6on6 cup - confirm your team sign up please!

(riddicki) #61

is there going to be custom maps I vote no for them?

(acekiller345) #62

Go learn the customs… vanilla is boring.

(alphabeta) #63

Sad that we are failing to generate enough interest in this competition in a game that has such a fervent fan base. (See Happy Birthday thread.)

(Rex) #64

Right here! Just write your team + line-up and I will add them.

Personally I would appreciate custom maps (of course only such which are proven for 6on6 comp like Radar e.g.) and maybe a new vanilla map like Valley to bring in some variety. But the final map pool has been decided yet, so for now expect the usual 6on6 maps.

(rUBBEN) #65

team name : A bas le capitalisme
players : rub, sick, winnie, snot, tirok, clepech, axter, & some more

(CaliberWorkz) #66

How are you going to fit that in Clantag? :smiley:

(Dthy) #67

Wait till you see our name…

(Edzio) #68

Do you really believe that it will happen?

(Dthy) #69

Tbh im surprised people even signed up.

(Rex) #70

1 team to go! :slight_smile:

(CaliberWorkz) #71

Maybe there is a cup after all? :o :o

(power.nub) #72

this was a hoax. burn them alive

(Rex) #73


As the 2 weeks already expired long ago, I sadly have to announce that we won’t get the support from the organiser. The community failed to generate enough interest as we had only 5 teams within the 2 weeks and even now we still don’t have 8. :frowning:

Nevertheless we can still play, but we have to do everything on our own now.
I have never organised a cup nor I can this time, because I simply lack of resources like servers or stream support (due to my super low connection).
So I would need your help!

What we need:

[li]Servers NA and EU, I think TAW could be a great help here if they will provide them again as they ran the best servers during the last cup[/li]

[li]Twitch stream, someone who has a super fast upload and a decent PC, streaming experience not required but appreciated[/li]

[li]Casters, good tactical + scene knowledge or having fun to talk sh!t :tongue:, you don’t need to be a native speaker![/li]

[li]Admins, familiar with CB 6on6 rules[/li][/ul]

If you want to volunteer write in here or pm me.

(Edzio) #74

Imma so happy now


(cloudhalo) #75


[li]Twitch stream, someone who has a super fast upload and a decent PC, streaming experience not required but appreciated

[li]Casters, good tactical + scene knowledge or having fun to talk sh!t :tongue:, you don’t need to be a native speaker!


oooo i want to cast but i dont know how? is it through a team speak channel. im a great sh[t talker btw, altho my voice is somewhat girly:mad:

(Dthy) #76

Cast would be on any thing like Vent, Ts3, Mumble etc. If we have a TV server then you could sit on there with views and they could sit in your Vent/Ts3/Mumble and listen in (but be muted ofc)

(Rex) #77

At first let’s see if we can get the best, a twitch streamer. The caster would just simply join the stream. If we can’t get that, we have to switch to the worse version again with TS shoutcast which also means we have to get TV servers to run first.

(cloudhalo) #78

yes,b bmnmnm,m

(Dthy) #79

But TV servers are nicer that twitch though :tongue:

(Rex) #80

I prefer twitch, because the viewers can always see what the caster is talking about.