A private ranked server [etqw]

(zabas) #1

I have installed a PRIVATE Enemy Territory Quake Wars SERVER using my DSL internet connection through a router.
I have 1 PC CLIENT (W7 x64) + 1 PC SERVER (Linux DEBIAN) + ROUTER DSL.

I have noticed that my SERVER doesn’t show in INTERNET SERVER LIST in MULTIPLAYER mode.
I can see my SERVER in LAN but not in INTERNET.

I added my SERVER to GAMETRACKER.COM using my WAN IP address, and from there it’s ONLINE/OFFLINE if it’s running or NOT on my PC LAN SERVER, due it’s claimed for me and it is correctly detected by the site as a ETQW SERVER.

I can’t connect from my PC CLIENT using WAN access, ONLY LAN access!
My internet profile stats are correct buy they do not increase more when I play in LAN.

I need to know how can I make my SERVER a RANKED SERVER.
What do I have to do to be shown in INTERNET?

I have installed v1.5 full client with my ORIGINAL DVD FILES.
I am running etqw-dedicated v1.5 from this install files.

Thank U very much! :stroggbanana:

(Aristotle) #2

Private servers can NOT be ranked. For it to be a ranked server you have to go through a proper accredited host like gameservers, leetservers, or the few others who provide it. You can’t host a ranked server from your house.

(Dthy) #3

why get a ranked server, get unranked and play custom maps! :smiley:

(geppy) #4

[QUOTE=zabas;268342]I have noticed that my SERVER doesn’t show in INTERNET SERVER LIST in MULTIPLAYER mode.
I can see my SERVER in LAN but not in INTERNET.[/QUOTE]

Players aren’t likely to have good connectivity to your server, but there’s only one CVAR you need to change.

net_LANServer 0

You can type that into the console by hitting CTRL, ALT and TILDE (~) all at the same time (and then typing it into the console). To make the setting “stick”, you can put it in your server config if you have one, or you can use the following command in the console:

seta net_LANServer 0

(zabas) #5

w h y ???

(Crytiqal) #6

because you have to PAY for ranked, isn’t that obvious??

(Dthy) #7

to stop people padding and being general phat nubz

(Donnovan) #8

geppy post helped you, zabas?

I also have problems to make my private server appears on the internet server list.

(geppy) #9

[QUOTE=Donnovan;269628]geppy post helped you, zabas?

I also have problems to make my private server appears on the internet server list.[/QUOTE]

The only other thing that needs to be done is to make sure that it’s accessible to the outside world. Make sure you have the ports forwarded on your router and that your ISP doesn’t block them or anything like that.

(Crytiqal) #10

Ok, making a private server appear on the ingame server browser list.

I have had this problem aswell, where the server would only show in the LAN section, but not in the Internet section of the ingame serverlist.

To fix this problem I have to do the following:
>> Delete the current serverlicensecode.dat

Router -> CLOSE the port you use for the server (default=27733)
Dedicated server -> START the ded server and wait for it to create a serverlicensecode.dat
Router -> OPEN the port you use for the server (default=27733)

Now it should appear in the ingame browser.

(Donnovan) #11

Well, it’s not my topic but i need to say. Thankyou guys! :c)

New hope for Donnovan’s Coconut ETQW Custom Server.


(zabas) #12

I have located the file “serverlicensecode.dat”.
I will try it …

(zabas) #13

[QUOTE=Crytiqal;270188]Ok, making a private server appear on the ingame server browser list.

I have had this problem aswell, where the server would only show in the LAN section, but not in the Internet section of the ingame serverlist.

To fix this problem I have to do the following:
>> Delete the current serverlicensecode.dat

Router -> CLOSE the port you use for the server (default=27733)
Dedicated server -> START the ded server and wait for it to create a serverlicensecode.dat
Router -> OPEN the port you use for the server (default=27733)

Now it should appear in the ingame browser.[/QUOTE]

I have noticed that the file “serverlicensecode.dat” has changed its content and it’s different from the older file.
I have tested it and it doesn’t work for me. I see the SERVER only on LAN.

(zabas) #14

[QUOTE=zabas;347541]I have noticed that the file “serverlicensecode.dat” has changed its content and it’s different from the older file.
I have tested it and it doesn’t work for me. I see the SERVER only on LAN.

I launch the game using “./etqw-dedicated +exec server.cfg”
When the game starts, in the console, I type serverinfo and this it what I see:

unranked server 'MYINTERNETSERVER" IP =
protocol 10.21 OS mask 0x7
si_version = ETQW 1.5.12663.12663 linux-x86 May 9 2008 13:47:37
net_serverPunkbusterEnabled = 1
net_serverDedicated = 1
si_pure = 1
net_ip = localhost
net_LANServer = 0
net_LANForceAuth = 1

I do not understand why it doesn’t work because GAMETRACKER.COM manages it correctly!
I attach a pic of GAMETRACKER.

(Nail) #15

the server is on your network, it will only appear as LAN to YOU, everyone else will see it as Internet

(DrFunkenstein) #16

If I check the screenshot you posted, I see no server name and no IP address.

Dr. Funkenstein

(Verticae) #17

Considering the way the artifacts look, I’m guessing he blocked out the name and IP.

(Crytiqal) #18

Why would he do that?
The whole reason for setting up his server would be for people to join it right?

(sereNADE) #19

[QUOTE=Crytiqal;349558]Why would he do that?
The whole reason for setting up his server would be for people to join it right?[/QUOTE]

the plot thickens…

(zabas) #20

Sorry, but NO!
I tested with other ETQW users and friends from a external network and they don’t see my server and they can’t connect directly to my server using my WAN IP.

Thanks :slight_smile: