All current ET mapping projects

(zedd) #361

I released a first beta of my map Rock Eyes :slight_smile:

The story :
The Allies Rock Eyes Base hides two Radars that gives a strategic View of the surrounding Mountains. The Axis must breach into the Base and destroy the two Radars. The Allies must protect the Radars at all costs!

You can look at some screenshots and download the pk3 here :

Feedback welcome !

Edit :
You can post feedback here :

(SPU9) #362

nice maop zeed…i sent feedback via email (maybe you should make a own forenthread for your map!)?

(stebbi67) #363

The screens look realy good. I will have to try this one.

(macbeth) #364

ZED was you yesterday on our server?
cuz a guy when we played this map telled us he was the map s Author

(zedd) #365

off topic, but yes, it was me :slight_smile:
(better post to the dedicated thread )

(esten1) #366

this is my project. :smiley: been working on it 2 days atm. (this is my first map so… :stuck_out_tongue: )

name: Last Breath B1 , last breath becouse allies must defend that big house untill their last breath :smiley:
i am maker one of my friends says what is cool to make, so i make that house 2x bigger. for those rocks and barracs i put trees make little forest. . and add some house, axis to hide.

axis mission is to attack and get house or destroy something in the roof. we thinking of mission still.
but my goal was that axis will attack ALL AROUND THE BUILDING. :slight_smile:
But ppl i rly need help on some things . plz add me to ur MSN if ur advanced mapper plz :slight_smile:
i still need help on how to make secand spawns like axis get flag and they spawn there. and mission how to destroy stuff. and other ittle things…
plz add me if u want help. ur name will be too on house somewhere :wink:

(Tweekzor) #367

Hi, i am new to this forums and i like to subscribe to your list too :smiley:
just enter me as tweekzor

finished maps:
Trigmap (a.k.a GST the bunker)
thats all :stuck_out_tongue:

work in progress:
currently i am working on a map i making for competition use

Allies spawn near a tank which they need to repair.
If they proceed without tank they can capture a forward bunker
if they drive the tank they blast a wall wich gets them an extra entrance to flag

then allies drive the tank further wich blast main gate of main bunker
wich allows them to go and steal the documents/radars (anything to take) didnt decide yet :smiley:

i will upload the finsihed map and screenshots of my new map (when it works) at

(Pande) #368

Pande here… am working on a capture type map… allies spawn at a dock and must capture various points in the city to claim it. Captureing all points finishes map and allies win, capturing 75 percent gets a win when the round ends. Still not sure how many points of interest there will be in total… currently there is a church (axis main spawn is in church graveyard, which has access to the churches upper areas.), radio tower (can be destroyed to maintain capture, but fixable by the axis), bank, subway station, military outpost, and second radio transmitter building (cannot be destroyed). City revolves around a main street with access to all the other areas, but at the top of the street is an axis MG outpost hidden in a shed next to the church. Things will be easy for allies at first, but when they need to start splitting up in numbers to maintain capture of the points, axis can get a hand back in the play as it is.

Current completion percent… I would guess at around 50%… a lot more needs to go into it but the outline for the city is done, and a lot of buildings made save for windows doors etc and details.

Fun factor and interactivity:

  1. An mortar strike will occur when allies have got 50% of the objectives captured. It will strike the center of the city, blowing a hole in the pavement which will create access to the underground bank passages (opening up more routes for axis counter attack) and blowing the corner of a building off to make a line of sight for allied snipers to take out the mg from the cliff by the sea. Snipers previously had to stand on the side of the cliff in plain sight, or go prone behind the truck.

  2. Secret rooms… there are a few mapper friends that have helped me a lot during this map and even more so in general… they will have secret rooms dedicated to them, and one Evil Lair for me ofc. :smiley: Inside the room will be some buttons… one rooms button will make an alien space ship fly around in the air… my room is a secret though… but a hint: it involves shader remapping :smiley: No secrets will affect gameplay.

  3. Exploding barrels… I plan to have some exploding barrels… if they get hit with a grenade at any point, it will create a huge explosion of shratnel killing any body near them (likely to be allies since that is where they will be) and one barrel will roll down the street, killing any one in its path. (maybe two barrels, if fps allows) There are other barrels around that wont roll down any streets, but will explode and kill anyone near them… be careful what you use for cover because it may be your death.

