Your best DirtyBomb Meme?

(_Sniff_) #61

[quote=“GM_Radrodo;19855”][quote=“Sniff;19807”][quote=“blushHumdinger;19758”]This one is for @Oen and @GM_Radrodo

(Oen owned the GM hard last night :smiley: )[/quote]
Trolling GM’s is never not fun

I can’t believe you’ve done this ;3[/quote]
I’ll take it down if you let me have a signature on the forums. :wink:

(TstarKnight) #62[url=]via Imgflip Meme Maker

(AdmiralTeddy) #63

@Sniff too late, what was seen cannot be unseen (((((((((=

(_Sniff_) #64

(Thai-San) #65

Oh, we’re doing this meme now? I got one too!

(Ardez1) #66

(_Sniff_) #67

(APRenpsy) #68


(AdmiralTeddy) #69

@APRenpsy Should’ve added “THIS IS SPARTA!” with some epic music building up to it ((=

(APRenpsy) #70

I should have actually…

(APRenpsy) #71

Surprise MotherFuka

(flameChicken) #72

(watsyurdeal) #73

(RazielWarmonic) #74

HEY! Uh… Yeah, that’s exactly how we felt actually.

We’re ending it on the 21st, that’s when the final will be. We’ll start open beta series on the 5th of July. :slight_smile:

(Fleshpound) #75

(Reddeadcap) #76

Case Drops in a nutshell

(Runeforce) #77

(_Sniff_) #78

The Splash Damage accountant be like

(AdmiralTeddy) #79

How to counter AdmiralTeddy:
You don’t, he fckin sucks.

alternative method: pick shotgun

(AdmiralTeddy) #80

how i feel every time i get hit with an airstrike, i lay down out flat and cry