly 0XP each time you finish a mission. Maybe its really “time to start a new character”.

I haven’t choosen the caltrop grenade, since its not very effective against human players.

I’m not afraid to fall back a level due to selling my stuff, since you rank up pretty fast. If it would be possible, I would actually set my level back to 3 with my main character, in order to beat that damn challenge. I’m just not able to beat it with my lvl20 char and it makes me crazy. I achieved it with my lvl1 dummy char quite easily, but I’m not willing to try this freakin challenge furthermore, but something in me forces me to do it over and over again. Its like an itch you can’t scratch.

The best I achieved as a lvl 20 is a 74%repair of the generator.

And again, question; does your choosen average gameplay difficulty add to your rank? I chose hard. Maybe its the way SD punish such cocky guys like me. Maybe I should’ve been more humble and chose normal. I don’t know.

(FireWorks) #59

Can anybody advise me a good video guide? I got 28GB with fraps here in a couple of 2min files…

Its a ****ty tut but id like to show it to some others :slight_smile:

(GreasedScotsman) #60

FireWorks, render down that 28GB with something free like VirtualDub, Avidemux or, god help you, Winblows Movie Maker. If you have money lying around, there’s always Vegas or Adobe Premier.

For best quality, you’ll want to play with the settings… usually a 2-pass render when you get things finalized. Common codecs for encoding are XVid and DivX for AVI. From there, you can convert it to mp4, a more internet-friendly compression. Some software allows you to render straight to mp4.