2007 summer: first concept and dreams… http://www.splashdamage.com/forums/showthread.php?p=170275&postcount=337
2008. IV. 5.: started it; my first map
2008. IV. 14.: [original post, a bit altered] very first shot of my 0,5% complete very first map: danube
note it is in very (!) early stage of development… i planned it last summer to make, but as lazy as i am i couldnt get myself to actually start the work:) circa 1.5 weeks ago i opened radiant and made the first steps in a long long …
bridge is a mock-up for scaling reasons, i leave it there until the model getting there. square boxes are playersize brushes (72x36x36unit) :P. water brushes will get all faces but top caulked and compiled with reyalps priority version q3map2 but till that all face is water. thats why the ugly artifacts. clouds, sky, in general all textures, and anything, also just testing stage. many of the visible stuff on the pic will be removed or altered, but they are helping during the construction and experimenting.
the early drawing from last year.
i will do farplane culling, i rly hope its an omni-vincing magic fps-wise, enough on its own…
2008. IV. 19.-20.: second shots. map is not more than 5% (1-3?) complete. still most stuff on pic is temporary only (no phong, no blending, no foliage, no custom textures, complex brushwork instead of model and simple clip brushes, terrain shape, mock-ups, …).
right side: another one; now as the most essential core (temp., ofc) is in place, preparing it for bottesting
2008. IV. 20.-21.: installed omnibot, made basic script and arena file.
2008. IV. 24.: currently debugging script and will make waypoints for bots then. very rough underground path and sidepath have been made.
left: just a pic, right: had to rework the whole first part, dont want it to be a sniperfest afterall
2008. IV. 25.: expanded script to a wannabe fully featured one without ironing out the bugs in the simple one. lol. now its even more unworking mess. so currently working on it; and started making the textures.
2008. V. 29.: after an almost aw month complete pause (was busy in KO) now i’ve took it up again, and yesterday made the priority-water. now making the terrain shader and finalizing the plain-side terrain, and add foliage, trees, etc. after it will be the same following, at the mountain side. i also decided to scale up a bit the m. side.