Map name hmm… I save it as CTT (capture the town) but I think the end map name will be Pierfront Assault. The name of the city is yet to come.

This is a first map for ET, only ever created one for JKA and it was small first map ever. So this map is my second map ever. I already crashed Radiant in file size a couple of times when i put 3 6mb models into it :D.

I’ll try and get screenies asap… but currently something is wrong with my map and lighting stage doesn’t happen… working through it.

(Tyrlop) #369

helllo its me TYRLOP! the proest player in the world. yes its true.

working on a map called Super Catapult, the name says it all, its simply about a catapult, and a castle. :slight_smile: ( guess what happends when you combine them)

allies have located an axis castle that they must conquer to show prove how “PRO” they are,
the only problem is that the castle is impossible to invade! the walls and gates are to thick to be dynamited. there is one big hole infront of the castle, and its impossible to build a bridge for such big hole while being under fire. but the allies are clever and had build a catapult, not to bombard the axis castle with stones, but to bombard the axis castle with their own soldiers!

ALLIES: catpure the flag and hold it for 30 secs, tip : use the catapult to shot yourself over to the castle
AXIS: defend the flag for 30 mins, tip : use mg42

well this is the link for the old version:

but im working on Beta 5 now!
here are some pictures:

(OLD PICTURE) allies small stronghold / outpost + catapult

Officers security room + security camera

decorations near axis spawn (spawn behind door)

Near axis spawn:

Climbing up the ladder, storage room with stairs and entrance from the yard.

Climbing even higher: Guards room, with food for the castle guards + ammo and good observation/camper spot, (might remind you of RTCW)

Radio room, near guardsroom (behind ammo)

as you can see BETA 5 is almost finished, i need to fix two rooms and allied base and some entityes then it will be finished, just need a little help, if you got anysuggestion for the map then you are welcome to post!

btw i got an empty room here: do you got any suggestion to what there should be inside?

im thinking of some beds and such. but im not sure, its just over the guardsroom.

(IndyJones) #370

well, compile with light is a must…

(Pande) #371

Yes first thing I noticed was the lack of shadows… other things from screenies:

  1. Painting is stretched, and is also 2d … put it on a box and wood tex the sides.

  2. Rock needs some work… outside castle… use multiple large peices of rock and to break it up, scale certain areas up a little while keeping the other parts normal. This will defeat tiling. The farther away it gets from a players closest possibility to get near it, the more you can scale it for better effect. One of my rock textures is scaled 4 times up, and looks great with no harm done.

(Tyrlop) #372

Light will come later. but the painting you talked about is actually OK, its not 2D its 3D, and its not stretched, just looks a bit wierd because i got 120Degrees field of view ingame. :slight_smile:

(Pande) #373

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. :smiley: how do u play like that ??!?!?

(Pande) #374

My CTT plan is aborted for now due to fps issues. On an empty localhost server (devmapped) and a good quality computer, the only time I hit the 90 fps cap is when I stick my player in a corner. 49 fps everyelse, and 30 on the main street looking up at the cathedral. I may finish it and release it at somepoint for really high end machines, but I will have to make it a snow map with foghull like I am doing for my EastFront map to make it playable. That will kill the gameplay fun with the MG42 at the top of the street and also really annoy players who don’t know the map very well. The distance down the street is essentially the whole map, so foghulling that distance wouldn’t help. I am gonna copy the buildings over for the EastFront map though, I put 6 months of work into that cathedral and I ain’t lettin that go to waste :smiley:

(IndyJones) #375

… compiled with vis?

(Yorrick) #376

Will be released in a few months I think.

NOTE: No light or specific detail has been added yet.

(0range) #377

unamed map, yet:

its the firtst part: allies have to gain a flag and blow up the control room for the doors to get inside the secret base in the mountain


(kamikazee) #378

@Yorrick: your screenshots hurt my eyes due to the amount of blur. Maybe they would show better if they were just brightened.

(Yorrick) #379

Yea I was just screwing around with photoshop. BEcause just ingame cfg looks even darker and crappier.

But you can see most stuff or not?

(kamikazee) #380

I see crates and strong tints of blue, and the lighting is a little bit odd.
Other than that, my eyes do start to tear when I try to focus on those images. Maybe that’s just me…