a feature I'd like to have in QW

(MastroLindo) #1

as an old clan leader of some games of the past(mostly tribes1&2) I’d like to have a special feature for the clan briefing because the teamplay is a very important element here to achieve victory.
I’d like to have the possibilty to show to observers(my team mates) my point of view in the map, having the possibilty to fly over it in every way(zoom,rotation,ecc) and to put labels, crosses, and other small signs in the battlefield. It would be nice also to save this “signed” map and show it to my mates in offline mode after giving them the recording.
To let me explain better what I am thinking, it would be nice to put a label “need a field ops here” over a hill, “use artillery here” over a enemy position, ecc
I think this feature will boost clan possibilities to prepare for clanwars, and I think it’s quite innovative too, because I haven’t see it many often in other games.
I don’t know if it’s difficult to do, but I don’t see a lot of problems, especially after what you have put in the rest of the game.
let me see what you think about it :smiley: just my 2 cents to contribute with a wonderful project

(Redh3lix) #2

Theres a similar sort of external program for BF2 and other games called ATC (Advanced Tactical Center) thats used very much by the competitive BF2 community.

The program is simple in nature yet effective in outlining battle plans both offline and online.

I very much doubt any developer would include such a program within their product, although as you say it would be useful. I’m sure Foolish Entertainment (above link) would offer coverage for ET:QW though and it is an excellent little program.

(Loffy) #3

Yo MastroLindo! Agree. Would be awesome if they incorporated that in the vanilla version of the etqw game. In fact, it would make the game even more of a “killer-application” in the world of multiplayer fps games.

(kamikazee) #4

And even if it’s not in yet, it shouldn’t be too hard for a mod to do this.

(TheKaiser) #5

Seems like a lot of developer work for something you can do with 5 minutes in IRC and 90% of players won’t use.

(DG) #6

I’d have thought this to be more the kind of territory for a modification tbh.

being able to shoot a flare gun might go some way towards the purpose (maybe with sv_flaretime 10000 or whatever), and could possibly have useful implications for actual gameplay (identify enemy camper, give a visual request for help etc). I got the impression though that ‘fieldops’ can issue some kind of sub-objectives involving the command map though.

(MastroLindo) #7

i assure you that make a strategy for 12 ppl and have all them listen,undestand,and do it good it’s not a thing u do 5minutes in irc,especially when high level of teamplay is needed.
And i don’t think it’s a lot of developer work since you only need an observer cam(already in), the possibility to label battlefield(not very difficult i think),possibility to save these labels/map to have ppl look on their own offline(similar to rec a demo?), and maybe(not stricly required) the possibility to have all ppl see your point of view when discussing online(quite similar to observe someone normally i think)
for “90% of players won’t use”, i agree, but maybe if it’s done well and is already in the game, ppl will use it

(Nail) #8

if it’s anything like ET, you can just photoshop/gimp the screens before compiling to avi, job done

(TheKaiser) #9

i assure you that make a strategy for 12 ppl and have all them listen,undestand,and do it good it’s not a thing u do 5minutes in irc,especially when high level of teamplay is needed.
And i don’t think it’s a lot of developer work since you only need an observer cam(already in), the possibility to label battlefield(not very difficult i think),possibility to save these labels/map to have ppl look on their own offline(similar to rec a demo?), and maybe(not stricly required) the possibility to have all ppl see your point of view when discussing online(quite similar to observe someone normally i think)
for “90% of players won’t use”, i agree, but maybe if it’s done well and is already in the game, ppl will use it[/quote]
So you’re in a clan where people won’t listen to the leader in IRC, but expect them to sit and watch him play a game and point stuff out on a map they’ve played many times over?

(MastroLindo) #10

admin control is a nice tool :chef: you have to discover it :chef:
and anyway I am not in a clan at this moment(i stopped netgaming years ago, and wondering if I could come back with qw)
anyway i still can’t understand why ppl have to complain about a feature in MORE.
don’t wanna use it? don’t use it.
A good answer could be that it’s difficult to do it, there isn’t time to make it good or something like that. I can’t see how a feature in more that doesn’t alter the gameplay in any way can ruin a game…it’s just a tool…
I just asked that because i think it’s more immediate for the leader to create a strategy in less time, and to ppl to understand it, instead read rows and rows on irc or forums

(TheKaiser) #11

I don’t see why people complain about little used, seemingly worthless features.

If they didn’t put it in because it’d be a waste of resources and delay the game even more, then go in and add it yourself for your own application. Why do people complain when developers don’t go out of their way and spend the extra 50 man hours programming a specific function for ME?

(MastroLindo) #12

can you quote were I am complaining? i just said “i’d like to see”, and as I already said, if a dev comes here and say that there isnt time/money/occasion to do this i won’t kill myself or spam in other forums “dont buy qw, they sucks!!!ONEONE”. I just don’t see the point for ppl to criticize an idea becase they won’t use it, instead of criticize it because it’s not a good idea, that’s all

(jimb0) #13

Well, I think it’s a bad idea. Not because “I wouldn’t use it” (although I wouldn’t), but because there are free “alternatives” which already give you plenty of room for discussion and planning.

On pickups this would be skipped by everybody, and on serious matches people should be willing to spend their time on IRC/teamspeak to have an strategy anyways:
If you have people willing to sit through that, why wouldn’t they do that on a separate serves, while they can talk about strategies? My clan did that all the time prior to RTCW CAL matches, and a feature like the one you proposed wouldn’t even come close to hoping into a server and following arguing over it with specs/players following the leader, “oldschool mode”.

I also think it’s something that would be too complex for a developer to pull to justify expending hours on that. I very much prefer them to waste time on MVD support and other demo features, for example, that many more people could use.

(TheKaiser) #14

You’re complaining by asking for a worthless feature that isn’t in any game for a reason :slight_smile:

Think -> post. In that order.

(carnage) #15

i question the woth of such a feature in the evolving nature of multiplayer games

as games are becoming more and more dynamic planning your defence may prove totaly wothless since there are many many different attacking styles and routes the enemy could chose and the sucess of a team may be decided on there abilty to adapt to a situataion rather then prepare for it

this though came to mind after looking at some of the features of the tool above and particualry markers saying things like flank enemy left here… what use is that if the enemy decides to take defencive positions futher back then you anticipated? ur well though out plant doesnt count for much then

perhaps deciding and disscusing the best combination of classes/weapons and more general routes and tatics would be useful but when you get to the point where ur saying place your artialy gun on this exact cordinate and fire on this exact cordinate ur perhaps make the team too ridgid and not dynamic enough to cope with the near infinate ways a QW map could play out (as mentioned in dev diary when talking about balance issues)

(Hakuryu) #16

I wish for a modified version of what he is saying.

After having gone back to WoW (since QW’s was pushed back), they have implemented this thing for leaders of party’s, in which they can set icons over the heads of enemies. Before attacking the leader can designate sheeps, saps, shackles, or whatever. Brilliant idea that works awesome.

Having something like this in Quake Wars would be both cool and usefull, but I’d like to be able to place icons anywhere. You could drop icons for routes, places you want mines deployed, or simply mark a hill you think an enemy sniper is camping. They would only be visible to your teammates (perhaps just to a squad sort of structure).

With the drive to get the US army wired, I don’t see this as being too far-fetched or reducing the realism factor. In the future soldiers might have just such a mechanism.

(carnage) #17

After having gone back to WoW (since QW’s was pushed back), they have implemented this thing for leaders of party’s, in which they can set icons over the heads of enemies. Before attacking the leader can designate sheeps, saps, shackles, or whatever. Brilliant idea that works awesome.

sort of like the bf2 spoted system? i though about how useful this would be in ET and often its just easier to shoot them urself but i sometimes think it would be cool if i could use my binoculars to mark a spot where i wanted a temate to place artialry

(MastroLindo) #18

nice post for a flame :slight_smile: now you have a +1, good move!!

good point. I agree with your thoughs, but i was just thinking about using this feature for focused explanations about some portions of the battlefield, not about the whole team strategy(that of course, it’s too dynamic), like setting the positions for the first minutes(aka transport troops here,take a turret there,ecc),not for the whole match.

nice idea :approved:

anyway it’s OBVIOUS that i prefer devs to take time on the main game,balance issues and maybe a demo. maybe i was misunderstood, but i just said that this could be a feature interesting to me when the game comes out, not THE feature that will decide if I buy it or not. I never pointed the question in that way.

(Nail) #19

as it’s easily done with an external program,I fail to see the need to have it in game

(Hakuryu) #20

I imagine it working like the bf2 spotted system, but using icons ala WoW. You would look through your binocs and have a chat-like list something like :

  1. Arty here
  2. Smoke here
  3. Suspected mines, reveal them covert

and after doing this an icon would appear on the land where you were looking, that is visible to your team or squad. I think the best usage of this would be if you saw a bunch of Strogg sneaking into your area and instead of just saying “incoming!” you could say it AND mark the area with an icon giving your team a visible clue along with your audible warning.